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Thread: Who are the Amish?

  1. #31
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Most people have already gotten it but I'd like to add that my aunt goes to a tack shop owned by Amish people. Often times they come to the Museum of Science and Industry durring the period of time they're given to choose weather they want to stay Amish.

    Niño & Eliza

  2. #32
    Quote Originally Posted by lv4dogs
    I know there is a LOT of them in upstate NY too, especially around Middlesex, Naples, Rushville, PennYann area. I see some at least every other day or so. And if memory serves me right Ohio and Iowa have them too.
    Most of the ones in NY are Mennonites, but like Jadapit said, they're VERY similar. We used to spend a lot of time in the finger lakes area and we'd always stop by their stands and the farmers markets. There's nothing better than a home baked strawberry-rhubarb pie!

    I don't think most are as strict about outside things as they used to be. Growing up my family went to Pennsylvania often to see family. We'd always stop at the Amish farms to get fruit and veggies, or pies and baked goods. The Amish people we met always seemed quiet and even cold. My mom met an Amish woman a couple years ago and they became friends. The woman lives in Pennsylvania and my mom lives here in Florida so they don't see each other, but they do keep in touch. My mom's friend does have electricity and she even has a computer with internet that she uses for email. I don't really know too much about her and I've never met her.
    - Kari
    skin kids- Nathan, Topher, & Lilla

  3. #33
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Haines, Alaska!
    I used to live near Lancaster PA (Amish Central) and we would always see in our newspaper pictures of the Amish and sometimes even reports of Buggy Accidents (like it was a car accident). We would drive slowly behind the Amish and there Buggy’s as there horses pulled them galloping down the street. For me while I was growing up they were just a part of every day life. Now that I live in Atlanta GA. I realize most people have never seen them before. I can't imagine that! There farms were every where and Puppy mills were much more talked about up there because there were tons of Puppy mill farms. I dunno, it suprises me how my everyday neighbors are so no existant in other parts of the world.

    Dogs: Nova, Konnor and Sitka

  4. #34
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    Aquidneck Island
    Sirrahbed, what an interesting experience you had! That whole area around Berlin is beautiful, isn't it?

    Having lived most of my life in Ohio, I have always seen Amish around here. My sons lived in Wooster for a while, and I often saw horses & buggies tied up behind stores & banks. We became friendly with an Amish man about 20 years ago when we were taking our son & he was taking his, to the same doctor for neurlological problems. His son was retarded and we talked about that - he said they didn't see this as a tragedy or a problem, it was just his son's "way", everyone accepted him just the way he was, and they all took care of him. He was very interesting & invited us down. There was one payphone that several families used. He told us to call the number and just ask for him, they would come get him & meet us in town. He was curious about our lifestyle, and told us he was alot more "open" than most Amish. He actually came and visited us at our home, too. We talked about the "reputation" for honesty of the Amish, he said, "well, we are like anyone else, some are good and others not so good."
    Many of the large Amish communities here in Ohio feel there is getting to be too much influence on them from "the outside", and over the past couple decades, have sold their farms and moved to Kentucky. But we still have alot of Amish. They are very much in demand as construction workers - it's not uncommon to see a whole crew of Amish doing framing & roofing. They use power equipment for their sawmills and work. Amish cooking and Amish-made furniture are very popular all around Ohio.

  5. #35
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    St. Louis, Missouri
    Amish are all over here in Missouri. Living in Branson, there are LOTS of Amish stores and such.


  6. #36
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Fort Wayne, Indiana
    Quote Originally Posted by wolflady
    Everyone has already done a good job explaining about the Amish, so I thought I'd add an anecdote. There is a town in Indiana called Nappanee that is essentially an Amish Town.
    My parents and I were in an old car club (Model 'A' club - cars from the late 1920's early 1930's) that would go on tours as a group, and one of those tours took us to Nappanee for some of the best food I ever had! It was at a large Amish farmstead, where an Amish family fixed us food. Totally neat experience and everyone was so nice. It was cool to eat by only the light of candles and be in a place with no modern facilities such as electricity and running water.

    I'm not sure if this same family does this today, but I do know there is a resort in Nappanee called 'Amish Acres' that has an inn on the grounds of a historic farm.
    I live about 30 minutes from Nappannee and "Amish Acres". There is also a community close to there called Shipshewana. There is a flea market there a few days a week and an Amish auction where the Amish come to buy wagons and wheels and horses, etc. Many folks from this area try to get to "Shipsey" at least once each summer. There are beautiful handmade crafts to be bought! Also, to the east of Ft. Wayne is a small community called Grabill and there are many Amish in that area also. There are several different "orders" of the Amish lifestyle and each has their own regulations, so to speak. I have always thought it would be interesting to live their life for a few days!

    I have another anecdote about the Amish and their use of technology. When I was married, we needed a new roof on our house, and we hired an "Amish Crew" to do it. They all came in a van driven by someone NOT in their order, and most of them had cell phones!

  7. #37
    Join Date
    Jun 2001
    Glenside, pa
    One of the sadest things I heard about this horrible disaster, was that the families will have no photographs of their children. The only visual memories will be toys or clothing.

    I've been Boooo'd!

  8. #38
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    San Ramon,CA
    I'd recommend seeing the Harrison Ford movie "Witness". I don't know how accurate it was but I remember learning alot about the Amish in that movie.

  9. #39
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Kelowna, BC
    I've never seen any Amish -- however I've seen a great deal of Polygomists that run quite a similar life. I am very interested in the Amish, however I believe that they are romaticized greatly. They are highly inbred as there are so few of them. Rape and Sexual molestation is quite common from what I've heard -- as if a woman reports a man for anything, she is automatically exiled. Of course this wouldn't be every community -- I'm sure alot of them are good, honest, people. I would love to meet some Amish and talk to them. I enjoyed that reality show -- I forget what it was called. But they had some Amish teenagers competing, it was really cool.
    I've been BOO'd!

  10. #40
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Windham, Vermont, USA
    Quote Originally Posted by wolfsoul
    I've never seen any Amish -- however I've seen a great deal of Polygomists that run quite a similar life. I am very interested in the Amish, however I believe that they are romaticized greatly. They are highly inbred as there are so few of them.
    There are ten of thousands of them. Your statement may be true within certain individual communities, but it is unwise to make such a blanket statement without citing sources.

    Quote Originally Posted by wolfsoul
    Rape and Sexual molestation is quite common from what I've heard -- as if a woman reports a man for anything, she is automatically exiled. Of course this wouldn't be every community -- I'm sure alot of them are good, honest, people. I would love to meet some Amish and talk to them. I enjoyed that reality show -- I forget what it was called. But they had some Amish teenagers competing, it was really cool.
    The show was called "Amish in the City" - Amish kids are traditionally given a period of time "off" - into the rest of the world, so they can then consciously decide, with full knowlege, to become officially Amish or not. Choosing the modern way of life, though, often means losing all contact with family and friend who remain "within the Life."

  11. #41
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    St. Louis, Missouri
    Quote Originally Posted by wolfsoul
    I enjoyed that reality show -- I forget what it was called. But they had some Amish teenagers competing, it was really cool.
    They weren't competing, they were participating in what is called a Rumspringa which is where they venture into the modern world to decide if they want to live that life or continue living the life of an Amish.


  12. #42
    Join Date
    Feb 2001
    Happy Valley, Utah
    I, personally, would never visit any Amish tourism areas because they are one of the largest suppliers of puppies (from mills where dogs are kept in horrible conditions) in the country. I don't want to be supporting that in any way.

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