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Thread: We have "company" at the Ranch ...

  1. #46
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Florida, USA
    Now there's a scary story, Phred!! Oh my gosh. How awful. Through the whole thing I'm worrying about you with heart trouble on top of everything else I'll read the next part after this but right now, thoughts and prayers going out to Heidi and you and everybody else.

    Edit: I just read the Labor Day Gathering thread. Stupid me, I thought this just happened. I guess I scanned too fast.

    Believe me Phred, this could have happened to anybody. When pups feel like running, that's what they do. I hope all of you are better now. Heidi is a cute little doggie.
    Last edited by Daisy and Delilah; 09-03-2008 at 08:42 PM.

    I've been Boo'd...
    Thanks Barry!

  2. #47

    Heidi's 'recovery' ...

    She was going back every few days for a Bandage Change on her back and
    eventually her paw wrap.
    I had the Vet Call one day because Tami had to go somewhere ...
    I handed Heidi off to one of her now MANY Vet Tech Fans in the waiting room and she'd
    either *prance off* beside the girl or *Hop UP* and "Ride" back for treatment. As they'd
    pass into the treatment areas, I could always hear multiple "Hey, it's Heidi", Heidi's here",
    HI Ya, Heidi"! They did their thing, filled her up with threat, and she pranced back
    across the waiting room to go home. I was going to keep her overnight if Tami was late.

    About 8:00pm I felt her brush past and flop down under the 'puter.
    A lil later I moved my foot and stepped on something "squisshie" ... ???
    I looked under the desk ---
    The "something squisshie" was Heidi's brandy new BODY WRAP - with a Neeked Dawg
    laying beside it! OMG! Tami will never believe this!
    Heidi had managed to CRAWL OUT of the Vet Wrap bandage - almost like a turtle
    'walking out' of it's shell.

    I took her home ... yuppers, Tami did NOT believe she "crawled out"!
    We tried to *stuff* her back in ... no go.
    Tami tied the wound dressing down with surgical tape and gave her a stern
    "GO to BED, Right NOW!"
    I took he back to the Vets' Place the next morning ... NObody believed she had
    "crawled out" of The Wrap. OFF she trotted for a RE-wrap.

    Heidi returned a lil while later --- sportin a Monster Wrap from in front of her front arms,
    arm holes, and then extending the length of her body.
    "She won't get outta THAT One!" said the Tech!
    Heidi mumbled something about it fitting a lil *snug*!

    She improved to NO wrap on her back and side, and a smaller cast / bandage on
    her leg, exposing more of the toes. (BAD Idea!)
    She appeared after the body UN-wrap and promptly began *licking* her back. I said we
    NEED a Cone, please. She was whisked off and returned with a normally-sized cone.

    All was well for the week (other than Heidi terrorizing the House Kats and Big Brudder Amos,
    the White Shepherd, with her *bonking* of everyone with her cone).
    BIG Trouble developed over the weekend --- she managed to kick her bum paw INSIDE
    the cone ... and started a destructive licking & chewing when no one was watching.
    By Sunday night she had raw bones exposed and had lick off her paw pads.
    Tami called me in hysterics ... I said I'd take her in on Monday, not knowing how
    BAD it really was.
    Tami called Monday to say she had an appointment after lunch ... and that SHE'd
    take her in, "Probably for the last time."
    I said I'd be over at 1:00 and I'D take her in.

    I didn't really get an argument, and managed to leave with Heidi and withOUT Tami.
    I never *looked* at the paw closely --- but it did look gross!

    We were seen by Doc B - the Head Guy. Doc D. was off ...
    It's a Bad Sign when the Vet takes one look and lets out a >>GASP<
    He looked some more, touched it, and said "We're going to have a hard time saving
    that foot. We'll TRY; but I'm really not sure it can be saved. She'll for certain loose
    the two outer / opposite toes - there's just nothing left of them.
    She'll have to stay here for several days --- probably the week.
    Who should I call?"

