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Thread: Tiger's Home! 'The butter incident!'

  1. #61
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    British Columbia
    [QUOTE=jenn_librarian]How's Tiger doing?? Hope he's breathing a little easier!

    Gentle hugs sweetie boy![/QUOTE

    He's hanging in there. The following morning after his prednisone injection, he was in rough shape again. Wouldn't eat, wouldn't drink. I tried everything and he was so miserable. My vet who did the surgery called to see how he was doing and he suggested that I take him back to my local vet and get a depo shot, a steroidal injection that could last up to 4-6 weeks in his system. So, after work yesterday we took Tiger for yet another car ride, poor guy. We got there at 5:25p.m. and they took him to the back, gave him his shot and it only cost 10.70. They already got me on the exam part the day before. But even then, they only charged me a 'brief exam' fee which was 30.00 something dollars. They are really great there. The vet only wanted to give him a 10mg injection because she didn't want to overload him with drugs. She said this would last for 2 weeks and if he needed more after that, she would give him another injection.
    It is amazing how fast that stuff kicks in. We got home and he proceeded to eat 2 servings of 9Lives cat tuna and then drank water. I was so happy I cried. (not bawling or anything, LOL but I was just so relieved after all he's been through).
    This morning he ate again but only about 3/4 of his meal, but that is still awesome. He was clearly in pain so I gave him his pre-measured syringe of pain meds in his mouth and he has settled in on our bed to sleep.
    I'm hoping that each day he gets back to his old self a little more and then when the Transfer Factor arrives in the mail, I can start mixing that into his food. This might be crazy but I'm really thinking that the combination of the surgery and the Transfer Factor is going to give him another year or more. I'm feeling so hopeful. Thanks for asking about him and for everyone's well wishes. I appreciate it so much.
    Here he is Snoozin on our bed this morning.


    This pic was taken yesterday. Jimmy hasn't left Tig's side since he got home from surgery. It is so sweet.
    Last edited by Emeraldgreen; 03-21-2008 at 01:56 PM.

  2. #62
    Aw, how sweet. I love how they take care of each other.

    "Time and unforeseen occurrence befall us all." Ecclesiastes 9:11

  3. #63
    Awe.... what a sweet, brave boy Tiger is! He has just been through so much (as have you and your family). I really hope that he will get better and that he will have at least a year or more with your big boy.

    Don't you love when the kitties stick together when they know that one of them is sick? They really are great to each other.

  4. #64
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Middle Tennessee, USA
    Hoping for all the best for Tiger, including a speedy recovery. Thanks for keeping us updated and for including pictures!

  5. #65
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    British Columbia
    I can't wait until the Transfer Factor gets here by mail!! As you suggested Catty1, I emailed both the people that had written testimonials about their cats and TF treatment. One didn't reply but the other did and I feel so hopeful. I asked Bethany what dose she gave and then asked how long her cat had lived afterward. I remember reading something about 18 months later but I expected her to reply that her cat had ultimately succumbed to the cancer BUT... this was her reply:

    "I started my cat on transfer factor in February of 2006 -- one month
    after she was diagnosed. She was doing very poorly. In fact, I'd
    actually taken her to the vet to have her put down, but couldn't do it
    in the end. That was the week I ordered TF.

    She's still alive and well."


    She wrote to me again today with this:
    "I really hope it works out for you. Don't worry about overdosing
    him... I'm not sure it's even possible. I started my cat on 4-5
    capsules a day for a few months before backing off to a maintenance


    I hope it comes soon.
    Hubby doesn't know I ordered it so I'm going to have some explaining to do but I'll figure that out later. lol

  6. #66
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Middle Tennessee, USA
    How is Tiger doing??

