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Thread: Rolling in smelly things...!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2000

    Rolling in smelly things...!

    Dogs love rolling in smelly things...preferably something that's a long time dead & decaying! Our dainty little tibetan spaniel is no exception. She finds an 'interesting' smell and rolls in it like a little fat golden ball with 4 legs sticking up in the air. The following 'horrible smell' cleaning tip came from another dog site:


    This even works on skunk. I didn't believe it until my very hairy German shepherd tangled with a "kitty". Here's what you do:

    1. Using a spray bottle and bottled lemon juice, spray the dog and rub into the coat. This will help break down anything greasy or oily that may be in your "mystery stuff".

    2. Bathe the dog with your favorite doggy shampoo.

    3. Get out your bottle of mouthwash (I am not kidding).Rinse the dog with mouthwash, let it stay in the coat for a few minutes, and then rinse with water. Dry the dog thoroughly.

    Good luck! Soon your pup will be smelling much better!

  2. #2
    Thanks for the tip on the lemon juice. Yes, I beleive U on the mouthwash. Have used both mouthwash & toothpaste when we were caring for a older poodle that had trouble messing herself at night - works good on the hands also. Really takes the odor away!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2000
    Wichita Falls, TX U.S.A.
    Thank you Barb!!!

    Gee, I wish I had of known that last year in July when my mom, me and Graham went on our "girls week out"! It was about a 5 or so hour car trip and then we had a 2-3 hour (don't remember how long now) fairy boat trip to our final destination. Rarely does Graham roll in gross stuff but, as luck would have it, 20 minutes before we were planning on leaving on the big trip, Graham found something SO offensive and rolled in it without me knowing about it. When he came back to the front door.......oh my gosh....not only did he smell like rotton dead animal, but he had this oily stuff all over his head and neck. I washed him about 10 times before we had to leave and he smelled so bad I could almost not stand it! I tried doggie shampoo, leaving it in his coat for 5 minutes or luck. I then tried dish soap (it's supposed to cut grease) and that did not get the smell or oil out. Then I tried washing him again with doggie shampoo with baking soda mixed in, no luck...I washed him 8 or 9 more times before we had to leave, no luck with anything! It was the roughest long car trip I have ever taken! Then the fairy boat trip was a mess because it was FREEZING and we had to huddle together for warmth...that dog stunk beyond belief! He smelled the whole trip, especially after he swam in the lake. I am planning on another "girls week out" vacation this July, I printed out your instructions in case something like that happens again this time

    Again, THANK YOU!


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2000
    Salisbury Plain, UK
    Lemon juice I knew about but mouthwash?...Brilliant! Thank you soooooo much. I have to confess to being a terrible grotty bag about this sort of thing - in case you haven't noticed (I think most of you have) I do expect dogs to behave themselves at all times. To compensate I think it's just as important to give them some real dog time every day - off lead and do what you want, as long as I can see you sort of thing. The kids aren't allowed to touch them or tell them to do anything and the only thing I do is the occasional whistle to make sure they are aware of the direction we are walking in.
    This means I spend several seconds looking on, smiling, thinking how happy that dog looks as it rolls in ectasy in something that died at least four weeks ago before I remember that I have a husband that is going to give birth when he smells it! So thank you again - don't know how I'm going to explain taking copius amounts of lemon juice and mouthwash with me though!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2001
    San Diego, California USA
    I haven't come across that yet, but my daughters Schnauzer came across a skunk in their backyard and got sprayed. The Vet told her to give her a bath in tomato juice. Has anyone heard that before?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Windham, Vermont, USA
    Oh, yes - that is the traditional remedy I grew up with. My first dog got tomato juice baths more than once. The secret is, of course, to keep some tomato juice handy - as you don't want a skunk-smelling dog waiting while you go to the store! It worked pretty well, not completely, but the skunk smell was very faint after her bath, and completely gone in a day or so.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2000
    That's interesting about the tomato juice, jackiesdaisy. Tomato juice is acidic like lemon juice, so I guess either could be used in the first step of attacking the smelly smell. The acid must dissolve the actual smelly substance that's on the dog. The shampoo must then wash off the loosened substance. Then the mouthwash must overpower the lingering odour.
    I'm so glad we don't have skunks here in australia. But the dogs just love rolling in dead things...
    That's also a good idea sammi gave about the toothpaste.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2001
    Greenville, SC, USA
    Mine stunk to high Heaven when they rolled the possum around the yard last summer. Yuck!!
    I just took a wet wash cloth and washed their faces real good!
    But you guys have great suggestions in case we get into something worse!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2000
    Westminster, MA, USA
    Daisy here. I dunno why you hyoomins are complainin' 'bout all the fun stuff to roll in. We live next door to two horses. They make some fun stuff to roll in! But Mom wrinkles her nose at me and always washes it off right away before I can show it off to my friends. Now, you think we doggies smell funny? You hyoomins smell pretty weird too! I've seen ya, spraying on gross smelly stuff! What's it called again... perfoom? The only difference is we don't roll in OUR smelly stuff! That's why I love my Mom, she doesn't wear that smelly stuff cuz it makes her sneeze. But her sisters do, they take bottles of the smelly stuff and spray it all over 'em. So WE'RE the weird smelling ones? Ha!
    Slobbery Kisses,

    [This message has been edited by Daisy's Mom (edited February 21, 2001).]

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Oct 2000
    Connecticut, USA
    I wish I had that remedy this summer. my dogs killed two skunks and all three got sprayed. And Zeus got sprayed about 5 times

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Feb 2001
    Peoria, IL USA
    My dog Duke sniffs and rolls on my husband's socks when he gets home from work..(off of course). I laugh and tell him that Dukie thinks his feet smell goooodddd....

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    Sweet Home Alabama (ZULU -6)
    quote by nursie
    My dog Duke sniffs and rolls on my husband's socks when he gets home from work..(off of course). I laugh and tell him that Dukie thinks his feet smell goooodddd....
    LOL, I can see the whole scene. That's great, I needed a good laugh
    Last edited by kokopup; 07-14-2009 at 08:22 AM.

  13. #13
    My RB's Charmin, Daisy and Heidi couldn't wait to roll in the neighbor's manure as soon as I brought them home from the groomer's. I learned to carry them in right quick, except Heidi. She was a border collie and too big to carry.

    "Time and unforeseen occurrence befall us all." Ecclesiastes 9:11

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Usually in my own little world...
    Quote Originally Posted by nursie View Post
    My dog Duke sniffs and rolls on my husband's socks when he gets home from work..(off of course). I laugh and tell him that Dukie thinks his feet smell goooodddd....
    LOL!!! I am glad somebody posted on this topic so I could read it today. This was gave me a much needed laugh! Ohhh how our pets love us.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Methuen, MA; USA
    And after they have rolled in . . . whatever, they look so proud and happy: "Look what I accomplished, Mom - and hey, NO HANDS!"

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