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Thread: Ok, now I'm really confused.

  1. #1

    Ok, now I'm really confused.

    Hi Friends,
    Last night as I was doing roll call before bed, I couldn't find Specs, Boo or Pigeon, although I knew that wherever Boo was, Pigeon would be close by. (Boo is her man. ) Well, I found all three of them in my office, on the sofa, all snuggled together, sound asleep. Ok, I've been posting about Specs bad behavior towards Boo and how Specs is spraying. When I spotted them, Specs jumped down from the sofa and took off, as though he would be punished. (No way. Only when he sprays or picks on Boo.) I don't know what to make of this. Is Specs trying to get close to Boo or was he infringing on Boo's territory? I just don't know. I wanted to post last night about it but I was so tired that I just went straight to bed. Any help that anyone on PT can give me would be greatly appreciated.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Hi! I bet you were stunned to seeing the fueding kitties all piled in a heap!! That is wonderful!! Maybe next time you see that, you can say(esp to Specs): GOOD KITTIES!! How wonderful that you were all sleeping together to keep each other warm!! Specs really needed to know that he was NOT in trouble and positive reinforcement was what he needed to hear. I would have gone after him and let him know all is well and he was a GOOD BOY(next time). I have a few cats that do not get along, and when I see them in a heap or side by side, I think WHEW, this is so good!!!
    They are amazing creatures, but can they drive us crazy or what!! Hope your gang will get along better!!! Sandra
    Nine is Fine!!

  3. #3
    Actually, I did do that. I said "Specs, it's ok. You're a good boy!" but he wasn't sticking around long enough to find out whether I was serious or not. And I was too tired last night to chase him down. Today he's back to his bad self, picking on Boo again but taking off like a rocket when I come anywhere near him, the brat. I'll keep you posted.


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    How old is Specs? Neutered? What kind of health is Boo in?? Sandra
    Nine is Fine!!

  5. #5
    Specs is approx. 5 years old. He was a rescue and the vet thought him to be about 2 1/2 at the time. Yes, he's neutered. Boo is 15 and in good health, neutered also, just tired of being picked on.


  6. #6

    Cats are so weird.... Mine is a MEOWER...

    I have a MEOWER kitty and she can get on my nerves but I have no clue how to make her stop meowing except to PLAY with her, FEED her, or CHANGE the litter box for her, OR pet her.... Duh. But she will meow for food from the bedroom and then meow for play in the kitchen... I imagine she is too old to change now! SHe is about 6 yrs old. I can hear her MEOWING when I walk outside... from a couple doors down! She is loud and I am afraid when I try to move I may have more sensitive neighbors that complain!

    I love her so much and figure I just need to give her more attention and pry myself off this computer MORE often!!! ---Sylvi
    See KITTY ART by SylviAnn


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Sometimes if the older cat is not well, the others will pick on them, but since Boo is ok...just wonder....
    I love talkers. We have Nicholas, he is my husband's cat. Nicholas MUST have some Siamese /Oriental in him. He LOVES to play ball and that is why Barry exists, solely to play ball with Nicholas!! Sandra
    Nine is Fine!!

  8. #8
    Maybe Specs suddenly decided he has a crush on Pigeon and wants Boo out of the way?

  9. #9
    If that's the case, I pity Specs. Pidge LOVES Boo Bear and Boo Bear LOVES Pidge. I'd have a real war on my hands!


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