  7. #67
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    British Columbia
    Quote Originally Posted by Moesha
    How is Tiger doing??
    Thanks for asking.
    He is doing very well! His pain meds ran out and an intersting thing happened. He was so much like himself off the pain meds and is even kind of frisky. I think the meds were making his stomach upset and they were making him drowsy. He's been of them for almost 3 days and he is doing so much better now.
    Here is a video of him that I took tonight. It's dark because my camera is terrible and doesn't film well at night. You can see that he is looking pretty good though, despite what he's been through. The sounds he's making is purring but it's extra loud because of the surgery and because he comes right up to the camera. He stands up on his hind legs and hangs onto the cupboard handle every time I'm getting his food ready because he is so eager to get his dinner! The clanging sound in the middle of the video is me mixing his prednisone in with his food. I'm hoping to wean him off that in this coming week.

    [IMG] Tiger

  8. #68
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Midwest USA
    Glad to hear that Tiger is frisky and eating better for you! That is great news! I haven't seen the video yet, but I will right after I post this.

    Thank you for keeping us updated! Give Tiger a good cheek rubbing for me will ya'?

    RIP Dusty July 2 2007 RIP Sabrina June 16 2011 RIP Jack July 2 2013 RIP Bear July 5 2016 RIP Pooky June 23 2018. RIP Josh July 6 2019 RIP Cami January 6 2022

  9. #69
    Glad he's feelign friskier!! Good Boy, Tiger! Eat all your yummies and take all your meds adn you'll feel better soon! Big hugs adn kisses to you sweet boy!

  10. #70
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Middle Tennessee, USA
    Thanks for the update! Hope Tiger continues to improve and that the Transfer Factor comes and helps him also.

  11. #71
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Santa Paula, CA
    I'm so glad to hear that Tiger is doing well and I hope that the Transfer Factor will work for him so you can many more happy and healthy years with him.

  12. #72
    How's Tiger doing??? Big hugs going out to that fluffball!

  13. #73

    I'm glad

    Hey, I'm new here but I read your story about Tiger and I'm very happy he's better. It's silly because I don't know you or him at all since I just joined but I was all happy to hear he's doing better. He certainly looks eager for food in your video. He is a very handsome cat. ^_^

    You mentioned some of your cats wheeze but don't seem to have asthma, wel here is a site I found that mentions a bunch of respiratory problems.

    I don't know that it will help but it won't hurt, anyway.

    I hope Tiger keeps getting better.


  14. #74
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    British Columbia
    Thanks Jenn, I've hugged the fluffball for you.
    And thank you Elleree for the link about respiratory problems. I will check it out! Just got home from work and haven't had a chance but I will definitely look at it. Welcome to PT and thanks for your well wishes for my Tiggy!!

    Tiger is hanging in there. I know that doesn't sound great but it's the best way I can describe him right now. For the past few days he's been REALLY mellow and it has been worrying me. He is also getting progressively more snuffly sounding which doesn't make sense. It seems to me that he should be getting better with each day, not worse. So I was thinking that maybe it is a bit of an infection that has cropped up in his nasal area and he might need another Convenia antibiotic injection. I called the vet clinic that did the surgery and they felt that it could help and wouldn't hurt so they told me to set it up with my local vet. We have an 11:00a.m. appointment tomorrow.

    The Transfer Factor FINALLY arrived the other day. It came to 65.00 including shipping for 60 caps. I realized that this was going to be fairly expensive for the first few months but after that it will be alot cheaper once he gets down to a few caps a week.

    I was so excited when I opened a capsule and mixed it in with some stinky tuna and juice for Tiger but then was horribly disappointed when he sniffed it and walked away!! He is so sensitive to what's in his food, it drives me crazy.
    So, I mixed half a capsule into some salmon cream cheese which he ate. He later had another half capsule mixed in with tuna and didn't seem to notice it as much. Today I bought some sardines and got another half capsule into him and hope to get more into him with some salmon cream cheese in a few hours. Giving him 4 caps a day is really going to be a challenge but I'm just glad that he's eating some of it. It's a start.
    I've given some to Jimmy too and hope that it will help with his IBD. We'll see how it goes!

  15. #75
    How did it go at the vet? Are his sniffles any better?? Healing thoughts on the way!

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