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Thread: Share those battle scars

  1. #16
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    I have to be careful with my miniture cat Chianti. She is so tiny she startles easily. Has to protect herself you know. I had her on my lap and she heard a noise or something. She startled and jumped down real fast and ran. I ended up with a gash on my leg.

    But my sister got a black eye from her grandson. He was siting on her lap and decided to throw his head back. Got her right in the eye.

    The periles of kids and furbabies. LOL

  2. #17
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Drama Queen Rehab

    Fun Thread!

    I've been bitten by two dogs: 1 a schnauzer I was dogsitting, 1 a shepherd mix I was trying to rescue.

    I have several scars on my feet/ankles from my first cat, Tom. I used to wear the low-cut socks with pom-poms attached at the heels (ah the joys of kiddie footwear lol). Well, Tom had a fetish for pom-poms... you can guess the rest! lol

    The only actual cat attack I've had was from my grandpa's cat, Midnight. She is AWFULLY nasty.

    I've had two parakeets that would bite repeatedly (my attack birds lol)!
    Geese... ack!... though I have yet to be attacked, geese have a natural affinity for me... which would be fine except that they scare me! lol

    Yes, laugh it up ... my friend had a CRANKY hammie who took a pinch outta me. lol

    Uhh... two broken wrists, a broken elbow, and a broken collarbone speak for themselves! (Not at the same time and not by the same horse.)
    Knock on wood, I've never been kicked - just can't stay on when riding bareback or when they buck. lol
    I was nipped once - would've been *bit* had I not moved in time.

  3. #18
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    at beginning of the script.
    stories: *yikes* espeically zippy-kat's horses!

    my cats often would growl gently before they're starting to get annoyed if I pet, pet and pet.. they're tooo sweet!

    but I have a story of being bitten by baby raccoon. (you know those needle-teeths)... the scars around thumb are fading..that was two years ago where I depressedly sat outside on the front of my friend's porch, watching all 15-20 UNfixed strays munching human food my friend threw out and while thinking about what to DO with them because I live 200 miles away from my friend' DO something my friend wouldn't do, she has had doing this for two months. anyway when I had my hands in the back of me, leaning on cement, relaxing.. a fur just came to touch my left hand, I thought BEFORE looking around "oh a tame feral...*turning head, lifti....BIT* it took me A WHILE to realize his/her teeth stuck inside my thumb until I tried to back off with lifting my hand up into air but he was just hanging along with my thumb. by then, I knew I had to GRAB his back of neck and pressured his head to my thumb, he let it go! I walked backwards up the stairs as fast as I can but I tripped! I turned around, still in shock...entering the house... "are you okay??? looks like you have seen a ghost.. hey are you ok???" *shaking me* I remembered what my friend said but I don't remember if I was conucious enough to say something! right there, I just feel like THROWING UP. I ran to bathroom, just a second I bend down on my knees, I BLACKED OUT.

    next thing I woke up, I found myself in hospital... doctor said I just reacted to the allergy of the "bites".... interesting...
    rest and sleep softly sweet locke..

  4. #19
    Join Date
    Sep 2002

    Re: Share those battle scars

    Originally posted by ramanth
    Chance went to the vet the next day and because he was intact, he had a hormonal imbalance. He was kept there over the weekend for observation and promptly neutered.
    I amazed he had the b@lls to do that to you!!!!

    (sorry, that was a bad joke......)

  5. #20
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Findlay, OH
    When I was in junior high, we had a poodle that came to live with us when he was about 5. He didn't like to get trimmed so they gave him something - anyway that night he was asleep on my sister's bed and I went to pet him. I don't know what he thought was happening but he bit clear through my the palm of my hand. I still have two very small scars on the palm side but the other side can't be seen anymore.

    And Oreo has always been a little tempermental and I have been bitten by her several times. (You don't MAKE her do anything and if you lift her even to help her in the car you can get bit.). Pippi has bit me twice - both times protecting me from the other dogs (once Oreo and once she thought Taggert was trying to get me but he was really after her rawhide that was sitting next to us).

    I also was "attacked" by a pelican at some bird reserve in Florida. We were walking by some and all of a sudden, one had his beak wrapped around my leg. It didn't hurt but we had Christy with us at the time and she wouldn't walk by any of the pelicans with us after that.

    "That they may have a little peace, even the best
    dogs are compelled to snarl occasionally."
    --William Feather

  6. #21
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    no pics, but when I am playing with Niño in the back yard with a big stick, he usually jumps up and gives me a few good scratches.