    I told him to call her Mom, but not to listen if she said to pull the plug ...
    I said this is Paid Up to whatever it takes.

    Jumping ahead ... PROGRESS was made all week - HydroTherapy on her back AND
    her chewed up foot did wonders. Doc Jamie bagan to tell Tami that Heidi's foot was
    actually Looking Better!
    Tami visited Heidi twice during the week; and asked if *I* wanted to ride in with her
    for a Saturday visit? YEAH!!
    Heidi about crawled through the apartment bars when she heard us ...
    I asked for a leash ... "What for?" asked Tami.
    We're going for a hike out back, sez I.
    "We can't take her outside, can we?"
    SURE ya can, sez the Tech ... she was out this morning!

    ... more in a minute ...

  3. #48
    Join Date
    Sep 2000
    Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
    Goodness me Phred - what action at your ranch ......
    "No dog is born either vicious or friendly, but rather a blank slate that is moulded, for better or worse, by the owner."

  4. #49

    The long & bumpy Road to Recovery!

    We headed for the back door ... Heidi pranced out and PULLED us toward
    the grassy patch ... she needed to be there!
    She bounced around with her shorty tail *waggin* in a blurr.
    Tami said "She hasn't been this happy in a month!"

    Back inside, Doc D met with us and for the first time hinted that The Foot
    just might be OK! Doc D was coming in HERself to feed, water, walk, and
    bandage change Heidi - once again Saturday night, and twice on Sunday.
    If all went well, she'd go HOME on Monday.

    Tami called on Monday --- come over before 2:00 and I could ride in to
    pick her up and hold her on the ride home!

    We had to schedule DAILY Clinic visits for Hydrotherapy on her back and
    on The Foot; with a bandage change every day.
    The Girls started bringing her back with reports from Doc D that The Foot
    "REALLY looks GREAT! It's actually growing new flesh!"
    I got Thursday, Friday, and Saturday and kept her straight through. Heck,
    Monday is so close, I'll just hang onto her for the weekend.

    I DID take her "home" for frequent visits with Mom and the Kids.
    Monday, I asked Doc about a Road Trip to Findlay and the Dawg Park.
    "Sure - just keep it DRY!"
    I asked Tami ... "She LIKES other dogs ... Oh, go ahead and take her!"

    We were scheduled for Monday, Wednesday, and Saturday ... guess
    where she stayed all week?
    Doc said to "Have Phunn at the Dog Park tomorrow!"
    We went back on Tuesday - "Almost Healed" was the observation.
    Her Tech said that Doc said this (Tuesday's) bandage would probably be
    the LAST one!!

    We're due back at 3:00 pm tomorrow (Thursday) for a check-up.
    I'm going to ask for a light-weight "protective wrap" rather than NOTHING;
    and Miss Licker IS going to be wearing that ole Hood for a few more days ...
    I can't afford to let her make a meal out the New Foot again!

    And now "You know the REST of the Tail!"

  5. #50
    Join Date
    Nov 2000
    Never has the Last word.
    good luck at the white coats today Miss heidi and Smokey.

    what happened to Heidi could happen to any one of us. Trust is a thing we take for granted when it comes to our dogs.
    I would like to see anyone and I mean any one pipe up and say - "this wouldn't happen to me b/c I'm a perfect pet owner" b/c there is no such thing.
    Keegan 9/28/2001 to June 9, 2012
    Kylie (June 2000 to 5/19/2012)
    "we as American's have forgotten we can agree to disagree"
    Kylie the Queen, Keegan the Princess, entertained by Kloe the court Jester
    Godspeed Phred and Gini you will be missed more than you ever know..

  6. #51

    Thursday (9/04/2008) re-Wrap

    THANKS, Staci !!!

    THANKS, God!!!
    THANKS, PTers!!!

    Those PT Prayers did their Magic
    and God musta been lissnin!!

