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Thread: would it be so wrong to...

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  1. #1

    would it be so wrong to...

    get a job at a pet store? i am against them because of the whole puppy/kitty mills thing, but i need to start working to get experience for when i apply to the "big" jobs. there is a pet store near my home that sells fish, rodents, birds, hamsters and small animals like that. i think they also had a dog and two cats for sale but the main thing are small animals. would it be so wrong to work at this place? i don't want to promote puppy or kitty mills. just curious to see what you guys think, so please give me your opinion. thanks

    “I like too many things and get all confused and hung-up running
    from one falling star to another till i drop. This is the night, what it does to you.
    I had nothing to offer anybody except my own confusion.”
    - Jack Kerouac; On The Road

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Minnesota, United States
    That can be generlizing things alittle much, alot of breeders sell there pups to pet stores, not all are puppy mills, I dont think its wrong to work there, you have to start somewhere.....

  3. #3
    If you work there, maybe you can make a difference! Not all pet stores get their animals from puppy/kitty/birdie mills. Some get them from breeders. I "would" work in a pet store with the intention of trying to make a difference. Good luck on you decision!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    Minnesota, United States
    I got my dog from a pet store, and the lady said they get all there dogs from breeders, she gave me his papers and everything. But I think I would enjoy working in a pet store.
    (Katie, you are the best!!! Thanks for my new sig upgrade!!!)

    Owner of the Oscar Meyer Weiner...Dog (Teddy)

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Minnesota, United States
    Originally posted by popcornbird
    If you work there, maybe you can make a difference! Not all pet stores get their animals from puppy/kitty/birdie mills. Some get them from breeders. I "would" work in a pet store with the intention of trying to make a difference. Good luck on you decision!
    Very True!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Windham, Vermont, USA
    I do not think it would be bad to work there, as you love animals, and would care about the ones at the store. You should go into the store a few times before then to see if the staff seems to care about the animals, and if the small animals for sale are healthy, and in proper-sized space, not over-crowded, etc. If this is the case, why not work there? It is a place to start!

  7. #7
    go with what your gut feels.

    I have been working in the pet retail industry for nearly for years now.
    One of the stores I worked for was a family owned and they had two stores, one that sold small animals and fish (no dogs or cats) and one that just sold the supplies. I was hired at the non-animal selling store, but, after being guilt tripped into it, I agreed to help out at the other store 2 days a week.
    Needless to say after two weeks I was just so uncofortable I just couldn't do it anymore.
    It made me sick to hear a little kid come in and say mommy mommy that bunny is so cute can we get it? And the mother or father giving the kid everything they want say okay, without even researching the requirements of what a bunny needs to survive.
    It made me sick to hear people bring back these dead bunnies in a box, saying I don't know why my kids bunny died a week after we got it. Then I find out it was an easter or birthday present for a two year old OR they had a gazillion other pets (like big dogs and snales in the house)

    I had to talk so many people out of buying pets spontaniously it was sick! I enjoy talking to people who love their pets and can get excited about their pets, not, DON"T BUY A PET FROM A PET STORE BECAUSE IT"S CUTE! It's a baby bunny of course it's cute! but what do you know about raising them?

    Or the one that made me even sicker... which is a girl and which is a boy! I want to teach my child the miracle of birth and the value of a dollar and sell these bunnies! ::eep::


    I couldn't do it, that was my gut. It made me sick.
    But, some people are okay with it. And still love animals and support rescues.

    So go with what your gut feels. And be prepared, you will have to deal with situations similar to mine. These things happen at every pet store. How would you handle them?

    Just some things to think about.

    "Never believe that a few caring people can't change the world. For, indeed, that's all who ever have."
    -Margaret Mead

  8. #8
    thanks for your feeback everyone

    the place is prganized like this. in the front, there is a cage with a dog inside. when you walk in, there are like 5 rows of all kinds of fish. then in the corner are cages of birds and then aquariums/tanks with rodents and rabbits. the place seems clean and not too crowded. on monday, i'm going to pass by afterschool with a friend. we'll find out if they need help. i just think this place would be great because its so close to home and involves animals.

    and i didn't mean to say that all pet stores are known for puppy/kitty/birdie mills, but how do i know which are or aren't just by seeing the store?

