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Thread: 2009 Pregnancy/baby thread

  1. #466
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    I just wanted to share a few pictures of Lyra's "first" snow (it's the first time she got to go out in it anyway). The snow will be gone tomorrow, so I thought I should get some pictures today! And Lyra's tiger suit was a gift from a friend teaching in China- I guess babies there wear them in cold weather. I think it's cute!

    We didn't stay outside long, but Lyra had fun!

  2. #467
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Great pictures! Love the Chinese Tigger snowsuit. Did you notice the split pants?

  3. #468
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    Cincinnati, Ohio USA
    PC- Jones was a difficult sleeper- from birth. It was well into the 2nd year before I could count on a consistent sleep through the night. There were no explanations and I feel as if I tried everything under the sun (short of drugs, LOL). He is, and has always been, a 10 hour sleeper. So, if he was napping during the day? He slept less at night. He gave up naps at 2. Thankfully, at 5, I can tell you that 90% of the time, he is a a great sleeper- but that other 10% can be tough.

    So, I tell you all this as a prelude to MY advice- no training/experience other than motherhood. The thing that worked best for Jones was strict adherence to a routine. No deviations, ever. And, yeah, that was a super big pain in the butt for us. But, a bad night's sleep made it terrible for us for 2 days sometimes. No naps after 3 pm. Even if that meant waking him up. Earlier to bed (within reason) meant longer sleeps in the am. This seems so contrary to thought. Jones did not ever sleep in longer in the am when I moved his bedtime back. He went to bed at 7 pm for the longest time. And, if I put him to bed at 9? He still woke at 5. It just meant he slept less over night. 5 seemed his wake up time for months. I remember thinking this was it for us- sleepwise.

    One of the things I also learned is that a baby's sleep history/pattern is so ever changing. What works today, now, a year ago, etc., might not even matter a month later, as the whole cycle has changed. I remember being so flipping anxious about time changes (when you have a child that doesn't sleep through the night for 14-16 months, these are anxious times). We survived them, and it did alter the pattern. Slowly we moved back to where we had been.

    I remember everyone telling me, "wait until he starts walking", "wait until he is in preschool", "wait until he starts playing outside", all these events were to help him sleep. Just yesterday, Jones was playing with another kid his age and they were wrestling around like crazy outside. The other mom said, "they will sleep well tonight". Yeah? Jones was up til 915, as I laid there trying to not fall asleep before he did. He woke up sunny and fresh at 730am. If he sleeps 12 hours (and it does happen from time to time), I get anxious- thinking there must be something wrong with him.

    And, not everyone has a child so sensitive to sleep events. LOL. In the last 60 days, 3 days of 3-5 am wake ups are still fresh in my mind. He is a great child, but a horrible sleeper.

    So, what am I saying? That all the information in the world could be forthcoming, and none of it helpful in adjusting your daughter's sleep schedule.

  4. #469
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    Aug 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by prechrswife View Post
    Great pictures! Love the Chinese Tigger snowsuit. Did you notice the split pants?

    Yeah, my friend said that many babies there don't wear diapers, and when they need to go the parents just kind of hold them away from their body and let them pee in the street. I have to say, I have a hard time picturing it, especially in cold weather!

  5. #470
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    Aug 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Cataholic View Post
    So, what am I saying? That all the information in the world could be forthcoming, and none of it helpful in adjusting your daughter's sleep schedule.
    I had a sneaking suspicion that someone would say this! I have noticed that Lyra tends to wake up about the same time no matter when she gets to sleep. I do feel really lucky that she sleeps well overall, though, but I'm a bit worried about the time change.

    My nephew (who is 8) sounds just like your son with sleep. He stayed the night at our house last weekend and woke up at 4:30 am to play with the pets. Maybe your son is just too curious and interested in the world to want to sleep too long.

  6. #471
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    Cincinnati, Ohio USA
    Quote Originally Posted by Pembroke_Corgi View Post
    I had a sneaking suspicion that someone would say this! I have noticed that Lyra tends to wake up about the same time no matter when she gets to sleep. I do feel really lucky that she sleeps well overall, though, but I'm a bit worried about the time change.

    My nephew (who is 8) sounds just like your son with sleep. He stayed the night at our house last weekend and woke up at 4:30 am to play with the pets. Maybe your son is just too curious and interested in the world to want to sleep too long.
    I used to take my hair dryer down to the basement to dry my hair...I would go sit on my porch to talk on the phone during naps/or read on the couch, just in case he awoke. LOL, now it is way better. But, he still sleeps lighter and less than most kids I know. It just gives us more time to snuggle, I guess.

  7. #472
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    Aug 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by Pembroke_Corgi View Post

    Yeah, my friend said that many babies there don't wear diapers, and when they need to go the parents just kind of hold them away from their body and let them pee in the street. I have to say, I have a hard time picturing it, especially in cold weather!
    That is exactly what they are for.

  8. #473
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    I hail from South Carolina, but Texas is where I hang my hat :)
    Hey, Jill! Cute tiger outfit, Lyra looks like she enjoyed the snow!

    As for the sleep problem, I don't have any personal advice for you, but I will recommend a book that several mothers I know swear by! It's called "healthy sleep habits, happy child" and it has really helped me a lot. I have only had a handful of problem nights with Clara, but the days were always tough until I got this book and started to understand her "drowsy cues." It's been a life saver! Definitely worth reading!

