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Thread: Paddy's blood results are back.

  1. #16
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Middle Tennessee, USA
    I'm sorry Paddy. I had to laugh at your pictures. Morgan, who just turned 10 in May, was 19+ pounds at his largest weight. He is diabetic, but it is controlled strictly by diet. It's a low carb diet. He's lost over a pound in the year and a half he's been on the food without insulin. Hopefully that will work for Paddy. Morgan also has a cyst like that on his back. It was drained and has since returned. Like your vet, mine said not to worry about it.

    We're looking forward to hearing how Paddy reacts to the new diet and pain meds.

  2. #17
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Santa Paula, CA
    I'm glad that all in all his vet exam went well. Hopefully his blood work will all come back within the normal range too. None of my cats except for Starr were overweight before I started feeding them a high protein diet and now they've all lost some weight so I'm sure that even Paddy will be able to lose weight on this kind of a diet.

    I saw a show on Animal Planet last night which I've seen before. It was about overweight pets. One was an extemely obese male Tuxie and he weighed a little over 23lbs even though his owners said that they didn't feed him very much food. I really think that they were overfeeding him a bit.

    They then put him on a strict diet and had to measure out his food. They also had to try to increase his excercise and they played with him before his meals. They tried to make him work for his food. In 8 weeks time he lost about 1 1/2 lbs which the vet said is a lot for a small animal like a cat. He was even starting to get a waistline.

    I look forward to hearing about and seeing Paddy's weight loss progress. I know he can do it because he has two very dedicated owners and a very loving and caring home. Good luck.

  3. #18
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Alberta, Canada
    I'm glad to hear that nothing serious is happening with Paddy - except his new food!

    That last pic you posted though - OMG LOL - I just had to repost this one from Cat General:

    Looking forward to the After picture! Paddy, you will feel so much better!
    "Do or do not. There is no try." -- Yoda

  4. #19
    I think Paddy is related to Calloway, lol. They both seem to have the chubby problem!

    I changed everyone over to Innova's EVO about 1 1/2 months ago. It doesn't have any grains in it, so should be almost no carbs, but I swear Calloway has gained weight anyway!!! He seems to be in good spirits, and has more energy, actually all of them do except Furbee (I think she's just depressed). Their fur feels really nice too. It was soft before, but seems even softer now.

    I hope you can find something that will help Paddy lose weight. I'm hoping Calloway will lose weight as well, because he is just looking very overweight.

  5. #20
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    British Columbia
    Quote Originally Posted by jenn_librarian View Post
    I think Paddy is related to Calloway, lol. They both seem to have the chubby problem!

    I changed everyone over to Innova's EVO about 1 1/2 months ago. It doesn't have any grains in it, so should be almost no carbs, but I swear Calloway has gained weight anyway!!! He seems to be in good spirits, and has more energy, actually all of them do except Furbee (I think she's just depressed). Their fur feels really nice too. It was soft before, but seems even softer now.

    I hope you can find something that will help Paddy lose weight. I'm hoping Calloway will lose weight as well, because he is just looking very overweight.
    I hope that Calloway will be able to lose a few pounds too! I don't think Paddy will ever be a slim and trim guy but I want him to lose at least 4 or 5 pounds so he can move around better.
    I was really interested to learn that Fancy Feast and wet food like it has fairly low protein in it and adds to the weight problem. I gave him a teaspoon of the Medi-Cal Reducing this morning and he LOVED it! The Wellness grain free wet food seemed to be somewhat popular last night but Paddy actually left some in the bowl! That never happens. I think it might have been a bit rich for him.

    You wouldn't believe what I caught Paddy doing the other day! I walked into the room just in time to catch him munching away on the Swheat Scoop cat litter!! I Googled it and apparently some cats find this litter enticing because of the protein content. It is supposed to be non-toxic but in a few cases cats have been rushed to the vet because of the severe constipation it causes. Needless to say, that litter is no longer being used and we're back to the clay scoopable. I'm okay with that anyway because the Swheat Scoop ended up making the room smell like a giant hamster cage!

    I'm hoping this grain free, high protein, low carb diet is going to work for everybody. It should help Jimmy's IBD and George's allergies and weight problem and Paddy's weight problem and everyone else should do fine on it. If these guys were in the wild, I suppose they wouldn't be eating many carbs anyway.

    krazyaboutkatz wrote:
    They then put him on a strict diet and had to measure out his food. They also had to try to increase his excercise and they played with him before his meals. They tried to make him work for his food. In 8 weeks time he lost about 1 1/2 lbs which the vet said is a lot for a small animal like a cat. He was even starting to get a waistline.
    I'm going to try to definitely get him moving around more. The vet suggested that a couple of times each day I should walk to the opposite side of the house and put Paddy there so he has to walk back to the spot he likes to lounge around. She said it doesn't sound like much but that every bit does help.

    Moesha wrote:
    I'm sorry Paddy. I had to laugh at your pictures. Morgan, who just turned 10 in May, was 19+ pounds at his largest weight. He is diabetic, but it is controlled strictly by diet. It's a low carb diet. He's lost over a pound in the year and a half he's been on the food without insulin. Hopefully that will work for Paddy. Morgan also has a cyst like that on his back. It was drained and has since returned. Like your vet, mine said not to worry about it.
    It is a funny picture. lol
    The bloodwork done on Paddy will show if he's dealing with diabetes. I'm praying that he's not and I'll do everything I can to get him to a better weight than he is now.
    The vet said that the cyst she drew the fluid out of will most likely just fill back up like in Morgan's case. I wish I knew why some cats get these. There must be a reason.

    Thanks for posting that Cheezeburger pic Candace. Too funny and too similar! LOL
    Last edited by Emeraldgreen; 08-23-2008 at 01:10 PM.

  6. #21
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    British Columbia
    Paddy's blood results came back. The vet said his thyroid is on the low side but that he isn't hypothyroid and she doesn't see a need to prescribe any meds.
    His blood sugar was nearing the 'high' side but he doesn't have diabetes. She said it's good that we are working on getting him to lose weight now so we can help prevent him from getting diabetes.
    Everything else looked good so she said I could start Paddy on the anti-inflammatory/pain meds for his painful feet. It's really been helping him and he walks around much faster and seems to be more comfortable.

  7. #22
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Glad to hear there was nothing serious with the blood results and that he can take the meds. Hope he feels better soon.

    From Decker with Love

  8. #23
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Santa Paula, CA
    This is great news. Hopefully he'll begin to lose some weight. Good luck and please continue to keep us updated about him.

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