    thanks again

    “I like too many things and get all confused and hung-up running
    from one falling star to another till i drop. This is the night, what it does to you.
    I had nothing to offer anybody except my own confusion.”
    - Jack Kerouac; On The Road

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    happiness is a house full of cats
    i don't see anything wrong with it, if like Karen said, they are treated ok, if you need work experieince you have to start somewhere, and it would probably be fun.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    whereabouts in Canada are you again, prima?
    Owned by a demanding cat. Lol

  11. #11
    Originally posted by primabella
    on monday, i'm going to pass by afterschool with a friend. we'll find out if they need help. i just think this place would be great because its so close to home and involves animals.
    Since I have been a hiring manager before and this is gonna be your first job, I wanna give you a tip...

    Don't go in asking for employment with a friend. It looks horrible. Ask your friend to wait outside or walk around the store while you speak with the manager or owner.
    And don't just leave an application with some employee. When you turn in an application ask for the manager or owner, introduce yourself, shake their hand and if you can get a conversation started about why your interested and how you feel you can help, do it, it's a great foot in the door to show you are responsible.
    I know it's very nerve racking. even for adults going to interviews... oh, it can be so scary sometimes.

    I have an interview Monday for a position at a local humane society. I am SO nervous, even now, friday night. I REALLY want this job, it would allow me to move, it's a lot better pay than my last position (medical insurance, oh to have it again would be wonderful)
    And then to top it off, I have an interview on Tuesday for a doggy day care and that's just rattling me even more. AHHHHHH. I'm already shaking talking about it! :: okay, I'm done:: ::breathe, just breathe::

    "Never believe that a few caring people can't change the world. For, indeed, that's all who ever have."
    -Margaret Mead

  12. #12
    lalania - i'm in quebec

    brie - so it looks bad? i'm too nervous and shy to go in alone. maybe i'll get my friend to stand around in the back with the birds or something. i just want her in there with me! thanks for the tip. good luck at your interview! i'm sure it'll go fine

    “I like too many things and get all confused and hung-up running
    from one falling star to another till i drop. This is the night, what it does to you.
    I had nothing to offer anybody except my own confusion.”
    - Jack Kerouac; On The Road

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Oct 2000
    Oh, this is hard...I don't want to discourage you, BUT, as a few other here know, I am strongly opposed to ANY pet store that sells dogs or cats. Yes, many of these dogs and cats come from puppymills but many also come from so called "breeders," and NO reputable breeder would EVER sell their dogs/cats to a pet store...none! They care about their dogs, their puppies, who they go to and want to be assured that the dog is returned to them if the family no longer wants him/her. Disreputable, backyard breeders are no better than puppymills; just smaller in scale. And the fact that these dogs come with pedigree papers means nothing! One of the major issues dog lovers have with the AKC is that they promote and help to support puppymills by issuing "papers" to all pedigrees, even those from puppymills!! They are merely interested in the fees they obtain from issuing them. So many dogs and cats sold in petstores go home sick with untreated illnesses and are often returned to the store. Often these dogs are eunthanized by the pet store instead of treating them. I don't want to discourage you. I know you are the most responsible, caring, loving pet parent and animal lover and you have a heart of gold. Is there any possibility you could find a job in a pet store that does not sell dogs and cats? I'm not sure there is any way for you to find out truthfully where these dogs/cats come from. Perhaps by working there, in a sense "undercover," you can find out more, how they are obtained, see how they are cared for, what are the conditions attached at the time of sale, WHAT HAPPENS TO THEM WHEN THEY GROW TOO BIG AND OLD TO BE SOLD, and if you find them to be disreputable/if the conditions under which the animals are kept are unacceptable, you can leave. Up until recently, there were no pet stores here that sold dogs or cats. A Debbie's Petland (notorious for selling puppymill dogs) opened recently and it's been picketed/protested since it's opening. Do you have a Petco or PetSmart in your area? You'd be around a lot of smaller animals and you'd be there to see the great work they do in helping to adopt out dogs. Most of the Petco's and PetSmart's allow rescue groups to come in on weekends with their rescue dogs for adoption/"Meet the Dogs" days! Whatever you decide Prima, I wish you luck!!!

    Star,Tigg'r , Mollie and the10 Gallon Gang!

