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Thread: Medical help for cat in Baltimore, MD

  1. #16
    Join Date
    Feb 2001
    Greenville, SC, USA
    Please reassure Aunt Nancy that Toby is in good hands!! Our friend, Xena and BosMom are making sure of that!! She needs one less worry, and Toby is it!! I think our boy will be just fine.

    [ December 12, 2001: Message edited by: Logan ]

  2. #17
    Join Date
    Jul 2001
    Aberdeen, MD
    Logan, without a messenger no one would have heard of Toby and Pam's plight. The Bible says "inasmuch as you have done it to the least of these, you have done it to Me" and that sounds like you, so please accept some of the credit.
    Zippy-Kat, thanks for contacting your Aunt Nancy so quickly! Please tell her that Toby will be taken care of regardless.
    Another individual from the Siamese Cat Lovers Community has offered to drum up $$ in order to pay for Toby's vet bill!! So things are progressing, will keep you all posted.
    The comments so far have been real sweet, I get teary-eyed every time I read them. What a bunch of super folks you all are!!
    Cyber-hugs to Logan, Manxcat, Phred and Sammi

  3. #18
    Join Date
    Feb 2001
    Greenville, SC, USA
    Just in case Xena didn't get my message, please make sure she knows that I am willing to throw in the $$$$ towards Toby's medical care too. I emailed her yesterday telling her that, but just in case, you let her know that I am out here with some aid too.

    Thanks so much, BosMom....You are an angel....


  4. #19
    Join Date
    Oct 2000
    Logan, BosMom, Toby....Angels all. And bless her poor, sick momma who needs all of our love and prayers. I'm sure she loved Toby dearly and Toby her as well. Toby will be safe and well cared for now.

    Star,Tigg'r , Mollie and the10 Gallon Gang!

    And my Rainbow Bridge Furangels...Jingles, Cody, Fritz, Chessa, Satin, Buddy, Lizzie, Oliver, Squeaker, Moonbeam, Rosie, Ruby~

  5. #20
    I have only just now been able to read the thread on the other board detailing Pam's history.

    This makes me so mad. The reason this woman is living on the streets is because a few decades ago some bleeding heart liberals decided that people who can't make decisions for themselves should be allowed the freedom to make decisions for themselves.

    Many people with mental disorders are {i]fine, productive memebers of society so long as they take their medication[/i]. Unfortunately, too many of them look at their medication as a cure as opposed to a treatment. They start to feel okay and then decide they do not need to take it anymore. Years and years ago the courts could compel them to take their medication. Not so anymore, they have the "right" to be sick.

    As a result, the streets and homeless shelters are full of "Pams". Being a libertarian, I am all for personal rights, but I am also practical enough to know that not everyone can judge what rights they should and can claim. We don't allow 9 year olds to drive and we shouldn't allow a mentally ill person who cannot function without medication and who becomes a burden on society without medication to decide whether or not they need medication. I certainly am not advocating the courts to decide what medical treatment is warranted for people who can make their own decisions. If I want to stop taking my insulin and die, that's my business. But if my not taking my medication, instead of causing me to die, causes me to lose sight of the fact that I need medication at all, and causes me to not be able to support myself, and causes me to not be able to manage my affairs, I would pray to God that someone would be compelled by law to force me to take it!

    Along with deciding that people have a right to choose to become dependent on society, it was also made harder to hospitalize someone against their will. Pam has to either admit herself or be an immediate physical threat to herself or another human being. Of course, without treatment she doesn't have the capability to realize that she even needs treatment, so she's not likely to seek it.

    Advocates for the homeless are usually quick to point out that homeless problem was nearly nonexistent until the mental hospitals started discharging their patients because the courts were losing the power to keep them hospitalized. Some people estimate that as many as 90% of the homeless people require treatment for drug abuse, alcoholism, or mental disease. My personal theory is that there are two types of homeless: regular folks caught in a temporary bind who are back on their feet shortly, and the Pams of the world, who spend the rest of their lives on the streets or going from temporary shelter to temporary shelter.

    Also, so many people don't realize that all shelters are temporary. Many are only open at night, all have a very short maximum stay, usually 30 days or less. Even if Pam sought and received treatment, it would be impossible for her improve via her therapy, sort herself out, get a job, and save up the $1000 or so bucks it takes to get an apartment these days in 30 days. Almost all the homeless programs offer short-term fixes designed to take the place of a long-term solution.