    Niño & Eliza

  7. #22
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Ontario, Canada
    When I was younger I had a cat named Zepher she was my baby gurl a longhaired all black kitty she was a rescue my parents found in a garbage can when I was a baby and she ended up being mine. Well Zepher sleeped on my bed everynight up until she went to the RB We rescued this other kitten when I was about 10/11?? And it wanted to sleep at my feet her name was baby boo anyways one night Boo got up and came towards my face and Zepher went to slash her I got in the way and my upper lip got slashed I had a fat lip and lots of blood everywhere I still have a tiny scar camera probably won't pick it up, but its there and I like it actually. Yeah I'm wierd but its my reminder of my childhood kitty Zepher

    Daughter Zoey is 2 !!!!
    Jasmine 1 month

  8. #23
    Sandy jumped out of my arms once and left a scratch right across my wrist. There is a scar there now. The only one I have, and it looks like I atempted suicide. I think its cool. I proptly cut her nails though. The best way to do it is to put them on the floor and sit on them (without sitting on them) and bend their paw back so they can not see what you are doing. It is also harder for them to scratch you cause they are pinned, and one paw is behind them. You still have to be carefull, but Sandy is calmer if she can not see me cutting her nails, or hear them being cliped. I talk to cover up the sound. I use people nail clipers to cut the cats and ferrets nails.

  9. #24
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Columbia, MD
    Ouch! That looks like it hurts.

    I always have scratches on my arms, legs, and chest. Drake and I wrestle a lot and they are accidental war wounds I also always have bruises on my feet coz Drake will jump or do something and land on my foot. Those claws!

    Been bit once by a GSD when I was a kid. It had me terrified of dogs most of my life until we got Drake.

  10. #25
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Belgium, near Ghent
    I always have scratches somewhere, made by Inka!! That lil girl is such a devil ! One moment she is purring, next minute she hits you!!

    ook, she did this this morning, afetr begging for a belly-rub

    Who... ME ???
    I miss you enormously Sydney, Maya, Inka & Zazou Be happy there at the Rainbow Bridge

  11. #26
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Great, yet painful sounding , stories everyone!

    Richard... ha!! I'm surprised too.

    Lut, is that a pot holder on Inka's head!? It's cute! LOL!

    She looks much to sweet to have done that to your hand.
    ~Kimmy, Zam, Logan, Raptor, Nimrod, Mei, Jasper, Esme, & Lucy Inara
    RIP Kia, Chipper, Morla, & June

  12. #27
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    My Simon would do that but I broke him of it. If he was sleeping next to me and I wanted to pet him he would bite my hand. I would say in a stern voice. SIMON, NOOOOOOO, NAUGHTY KITTY, DON'T YOU DO THAT!!!!!!!!!!! Then I would leave him alone for awhile and do it again. He caught on and if he doesn't want me to pet him he will act like he is starting to bite me but it's just a fake-out. Sometimes he will lick me. LOL I always praise him when he does that.

  13. #28
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Belgium, near Ghent
    Originally posted by ramanth
    Lut, is that a pot holder on Inka's head!? It's cute! LOL!

    No no, lol, it is a cat-hat!
    Here is Maya wearing the same hat!
    I miss you enormously Sydney, Maya, Inka & Zazou Be happy there at the Rainbow Bridge

  14. #29
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    I have lots of tiny scars on the shoulders and upper arms because Filou always jumps on after I come from the shower and I am not always quick enough to grab a towel

    Siegmar usually has the big bruises because he plays with Tigris tug-o'-war with mousies and Tigris is a bad loser

  15. #30
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    UK, Cornwall (the Heart of England.
    Ahh yes the darling kittie attacks, I'm not that much of a cat person but had them when i was younger.
    But i'm a dog groomer, and we do cats as well, well a few niks here and there, but about six months ago this one cat from hell, it leap for me unprevoked and got my arms real good, the scars are still there but to faint for the camara to pick up, the took months to heal, and after all the "do you selve harm crap" i thought thank god you can barley see them, till bam another one right on the same arm ive got to pics as the are now (this attack was 5 months ago) i think i might have a healing problem as well.

    And so the selve harming thing continues and the laughter, that a cat beat me.

    Ky = Me, Rio, the new addition Donnie and Tia (the fuzzy ferts) = My Love My Life My All.

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