    And my Rainbow Bridge Furangels...Jingles, Cody, Fritz, Chessa, Satin, Buddy, Lizzie, Oliver, Squeaker, Moonbeam, Rosie, Ruby~

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Long Island, NY, USA

    I agree in different ways with everyone who has posted.
    My dad's friend was a GSD breeder (who passed away a few months ago ), and that is where we got Lady (Although please be aware I am against buying from breeders, if I was not three years old at the time I would have convinced them to adopt from a shelter). Anyway, he never sold to pet stores. I do not think many breeders do. Puppy and kitty mills sell to pet stores. I went to PetCo once to get treats for Lady, Sally, and Floppsy. Well I looked around at the Bettas, it was disgusting! The poor things were swimming in such dirty bowls! I know lots of people are all for PetCo, but I do not like the one near us at all, because they do not know how to care for their fish (My dad told me some fish were lying there dead, and the water was brown). Another BAD pet store was BJ's Jungle or something like that. It was the worst thing I had ever seen in my life. I swear to you, there was flies everywhere, even in the fish tanks! It was a very small store, about the size of my room, and sold fish, birds, and rodents. The rats were very skinny, and did not look healthy at all. Neither did much of the pets there. Fortunately, that store was closed down a few months ago. I hope they never go back in business, it was just horrible.
    OK, back to you. As long as you see that the pets are healthy, and the other staff seems to be nice to them and care for them, I think you should go for it. I mean, it's not exactly promoting puppy/kitty/whatever mills, it's not like you are buying one. You are a teen, you need the experience. I would take it, as long as it was not one of the two places I talked about above (But I bet your PetCo is much better). (I've found that PetLand is a great place) But most importantly, I think you should do what you feel you want to do. Good luck.
    Last edited by RockyRoad; 03-16-2003 at 11:01 AM.
    Mom to Ethan, Sophie and Sansa

  15. #15
    Originally posted by FloppsyLadySally89

    I agree in different ways with everyone who has posted.
    My dad's friend was a GSD breeder (who passed away a few months ago ), and that is where we got Lady (Although please be aware I am against buying from breeders, if I was not three years old at the time I would have convinced them to adopt from a shelter). Anyway, he never sold to pet stores. I do not think many breeders do. Puppy and kitty mills sell to pet stores, especially (shudder), PetCo. I went there once to get treats for Lady, Sally, and Floppsy. Well I looked around at the Betas, it was disgusting! The poor things were swimming in such dirty bowls! I know lots of people are all for PetCo, but I do not like them at all, because they do not know how to care for their fish (My dad told me some fish were lying there dead, and the water was brown). Another BAD pet store was BJ's Jungle or something like that. It was the worst thing I had ever seen in my life. I swear to you, there was flies everywhere, even in the fish tanks! It was a very small store, about the size of my room, and sold fish, birds, and rodents. The rats were very skinny, and did not look healthy at all. Neither did much of the pets there. Fortunately, that store was closed down a few months ago. I hope they never go back in business, it was just horrible.
    OK, back to you. As long as you see that the pets are healthy, and the other staff seems to be nice to them and care for them, I think you should go for it. I mean, it's not exactly promoting puppy/kitty/whatever mills, it's not like you are buying one. You are a teen, you need the experience. I would take it, as long as it was not one of the two places I talked about above. (I've found that PetLand is a great place) But most importantly, I think you should do what you feel you want to do. Good luck.
    Actually, Petco doesn't sell dogs and cats at all! At least the one in our area doesn't. They only have adoption day every now and then and bring some kitties for adoption from shelters, but they don't sell their own. They do sell birds, hamsters, rats, fish, and other small animals, but the ones at our Petco are VERY well take care of. The fish section is SO beautiful. Nice and blue. I could stay there for hours watching the fish, and I've never seen a dirty tank. I don't know where all these bad Petco stories come from, but I guess our city just happened to have a good one. Out Petsmart is the one that I'm not too fond of though. The birds always look tired and I've never seen them active. I hope they're healthy. I did complain to a worker about them and he said he'll have them checked by a vet, but don't know if he did. I personally like Petco, but I like the one here. I don't have a clue about others. I did go to Petco in Nevada once, and that one was good too. I've only had good experience with Petco. With such a big chain store throughout the country, there is no doubt that there WILL be bad stories here and there, but I don't shudder at the thought of Petco. In fact, its my favorite store to go to! As long as the pets at our Petco are happy and well taken care of, I like to go there. It makes me happy.

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