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Thread: What angers you most about your dog behavior

  1. #46
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Washington state
    Sorry Purrley, I don't have any advice for you. But I do have a pet problem. Edgar barks non-stop. It drives me crazy!!! I tell him to be quite but he never, ever listens to me. Any thing that moves he'll bark at! He even barked at the snowman in our front yard. He barks a ton when my friends come over! He barks when you knock on wood. Just today we were watching TV, on the show the doorbell rang, and he barked at our door! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! He's driving me nuts!

  2. #47
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Salt Lake City, Utah
    Carley - I know you're a newcomer and Welcome, but I no longer have my dog - it's a long story told from previous posts that you havent read, but you're new and again - Welcome to Pet Talk, you'll love it here - it's a lot of fun and very informative

  3. #48
    My Labrador Sophie has a personality of a human being.
    She makes me mad sometimes when I can't get my own way with her as she want's her own way too !

    She knocks me with her nose when she gets mad I trap her back softly because she is just so funny and I just like to play with her.
    She wants to have the last trap with her nose and I get mad as I want the last trap too and my mum says your just like her

    Does anyone have the same personality as their dogs?

    I do in her funny ways lol as we are very alike.
    She likes what I like and hates what i hate.

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