    Good luck, no matter what you choose to do!
    The idea that some lives matter less is the root of all that is wrong with the world. - Dr. Paul Farmer

  9. #474
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Cataholic View Post
    PC- Jones was a difficult sleeper- from birth. It was well into the 2nd year before I could count on a consistent sleep through the night. There were no explanations and I feel as if I tried everything under the sun (short of drugs, LOL). He is, and has always been, a 10 hour sleeper. So, if he was napping during the day? He slept less at night. He gave up naps at 2. Thankfully, at 5, I can tell you that 90% of the time, he is a a great sleeper- but that other 10% can be tough.

    So, I tell you all this as a prelude to MY advice- no training/experience other than motherhood. The thing that worked best for Jones was strict adherence to a routine. No deviations, ever. And, yeah, that was a super big pain in the butt for us. But, a bad night's sleep made it terrible for us for 2 days sometimes. No naps after 3 pm. Even if that meant waking him up. Earlier to bed (within reason) meant longer sleeps in the am. This seems so contrary to thought. Jones did not ever sleep in longer in the am when I moved his bedtime back. He went to bed at 7 pm for the longest time. And, if I put him to bed at 9? He still woke at 5. It just meant he slept less over night. 5 seemed his wake up time for months. I remember thinking this was it for us- sleepwise.

    One of the things I also learned is that a baby's sleep history/pattern is so ever changing. What works today, now, a year ago, etc., might not even matter a month later, as the whole cycle has changed. I remember being so flipping anxious about time changes (when you have a child that doesn't sleep through the night for 14-16 months, these are anxious times). We survived them, and it did alter the pattern. Slowly we moved back to where we had been.

    I remember everyone telling me, "wait until he starts walking", "wait until he is in preschool", "wait until he starts playing outside", all these events were to help him sleep. Just yesterday, Jones was playing with another kid his age and they were wrestling around like crazy outside. The other mom said, "they will sleep well tonight". Yeah? Jones was up til 915, as I laid there trying to not fall asleep before he did. He woke up sunny and fresh at 730am. If he sleeps 12 hours (and it does happen from time to time), I get anxious- thinking there must be something wrong with him.

    And, not everyone has a child so sensitive to sleep events. LOL. In the last 60 days, 3 days of 3-5 am wake ups are still fresh in my mind. He is a great child, but a horrible sleeper.

    So, what am I saying? That all the information in the world could be forthcoming, and none of it helpful in adjusting your daughter's sleep schedule.
    Totally agree! Ty has never been a great sleeper either, although he is much better lately. He was always much worse with sleeping as he learned new when he started to crawl, he didn't sleep for about a week! He just wants to practice his new skills. And I don't even want to mention teething! I tried many many things and bought all kinds of books. Some things worked, some didn't. Some things worked for a little while and then for some reason, not anymore. And just as Johanna said, their sleep patterns change constantly. I can't tell you how many times I thought we had it down, only to change. I have learned that I have to adapt to Ty more so than him adapting to me. Good luck!

  10. #475
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Windham, Vermont, USA
    Lady's Human's daughter, my beloved niece, was ever the early waker. She knew what the shape of a seven was long before she really understood the concept of numbers and counting. When that shape appeared on her clock, she was allowed to get out of bed, even if she woke at 5:30 a.m.! She'd just play with her stuffed animals or storybooks, and NOT make noise!
    I've Been Frosted

  11. #476
    Join Date
    Oct 2000
    Wichita Falls, TX U.S.A.
    Lyra is insanely adorable.

    Here are a couple pics of my 2009 boy. These were taken with my cell phone so they are not great quality. I am in love with my cell phone and have not gone out without it since I got it, so my camera is getting less love from me lately.

    Real men use pink strollers

    Here's Frenchy. Always ready for kisses (with tongue), this silly boy.

    It's not easy getting a photo of him smiling without his tongue sticking out. His tongue is his BFF. He just turned 7 months old on Oct. 15th and ON his 7 month B-day, he cut his first tooth, and yesterday his second tooth just started to cut. He's a great baby

  12. #477
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    I hail from South Carolina, but Texas is where I hang my hat :)
    Hey, Vince! Leslie, he's getting more handsome by the day! I can't believe it's been seven months! I remember when Quinn was born, crazy!
    The idea that some lives matter less is the root of all that is wrong with the world. - Dr. Paul Farmer

  13. #478
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    I hail from South Carolina, but Texas is where I hang my hat :)
    Clara weighs 10lbs 15 oz and is 23.5 inches long! She's growin'!
    The idea that some lives matter less is the root of all that is wrong with the world. - Dr. Paul Farmer

  14. #479
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Vince is so cute! He looks like such a happy boy- his smile makes me smile, too!

  15. #480
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Windham, Vermont, USA
    What a cutie Vinnie is! It's funny how with some baby boys, you cannot really tell gender (my big brother was one, everywhere my mother went with him, she was told what a pretty girl he was!) but Vinnie already looks very much the little boy! And I of course love the chin dent, but I may be a tad biased! Love the hat, too!
    I've Been Frosted

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