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Thread: Calling all moms (and grandmoms)....

  1. #91
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    Middle TN, United States
    Wow! Kim just heard the news! This is wonderful! You, Corinna, and me are all having grandbabies. I say we are all very lucky women.

    We are all going to do just fine as grandmommys. Kim, you will love it!

    Congratulations to you and your hubby on becoming grandparents!!


    Thank You, kittycats_delight for my new siggy!!!

  2. #92
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    Tabbyville, PA
    Guys, we keep asking her HOW she didn't know, especially when it started to look pretty obvious this past week that she's pregnant. I have the feeling in the next few days she'll really start to "pop". I'm going to ask her if we can take a photo to save in her scrapbook just how she looked when she realized she was pregnant... which isn't all that much! We thought she might be around 3-4 months along because it really is just a puffy belly right now. I swear to you, when my family saw her this past Sunday, they had no clue. She was showing enough that we noticed but nobody else did. And it wasn't like she sat on the couch - she was on the floor playing with their toddlers and chasing after them, etc.

    She was in some serious denial. I have the feeling if we didn't confront her, she'd have gone about thinking she just got fat and then woke us up on June 27th saying she's got appendicitis or something. I'm telling you that a part of her doubted it even after we heard a heart beat. You should have seen her face when the ultrasound tech showed the first glimpse of the baby on the screen.

    As for adoption, the doctor brought it up, she considered it for a few hours until she saw the baby in the ultrasound. I told her that she needs to decide what SHE wants and that we'd be behind her 100% whichever way she chose. She chose to keep the baby (which thrilled hubby to no end.... oh by the way, hubby is as excited as I am now that we're over the initial shock) Believe me, this baby will never want for love and attention. Just because its a complete surprise and to a teen mother does not mean he's (or she's) unwanted.

  3. #93
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Geneva, IL
    Quote Originally Posted by catnapper
    As for adoption, the doctor brought it up, she considered it for a few hours until she saw the baby in the ultrasound. I told her that she needs to decide what SHE wants and that we'd be behind her 100% whichever way she chose. She chose to keep the baby (which thrilled hubby to no end.... oh by the way, hubby is as excited as I am now that we're over the initial shock) Believe me, this baby will never want for love and attention. Just because its a complete surprise and to a teen mother does not mean he's (or she's) unwanted.
    Even though this situation is less than ideal, with the kind of love and support you and your hubby are offering, your step-daughter as well as your grandchild can have a happy and fulfilling life. This may not be what she wanted for this time in her life, but with your guidance and help, she has a good chance of seeing her life unfold in a positive way. Kudos to you and hubby for being willing to help her regardless of the poor choices she may have made.
    *Until one has loved an animal, a part of ones soul remains unawakened.* Anatole France

  4. #94
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Wow Kim I just have to say that you are an amazing stepmom. Your step daughter is so lucky to have you. With all of that love and support, that's one lucky baby.

    I know of a girl who didn't know she was pregnant until she went into labor. She was probably in some serious denial, but she did have her period the whole time, so I know it's possible. (((hugs))) to you and your family.

  5. #95
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    Cincinnati, Ohio USA
    Quote Originally Posted by catnapper
    Believe me, this baby will never want for love and attention. Just because its a complete surprise and to a teen mother does not mean he's (or she's) unwanted.

    Now, THAT is what I am talking about folks!!! Major LES!

  6. #96
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Northern Colorado
    I'm not a Mom or Grandmom....but I just wanted to offer my wishes for a healthy little baby in 2 months!
    You are gonna be the youngest Grammy on the block! Congratulations, Grandma!

    Many thanks to Roxyluvsme13 & k9krazee for my great new siggy!!
    *click* Kirk's Recovery Thread *click*

  7. #97
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Ohio, USA
    I've been following these threads Kim and I have to say I'm the one in shock this morning! When I seen your siggy that said 13 weeks till the baby I thought "woah, what did I miss?" I would have never thought she was that far along by the look of the pictures I seen. It's really a good thing you pushed her into having a test.

    I'm very happy to hear that you and your husband are being so good about this, not a lot of parents do. Congratulations grandma! A baby is better than a puppy anyway

    Huney, Bon & Simba-missed so very much
    Remembering all the Rainbow Bridge Pets

  8. #98
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    SE La.
    My daughter got pregnant at 17. The way she found out was she had gone with a friend to get the depo shot and they do a pregnancy test first. We didn't find out for several weeks and when we did, she wasn't upset about being pregnant, she was upset about disappointing her daddy. I was really upset about it at first, but that was very shortlived. My husband was just about devastated and suggested abortion right of the bat, but I told him there was no way in hell that she would do that. Friends suggested adoption, but I knew that she wouldn't consider that either, she loved kids. Anyway, after all the initial shock wore off, everyone was excited. The scarest part for us was telling my husbands parents, this would be their first great grandchild and my husband is the youngest of five kids.
    THe father of this baby said he wanted to be a part of his life and paid to have a DNA test done to prove it was his. Needless to say, we've not heard from him since Christmas of 04.
    She met a really good guy, actually they met right after her 17th birthday, but the boy was 21 and her daddy said NO!!! Then of course she was sneaking around with another 21 year old. Anyway, this new guy came back around when she was 3 months and has been with her ever since. In fact they got married in Oct. 04.
    As far as school goes, I don't know how it works where you live, but here the doctor sent a note stating when the last day would be that she could attend school. After the baby was bron, they sent a teacher out to the three days a week until she was able to attend regular classes. She graduated with her class and then landed a good job at State Farm Ins., been there almost two years.
    So as bad as the situation may seem, sometimes things do work out. My daughter and son in law started to paperwork for my son in law to adopt my grandson. The law here says that after 6 months of no contact, the biological parent loses his rights and in this case it's been over a year.
    So, toes and fingers crosses, if all goes well, by the middle of April, my son in law will be named as his father on the birth certificate. Right now, the father is listed as unknown because she didn't want the real fathers name on it. So, good luck with everything and believe me when that baby gets here, you'll wonder what you ever did without him/her. I keep my grandson 5 days a week/ten hours a day.
    Sorry if it seems like I'm babbling, but that's the short version of my story.

