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Thread: Easter Bunnies Need Home

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2001
    Ann Arbor, MI USA

    Easter Bunnies Need Home

    Our rabbit sanctuary in Michigan and local humane societies are facing an epidemic of receiving unwanted bunnies now that Easter has passed.

    If you have ever considered adopting one of these delightful and charming companions, please do so now. Every bunny deserves a chance for a good home and a good life and the sanctuaries can only do so much. Rabbits are small, quiet, love to play and have a great sense of humor. Getting down on the floor and making friends with a bunny is an incredible experience. You won't be sorry.

    Let me know if you have any questions regarding being a bunny parent and I'll be happy to answer you.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2001
    Greenville, SC, USA
    I don't have room for a bunny, but isn't it sad that Easter does this to us? Sort of goes against the whole principal of Easter, doesn't it? I'm just glad there are people like you out there, working so hard to find loving homes for these homeless bunnies.

    I have many good friends in rescue and this is "puppy season" very sad to know that there are so many out there who got puppies for Christmas, and then decided they didn't have time for them.

    Every single one that we save is blessed though. Just count them, one at a time.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2001
    Ann Arbor, MI USA
    Logan, Thanks for the nice words. It's hard doing what we do and not get discouraged.

    Bunnies are one of the most maligned of pets. Most people think they are just blobs with no personality. And to some extent I suppose they are right..they're just happy being a bunny and doing their own bunny thing. However if you take the time to interact with one and gain their trust the rewards are great....I just wish folks understood that.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Born in Scotland, live in England UK
    I am saving up all of my money for a flight to the USA to take all of the bunnies back here to live with me. lol, could you imagine, I don't think Bunny would be to happy with the situation do you?

    She would honk at me in disapproval!!
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  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2001
    Ann Arbor, MI USA


    We'd LOVE to have you come over and I am SURE Bunny's nose would get out of joint, no pun intended!!! Bunnies are territorial so I imagine you would have quite a tussel on your hands, but you wouldn't get bored!

  6. #6

    bunnies and dogs?

    Just a quick question.. I would LOVE to have a bunny, but I have a 5 month old Akita/Chow mix puppy (pic attached) who is quite territorial with other dogs. She has never bothered my birds (I have four), but I worry about a bunny being loose in the house and the disaster that could happen if I didnt watch them constantly... any ideas?
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  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Born in Scotland, live in England UK
    Hi Kathay

    Welcome to Pet Talk.

    I have read in books that dogs can ajust to having rabbits, but it does take time though. if you get a bun I would supervise them very closely together to see how your dog takes to it.

    I have 4 rabbits and when ever dogs come over to the house it drives the rabbits nuts, they get really scared, the dogs dont take to kindly to the rabbits either, it is a mutal thing.

    Let us know what you decide.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2001
    Ann Arbor, MI USA
    Hi Kathy, welcome to Pet Talk.
    I'm afraid I am fairly pessimistic when it comes to combining dogs and bunnies. I know we all have seen pictures of them sleeping next to each other or one giving the other a bath, but in our experience at the rabbit sanctuary it's been a lousey mix. I think it greatly depends on the dog's needs to be calm and laid back. Buns are naturally frightened of dogs (Danger, danger, that dog is gonna eat me for dinner!!!), so buns usually will react by running away....and that in turn entices the dog to chase the bunny and then usually someone gets hurt or accidently killed, and it's not the dog.
    An older dog might accept a bunny but I doubt a young puppy would.

    As Heather suggested, you would have to introduce them very slowly (with the bunny preferably in a cage) and let them get used to each other. Then when you are comfortable that the dog won't get crazy, introduce them making sure each knows it's loved and your favorite, etc. You would have to closely supervise them they WHOLE time they were out together. Sometimes dogs just get notions and react and then it's way too late. Plus it is really unnerving for the bunny to be around something so large, that looms over them.

    I think most bunny owners will tell you the BEST way to get to know your bunny and for him to know you, is for you spend a lot of time on the floor, down at the buns level...they feel safer there because they can flee; many buns do not like to be picked up at depends on how you handle your bunny in the first few months of ownership and plus each bunny is different.

    I'm sure this is way more than you wanted to know but hopefully this will give you a better idea on whether or not adding a bunny to your family would work for you. Don't get me wrong, buns are WONDERFUL pets...they are charming, inquisitive and very amusing but they are also delicate, etc. etc etc......

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Born in Scotland, live in England UK
    Good advice there Daisy!

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