    Even the programs that have the resources to get Pam into an apartment are still not allowed to force her to take her medication. Thus, she is moved in courtesy of the taxpayer or charity donor and within months is once again on the street. Is that really a good use of resources? It would be a wonderful use of resources if someone could MAKE her take her pills everyday, then she would be self-sufficient in a matter of months, instead of right back where she started.

    Anyway, I'm on a soapbox, and I'm rambling, and none of this helps poor Pam today. It just makes me so mad that a few liberals can make such vast changes to society and never have any accountability when the consequences become so dire.

  6. #21
    You said it just like it is. I also feel that if I was unable to make my own decisions about my medication that someone else would- to prevent me me from being on the street. (and I am refering to medication that I would need to function in society if this were the case). I doubt that people living on the street have living wills. Today some states have people sign to have their siderails up when in the hospital/Nursing Home! That used to be standard for someone who was sedated or confused - but the saying goes something like "Better a broken bone than a broken heart".

  7. Leah -

    You have just given the speech I have given so many times -- especially to my stepson. He rants about "capitalist" causing homelessness and I try to respond with some factual history about how "humanely" we treat the mentally ill. It breaks my heart but it also frightens me. Sometimes people who need medications can become violent without them. I have had personal experience trying to help someone who needed to take medications to function. Very sad that these people who could, at the very least be more comfortable, and in many cases be contributing members of society are instead cold, hungry, feared, etc.

  8. #23
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Drama Queen Rehab
    I tried to give spare change to a 'corner bum' and his dog last week--he wouldn't come over to my car window to get it.

    Aly and I had a discussion on homeless ppl just the other day. I understand when ppl get down on their luck, and I hope that if I'm ever that way, there will be ppl to help me--but it's the ppl who refuse to do anything to CHANGE their luck that anger me!

  9. #24
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Hi Everyone!
    I first of all want to say thank you to so many people here who have offered help. It is such a blessing to meet so many good hearted people who truly care about Toby and Pam and have never met them.

    Reading some of these posts are hard but true. In Pam's case after speaking with her Pastor and Network assistance worker I was given a history. Pam was in a state hospital to help her with her mental disabilities. She decided she wanted to leave so they had to allow her. Since that time she has been wandering aimlessly around trying to get people to help her. The churches have had her set up in various shelters and even were able to set her up in an apartment. Unfortunately Pam's mental disabilities are not going to go away and she is unable to follow through on what she needs to do to take care of herself out here. I have been advised that I need to shut my office off as an outlet to her so she will get the help she needs. This is difficult but I am understanding a little about what is needed and why.

    This leaves sweet little Toby. The poor sweety seems like he has been through the ringer the last 3 months. He is very malnourished, appears to have an upper respiratory infection and has gotten into something that must have caused a bad allergic reaction in him. I have a vet appt today so we can find out where to start. Toby is a sweetheart that likes to talk now that he has been in my office with me for 4 days. He is very affectionate and has beautiful green eyes. Toby is Orange and White. The vet said we will need to run a series of tests. First being the feline lukemia test to rule that out. Then we can proceed from there. I am praying he is just malnourished and can pull through anything that is working on him.

    Thank you Connie and Logan for inviting me to this commmunity and for helping me find a home for Toby if all goes well at the vets. I can see the members are loving and caring people and I am deeply grateful to be able to talk to everyone. Also thank you Tonya and Missy for offering your help. If I missed anyone I do apologize. Please say a prayer that all goes well with Toby today.

    Thanks a Million,
    Forever grateful,

  10. #25
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Drama Queen Rehab
    I hope Lil' Toby gets to feeling better.
    Prayers are comin' his way!

  11. #26
    Join Date
    Feb 2001
    Greenville, SC, USA
    Welcome, Xena!! We're all hoping and praying that Pam and Toby will be ok. Sure sounds like you have a lot more control over Toby's future at the moment, but it is a great thing you are doing.

    We'll be anxiously awaiting your report.


