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Thread: 2009 Pregnancy/baby thread

  1. #601
    Join Date
    May 2010
    My Home!
    OMG!! Look at all those babies, They look sweeter and sweeter by the year, Lyra look so sweet in your signature and the picture is real lovely!
    PCB, that's so sweet of your son! How cute that he says tatata to show quacking! My nephew says baaooo for the barking and when we say that what does your little brother do he smiles and wah! uuwaah! as his little brother used to cry a lot! those days It was really funny seeing him imitate his brother
    Finn's mom, she looks so lovely with that smile Such a lovely baby

  2. #602
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    It's been a while since I've seen any updates to this thread and was just wondering how the other 2009/2010 PT babies were doing.

    I thought I would share a few new pictures of Lyra.

    Animals are, of course, her very favorite thing! We are either visiting a zoo or aquarium or she is at home playing with all her animals.

    Hope to see/hear more updates about the other PT babies!

  3. #603
    Hi Lyra!! As always, she is just a doll!!! I can't believe how fast our little ones are growing. My son is 17.5 months now. He LOVES to talk. Throughout the day, the word "BALL!!!!!!!" echos around our house. LOL! He loves to kick balls and has so many little ones that are perfect for his little size. I can totally see myself signing him up for soccer practice in the future if he continues to be like this. Its so cute seeing him kick his balls and cheering for himself.

    We just started potty training, and so far he is doing well. I don't think he has bladder control yet, so we keep diapers on him, but every time we take him to his potty seat, he does something, so he is learning where it needs to be done.

    He LOVES Elmo...which is really funny because we don't even own a TV and he has never seen Sesame street, or any other show. His toothpaste tube has an elmo on it, and that's what caused the obsession. He now has Elmo toothpaste, and an Elmo book that he gets to look it when he sits on the potty. Elmo is helping me a lot. My child did not like to brush his teeth, and the elmo toothpaste changed that. He did not want to sit on the potty, and the Elmo book changed that. Children fall for the most random things.

    I love my baby boy. He has brought such joy into our home, and is growing so fast, though he is still, and will always be my little peanut. I can't believe how fast time is flying. We have already started 'talking' about baby #2. omg

    Baby M is still breastfeeding and we're planning to continue until his 2nd birthday. I guess that's my update.

  4. #604
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Windham, Vermont, USA
    Amazing how fast they grow, isn't it? Glad to hear Baby M, who is not gonna be "Baby" M for much longer is doing so well, and hey, what's not to love about Elmo!
    I've Been Frosted

  5. #605
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    I hail from South Carolina, but Texas is where I hang my hat :)
    Lyra is gorgeous! I love seeing her photos! Clara is the same about animals!

    Baby M sounds like he is doing what he should be at 17 months! Being awesome! I would have liked to have kept breastfeeding Clara longer (I stopped at 13 months), but she was an aggressive nurser without teeth! She even eats solid food she likes by shoveling it into her mouth. She always nursed like she hadn't eaten in days! No can do with more than two teeth haha!

    Clara is awesome, she's 22 months today! She's super sweet and loving, enjoying cuddling way more now than she ever has. She loves bows and dresses, but also likes to play in the dirt and collect rocks. She isn't hyper, but she's always on the go. She loves books, and she likes watching TV, although I limit it to about 30 minutes a day.

    She talks a lot, but isn't quite at the "normal" level in her communication. She's in speech therapy, but it's mostly to teach me how to encourage her to use words to express her needs. Everyone who's worked with her says it's all attitude, she has the developmental capacity. She just doesn't want to.

    I post photos so irregularly here . . . I never can remember how to do it. I'll figure it out and post some shortly.
    The idea that some lives matter less is the root of all that is wrong with the world. - Dr. Paul Farmer

  6. #606
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    I hail from South Carolina, but Texas is where I hang my hat :)
    The idea that some lives matter less is the root of all that is wrong with the world. - Dr. Paul Farmer

  7. #607
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    It's great to hear updates!

    Baby M sounds like a busy little boy! That is so funny he loves elmo just from a tube of toothpaste- I guess you never know what kids will like sometimes.

    Clara is such a cutie! She's going to be 2 soon! I love that she likes dresses and dirt both.

  8. #608
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Glad to hear the updates. Lyra is gorgeous and baby M is growing so quickly. We are running out of baby here too! Laura is obsessed with Elmo and it's because of the toothpaste too Haha. She does watch sesame street but is interested only in the second half (with Elmo in it). She will be 2 next month. So crazy.
    Kari, Laura isn't talking much either but I know she will catch up. She understands everything I say and I guess it's because we spend so much time together I usually give her what she wants/needs before she has time to ask for it.

  9. #609
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    I hail from South Carolina, but Texas is where I hang my hat :)
    Quote Originally Posted by beeniesmom View Post
    Kari, Laura isn't talking much either but I know she will catch up. She understands everything I say and I guess it's because we spend so much time together I usually give her what she wants/needs before she has time to ask for it.
    Yeah, I had to stop anticipating her needs, and she talks a lot more now. We use a few hand signs, too. I'm not overly concerned about her speech, though it is nice that she talks more.

    I love Laura's hair!
    The idea that some lives matter less is the root of all that is wrong with the world. - Dr. Paul Farmer

  10. #610
    Clara and Laura are just adorable! I love how they look so innocent at this age!!

    I forgot to add, Baby M loves our tiels, and goes running to see them every morning. He calls them 'birdie', (sounds more like 'buh-duh' lol), and when we ask his "what do the birdies say?" he tries to chirp! He knows a lot of body parts (eyes, nose, teeth, tongue, mouth, hair, ears, tummy, belly button, hands, and feet), and will point them all out when asked. He can say nose, eye, and teeth, and keeps pointing mine out when he's cuddling. He's also obsessed with his daddy, which is really cute!

  11. #611
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Laura is beautiful! She has such pretty bright blue eyes and dark hair.

    It's great that Baby M loves your birds- do they feel the same?

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