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Thread: Please say a prayer for Jackie

  1. #61
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Pennsylvania, USA
    Cinder and Smoke....
    I know for sure now that God is listening to our requests to heal Perry and Daisy. That will be a mighty hard prayer for him not to listen too. Thanks for being such grateful pups and tell dad we think he is doing a great job teaching you both about compassion.

    Jackie and Don....
    I said from the beginning of this thread that it sounded like Perry interviened to defend his precious Daisy. He is a Hero!! And a very strong determined pup. If anyone can pull through this it is Perry. All that stubborn determination and alpha characteristics are what is going to help him fight to get better. I think if he can see that Daisy is ok, he will keep fighting.

    You guys are very special to all of us on Pet Talk and For the Love of Dogs! {{{{{HUGS}}}}} I wish I was there in person to give you both one now. Please know that our prayers will continue as long as needed.

  2. #62
    Join Date
    Oct 2000
    Cinder, Smokey, thank you so much for your beautiful prayer. I know how much your love and kind wishes mean to our dear Jackie. You guys know so well, first hand, the miracles that God is capable of performing. I'm sure he was listening. Thank you dear pups.

    Jackie, thank you so much for your update. You must be so emotionally drained and exhausted. Your words of encouragement gave us such comfort and much hope that Daisy, and most especially our hero, our brave, courageous hero Perry will pull through. Just the sight of you and Don, your voices and your touch, brought them so much comfort and peace. Please too, take care of yourselves. You need to be strong for the days and the battle ahead. Please, when you see them, tell Daisy and Perry how much we all love them. Every moment we are keeping you all in our hearts and prayers. Keep up the fight dear Perry. Your Mommy and Daddy love and need you so much. Bless you precious ones. Love to you all from Sandra, Junji, Star and Cody.

    Star,Tigg'r , Mollie and the10 Gallon Gang!

    And my Rainbow Bridge Furangels...Jingles, Cody, Fritz, Chessa, Satin, Buddy, Lizzie, Oliver, Squeaker, Moonbeam, Rosie, Ruby~

  3. #63
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    Dear Jackie and Don,
    I can not get into "for the love of dogs" so I joined
    pet talk to find out what has been hapening. I still can not
    believe this could happen after all the hard work on the
    fence. I keep thinking of poor Perry and Dasiy and the
    terrible thing that has happened. I emailed you my
    home phone number if you need to talk. Perry sure
    sounds like the big hero, but what you tell me of
    schnuazers it does not surprise me. Tiffanie and
    LuckyMutt send kisses and prayers to Perry and Daisy.
    I will be praying for all of you.

  4. #64
    Join Date
    Feb 2001
    Greenville, SC, USA

    It seems that MSN is working again, but now it is called MSN Groups.....I had to sign in twice, but I got there. Here is the link for the groups sign in.

    Hope this works for you.


  5. #65

    Jackie & Don's "For the Love of Dogs" site is back up...

    For those who tried to visit Jackie & Don's
    "For the Love of Dogs"; A prayer is needed for Jackie and Don...

    That site seems to have returned to active service after being down for maintenance.

    As of 8:55 PM Eastern time on Saturday; there is no new news about Daisy and Perry.

    CONTINUED PRAYERS are Needed and Appreciated for
    Daisy, Perry, Jackie and Don.

    Please, God ~ Bless 'em ALL!
    /s/ Cinder, Smokey & Heidi

    R.I.P. ~ Boots, Bowser, Sherman, & Snoopy

  6. #66
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Portland, Orygun, USA

    and when you visit Jackie and Don's site,

    on the left side, click on Members Photos and you'll find a wonderful picture of Jackie, Don, Perry & Miss Daisy.

    Thank you, Jackie for the updates.
    Prayers will continue.

  7. #67
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Pennsylvania, USA
    Here is the picture Joan (Freckles) mentioned. Don is holding Perry and Jackie is holding Daisy.

  8. #68
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Pennsylvania, USA
    More pictures of Perry and Daisy

    Our Hero - Sir Perry!

    And our dear sweet Miss Daisy!

  9. #69

    More photos of Perry and Daisy...

    Here are two more individual photos of Perry & Daisy...

    Hero Dog ~ Perry ~

    and Lil Sister ~ Miss Daisy ~

    Hang In There, FurKids ~
    We're ALL Pullin for Ya!!
    Get Well Quick!!

    Oooops... Sorry, Dixie!

    But I guess we can't have TOO many photos of the
    Dynamic Duo...

  10. #70
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    New Jersey

    Our prayers are with you

    Dear Jackie,

    Our prayers are with you and Don!

    Perry is one tough dog---he will make it through.

    I am so sorry that this happened.......please keep thinking positively, even though I am sure it is hard to do so.

  11. #71
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    Virginia, 23860
    Terilyn, I too joined especially to keep up with Daisy & Perry! Wore clicker out trying to get to her , or my, (ANY!), community to find news! It certainly seems that we were correct in believing that Jackie & Don are very special folks! Now, we can only pray for those 2 beautiful babies to heal & once again be home with all that love that is there! I somehow felt that Perry had defended, as best he could, Daisy against that hugh brute! God love him!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  12. #72
    Join Date
    Apr 2001
    indianapolis,indiana usa
    Thanks Dixie & Cinder and Smokey,

    No we can't have too many pictures of these babies.
    I love looking at them in better times. All fingers &
    paws crossed at our house for the quick recovery of
    both Sir Perry and Miss Daisy to good health once again.

  13. #73
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Off to the races....
    Thnakd for the update Jackie. I hope the second night goes een better then the first and that you pups will be even stronger tomorrow. I know having you visit them and that they can sleep together is a huge help to them. And of course knowing how many people are out there, across the country and the world thinking of them and praying for them. How brave they are!!!

  14. #74
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Pennsylvania, USA
    Isn't it wonderful that we both picked the same pictures to post! LOL And no, we can never have enough pictures of those two special furkids!!!

    Going to bed now.. but even in sleep my prayers will be for Perry and Daisy. We love you sweethearts!

  15. #75
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Portland, Orygun, USA
    Anyone know the whereabout of that picture of Perry in his Super Man costume? Seems appropriate.

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