  9. #99
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    I'm going throught the same thing right now my husbands daughter is 14 and pregnant....But there is nothing we can do she was in denial until she realized that she had to grow up over night but what can ya do? you can only raise them the best you can they think they are wise enough with there desicions and they have to live with them....

  10. #100
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    I want to apologize im glad for you and your New Bundle of joy,Just with me she is 14 that is young and me and my husband will be raising this child she is 14 what would she do? and i forbid her to go on welfare ar anything like that in life i dont believe in "The easy way out" Im sure it will be better in time but what can ya do?she is having the baby next month im terrified for her i really am,I have 2 kids also 4 and 1 so i look at that too they will be growing up together im not in the best of moods about mine right at the moment i just wanted so much more for her

  11. #101
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Fort Wayne, Indiana
    Wow Kim.... I miss one day of work and look what I find!

    Truly a rollercoaster as I see she is definitely pregnant, then with twins and now NOT twins! (I, too, had to pick myself up from the floor when I read twins!)

    By the way, as has been alluded to in previous posts, twins do not always skip a generation. I have identical twin sisters, one of my twin sisters has fraternal twin girls. Another sister (not a twin) has identical twin boys and one of those boys and his wife are pregnant with twins!!!!! That's correct, 4 sets of twins in my immediate family!

    Congratulations on many counts Kim! First, being a Grandmother! Second, a new potential bonding situation with your stepdaughter! Third, being a strong person (probably stronger than I could ever be in such a situation!)!!!

    I admire you for the strength that you have shown through all of this. I am sending many prayers and positive thoughts for a good meeting tonight (whatever the results may be). And for a happy and healthy new addition to your family.

  12. #102
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    I'm not sure, what day is it? ;-)
    I'm happy to hear Hubby is excited. Seeing as how he was so protective of his eldest daughter and in a certain amount of denial himself, it's good to see he hasn't turned on her, but then again, he's your Hubby, Kim, so I knew he'd be loving and supportive too.

    I'm also glad to hear that slow but sure reality is setting in for her. It's too bad the bf didn't take it all better, but I don't think you really expected anymore from him, and unfortunately, this is the wrong time for your daughter to find out the true side of him.

    I find it hard to believe that in this day and age the kids and teachers at her school are so cruel! I'm sure that this is partially responsible for all her denial.

    Just wanted to add.....a good source for baby stuff here in Chicago is Freecycle. Not sure if they have one in your area, but it's a Yahoo group where everything posted is free. Quite often I see baby clothes, strollers, play pens, etc offered there. Also Craigslist is a good place to find used items of all kinds. Can't say as I've ever done a search for baby items but I'm sure they have lots.

    Wonder how all the kitties are going to react to a baby being around?
    Spring 1986 - Dec. 11, 2004
    RIP Big Boy
    Fall 1988 - Jan. 24, 2007
    RIP Snotty Girl
    Fall 1997 - Oct. 6, 2012
    RIP Sweet Monkeyhead Girl

  13. #103
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    Tabbyville, PA
    Today's uppydate

    We bought some paint for the nursery today. I have no idea what the bedding and such will be -- especially since we don't know if its a boy or girl -- but its a pretty robin's egg blue that if its a girl will have pink & purple flowers painted on top, if its a blue, all the trim and such will be painted blue with whatever design we decide on. Hubby is DETERMINED she'll keep the baby in her room with her... I am DETERMINED the baby needs a nursery all their own. So guess who's going to be painintg a nursery while someone else is at work? Once its done, what can he say?

    As for knowing whether its a boy or girl? We will not know until it comes screaming into the world. We apparently missed the window by a week or so. The baby is now too big and scrunched up. Right now, the names she's thinking of are some real winners and I told her to get a little more traditional because everything she's picking out is REALLY trendy and sounds as if a teenager named the baby (which is what she is) but you don't want to do that because he/she is going to have that name for life and she won't always BE a teenager.

  14. #104
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    New Hampshire
    oh...we should have a baby pool!!!
    I love Fenway, JoJo, Olivia and Nonnie!

  15. #105
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Chicagoland, IL
    Quote Originally Posted by elizabethann
    oh...we should have a baby pool!!!
    What's a baby pool?


    "Ladies, we need to stop comparing men to dogs. Dogs are loyal!" Wanda Sykes

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