    Bipp & MiniBipp (who looked like Mutt & Jeff when they pranced in to
    the Clinic), pigged out on bisquits from the office staff during check-in.
    We all crowded into the powder room for a minute, then soaked up more
    attention at the counter. Doc D brought a chart to the counter, then
    began to fawn over her 'favorite' mini-patient. SmokeMutt was NOT to be
    ignored, and Doc raved about how 'soft' his fur was. I said Fish Oil Pills did it, and it became obvious SHE was a Fish Oil Fan, too.

    I took the opportunity to suggest I wouldn't be unhappy if Heidi got
    another bandage to protect the tender spots on her "new paw". Doc D
    admitted she'd tought about that, too. She promised to give the paw a
    very close exam before deciding on NO bandage. "Here, I'll take her back!"
    And off trotted Heidi with her Favorite Doc!

    Heidi returned with a >grinning< Doc B in tow ... and MiniMutt did have a
    bright new wrapper on the foot. Doc said till she builds up a callus where
    tha pad is missing at the base of her toes, we'd better protect the new
    skin. OK by me! We return on Wednesday IF we keep it dry till then.

    Twenty minutes later Doc B came back and said Smokey was OK except
    for a bad case of Arthritis in that knee - NO TUMOR!!
    He's now OFF the Rimadyl unless he has a relapse of knee pain ... then he
    gets a few days of Rimadyl until the pain stops.

    We bought a few more shares of Vet Stock at the counter, made a 10:30
    am Appointment on Wednesday for MiniMutt, and we ALL pranced out!

    So tender-foot Heidi is making GOOD progress;
    and Gimpy SmokeMutts has his trick knee back - but it won't kill him.
    I'd say it was a GREAT DAY at the Vets!!

    THANKS to One & ALL
    for your thoughts, Prayers, & Well-Wishes!!

    /s/ Smokey, Heidi, DAD, & Cinder, too!

  7. #52
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    Great Update

    So happy to hear that Smokey is in no danger of losing a leg and that with a little help, now and then, can be moving right along

    And poor little Heidi what an ordeal for such a little cutie; good thing she has Uncle Phred to take care of business

    Well done! It's all GOOD
    Yours in Whiskers

    I'm not young enough to know everything.

    "The Best Mirror is an Old Friend"

    “The secret of what is small is the secret of clear-sightedness; the guarding of what is soft and tender is the secret of strength.”

    • Lao Tzu

  8. #53
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Off to the races....
    What a great update!!! So glad it was a good trip to the vet!!!

  9. #54
    Join Date
    Apr 2001
    indianapolis,indiana usa
    Phred, sorry but I'm just now getting all caught up on Heidi & the problems
    she's been having. Sounds like you both have come a long way. I'm so glad
    her paw & leg recovered so well. better than anyone thought was possible.

    Praying that she and Smokey are both doing so much better.
    I've Been Boo'd

    I've been Frosted

    Today is the oldest you've ever been, and the youngest you'll ever be again.

    Eleanor Roosevelt

  10. #55
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    San Diego, CA
    Hooray! That's great news for both pups!
    Oreo and Molly

  11. #56
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Portland, Orygun, USA
    Great, Phred. That's the news we want to hear.

  12. #57

    How the Tyme Flies! (When you're havin SOO much phunn!)

    Here we are at Thursday, September 18, 2008 ...
    And NO major crisiseze since the last one!

    The first two weeks post-Findlay were rather quiet ... Heidi's been at the
    Ranch the whole time, and the New Foot has been doing quite well.
    She's been good about not bothering it - so the cone has been OFF since
    the Findlay Gathurin. Too soon ...

    Monday, the 8th, she 'bothered' the wrapper - Big Time!
    The New Foot seemed to survive the attack ... we did a Tuesday PM
    Vet Visit instead of our scheduled Wednesday morning appointment.
    Doc D. gave her a re-wrap, but hinted it was about time for her to start
    bare-footin it ... I look at that idea with some misgivings ...
    That's now become a VERY Expensive New Foot - and I keep thinking that
    it's "safe" inside the wrapper! Maybe she should get 'training wheels'?