  12. #27
    Join Date
    Jun 2001
    Xena, welcome to PetTalk! As you can see, this is an incredibly caring community. Thank you so very much for all you've done for Pam and Toby. Fingers and paws are crossed for them both.
    Cindy (aka Manxcat)
    household staff of Stump and Emmett

  13. #28
    Join Date
    Jul 2001
    Aberdeen, MD
    Welcome Xena! Bless your heart for taking care of Pam and Toby, especially at this time of the year when everyone is so busy. You have truly gone above and beyond the call of duty!! I know you will find everyone here on Pet Talk to be wonderful and caring.
    I agree with everyone's posts about how sick people need to be gently made to take their medication if this will help them be self sufficient in society. Human nature will take the path of least resistance every chance it gets, therefore some sort of guidance system or internal set of standards are needed. With the mentally ill, they cannot hold onto (or have a distorted set of) these standards, so there must be some way to enforce them to their benefit. If we all didn't obey laws to a certain extent there'd be chaos in the world, and we are seeing this fact borne out in a small way with the homeless person problem in our country.
    Oh well...This is a great place to "air out" one's opinions, and that is all this is meant to be.
    Xena, Cyber-hugs to you!

  14. #29
    Join Date
    Oct 2000
    Dear Xena. Thank you for all your assistance in helping Pam and Toby. You have a heart of gold. And we would be honored to have you join us here on Pet Talk as a regular visitor. Please keep us informed on Toby and Pam's status'. Prayers are on the way for them both....for their safety, health and especially, with hopes that they find a loving, caring home.

    Star,Tigg'r , Mollie and the10 Gallon Gang!

    And my Rainbow Bridge Furangels...Jingles, Cody, Fritz, Chessa, Satin, Buddy, Lizzie, Oliver, Squeaker, Moonbeam, Rosie, Ruby~

  15. #30
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Hi Everyone!
    Thank you so much for the prayers. I have returned from the vets this is what I found out. Toby is approx. 5 years old.

    Toby's Prognosis
    Good News-
    Toby tested Feline Lukemia and Immune Deficient Negative
    He is also parasite free

    Bad News-
    Toby has a very bad allergic reaction to something that has been ongoing causing a secondary skin infection.

    Really Bad News- (Sorry)
    My blood is still boiling over this so excuse me if you sense my anger.
    Toby has been abused. His teeth are damaged so bad and are chipped and broken all over.
    The vet said the only way this could have happened is from being kicked and thrown alot. Because of this damage his teeth and gums are infected. They are beginning to abcess.

    Pam stopped by my office today when I made it back from the vets right before closing the office. I asked her about Toby's teeth and told her what the vet said thought happened to him. She would not answer only look at the floor. Thank God I am a Christian. I was so angry. I understand violent mood swings in mentally ill people but poor Toby is declawed. He had no way of even trying to defend himself. I am not saying that Pam did this to him because I will never know for sure but she knows it happened when I mentioned that he had been kicked repeatedly. Ok I have to come off of this subject before I say something I shouldn't.

    The vet is keeping Toby overnight. He is being given a shot of cortisone and is starting antibiotics orally. In addition to this they are going to soak Toby in a Conditioning of some sort and apply a topical antibiotic to him to help him with the secondary skin infection.

    I tried to get a picture of Toby today for everyone and made the mistake of using a flash camera. He hid and now hides when he sees the camera. I will have to wait a few days to try and get another. Sorry

    Let me tell you one thing about Toby he has the most magnificent translucent green eyes I have ever saw. They go right through you and melt your heart. He is afraid of people now I know why. But once you build his trust he is so overly affectionate you can't help resist his charms when he talks to you and wants a pet or a hug.

    Thankfully Rachel has said she will take Toby when she returns back home after the Holidays.(Thanks Connie for leading her to Toby.) She is getting a winner in Toby. The only problem is going to be the dental work that he is going to need. According to the vet both top K-9's need to be removed. The one is broken in half the other is broken at the top. His bottom two are already gone. His other teeth are damaged but she feels they can be saved but will need alot of dental work.

    The vet feels Toby is going to be ok and is very strong to be able to have gone through all of this. I Thank God I came across Toby when I did and will be so happy when he is placed in his forever loving home. Rachel will have to keep me updated because now I feel like his foster mom and am very attached.

    I would love to keep him but I already have 2 big dogs Ben and Chessie, 2 cats Saber and Casper, a hamster Gizmo and a parakeet named Lee plus a fishtank in a two bedroom house so you can imagine. I will show you all my furbabies later they are a crazy but sweet bunch.

    Thanks again for all your support and prayers for Toby. (I am very upset with Pam right now. But she still needs prayers too.)


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