    This last week has been a Trial of many Tribulations ... the New Wrap was
    *shreded* on last Thursday ... Cone ON! and I did a re-wrap myself.
    She *IS* a good lil patient - stands on the puter desk and lets me work
    with The Paw without much of a flinch or a wiggle.

    DUMM me - I'd let her go coneLESS for meals and if I was *watchin her*.

    Ever try to *watch* a lil Min Pin?

    On Saturday evening I was re-wrappin for the THIRD time ...
    I did a *super job* with Wally's imitation Vet Wrap ... she'll NEVER get
    this one off! Then I worried I made it too tight ...

    She pranced in (coneLESS) to see Doc D. on Wednesday (yesterday).
    I saw the Tech parading MiniMutt in the hall while Doc D. observed ...
    Doc appeared a few minutes later (in surgical scrubs) - my heart
    fluttered. Tell me I didn't ruin her paw!

    "NO more Bandages!" announced Doc D! We're doing more harm than
    good to keep it wrapped up ... it needs air to finish healing.
    "BUT - she cannot be allowed to lick it!!)

    In came Heidi leading her Tech Buddie ... and BARE FOOTIN it!
    She had a new collar - WAAAY too short to keep her away from the foot!
    Tech said the next size would be way too big ... OK - I didn't argue. Her
    BIG collar was at the Ranch - I'd refit her as soon as we got home.
    Doc suggested we stop at the Pets Supplies Plus and grab a bottle of
    "Bitter Apple" - use it on her toes, not the raw spots.
    And we got a pill bottle of "Novalsan paste" to smear on The Foot.
    "Oh, you can use the "Preparatioh H", too. Alternate that with the
    Novalsan. And ... DON't let her lick that foot!"

    Doc's last words - "Call me tomorrow --- I'm going to worry until I know
    she's OK with The Foot."
    (I just called Doc --- I think I could feel her *smiling* over the phone!)

    Since yesterday, Heidi has been "using" the New Paw a little more every
    hour. Yesterday it was usually "tucked & stored" up tight to her body.
    By evening, it was partially lowered and occasionally "touched down".
    Today, she's almost always on all FOUR when she's standing; and I've
    seen her both walking and running with all FOUR a few times.
    Wish us luck with wearing it in without any more problems!

    I hope we're 'ready' for Sunday ... Unka Pat & Miz Joan are headed West
    to celebrate Daughter Leslie's Birfday on Sunday and return on Monday.
    THAT means we're Dawg Sittin for Miz Cali (the easy one) ANNND ...
    Miz MOLLY - the rather Ruff & Tumble Houndy Girl I helped get adopted
    at Cali's Howze. (Wonder if Pat & Joan will ever forgive me for that!??)

    It's going to be a *challenge* to keep Molly from using poor lil Heidi as a
    soccer ball / Squeekie Toy ... but we dropped in at Cali/Molly's Place
    yesterday on the way home; and lil Heidi stood up and gave Molly a
    faceful of Cone + Attitude after Molly got way too rough with MiniMutt.

    Hopefully, by keeping Molly either leashed to ME or my chair, we'll be able
    to prevent any TOO ruff playing with the Smallest Rancher.

    As always, Wish us Luck; and whisper a Prayer if you can.

  13. #58
    Join Date
    Oct 2000
    Los Angeles, CA USA
    Aww, Phred, I won't whisper a few prayers, I think I might shout a few - you need a break!!!

    God Love you for all that you do for your pupsters.

    There is a bench and some trees waiting for you in Heaven, I am sure!!
    And sitting there waiting for you will be a few that you will immediately recognize - but that's a while off - so be patient.

  14. #59
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Kansas, USA
    Prayers being whispered in God's ear every morning from me for you and the pups too!
    No matter what anyone does, someone some where will be offended some how!!!!
    Grandma (RB), Chester, Angel, Chip

    Leonardo (RB), Luke (RB), Winnie, Chuck,



  15. #60
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    Wow, never a dull day?

    Glad things are "bettur"!

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