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Thread: Check out my big girl, Katie. Tons of Pics!***Videos Added***

  1. #16
    Join Date
    Feb 2001
    Happy Valley, Utah
    CUTE photos!! What a good girl you are Katie! I'm so happy to see them getting along, Robin! I love the pic that Husky15 reposted, it looks like she's giving her a hug. Please post more pics and those videos too if you can get them to work! Give Katie a hug for me for being so sweet!

  2. #17
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Those are all so adorable!! Tori makes the puppy look sooo small. hehe

    "Did you ever notice when you blow in a dog's face he gets mad at you?
    But when you take him in a car he sticks his head out the window." -- Steve Bluestone

  3. #18
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Ridge Manor, FL
    There are too cute Robin. Katie seems to be so gentle with her. Thanks for sharing them with us.
    Amber: Mom to Connor, Carson, Sadie, Maggie and Grant

  4. #19
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Off to the races....
    What sweet pictures! I'm so glad Katie is enjoying Sammy!

  5. #20
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Thanks for the comments everyone. All three dogs get along great. Tori had went out to potty so it was a good time to get some pics of just Katie and Sammi playing alone. The three of them together are a handful and are on the go non stop! Sammi never quits and that little girl wears me out. She is rough and tough and always on the move. The kids are moving into thier new home this weekend so I am puppy sitting again today. I know I won't be getting any housework done today .

    Here are a couple of videos that I took of Katie and Sammi playing.

    I hope the links work.

  6. #21
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Robin these are terrific!! Sammi still looks small to me. Do you think she won't be very big when full grown? I guess it is too early to tell, but I was thinking that with the way many puppies go through explosive growth spurts she might have *blossomed* into a bigger girl by now.

    I am also dogsitting for a while. I have had Harlee since Dec. 23rd and she will be here until the 6th of January while her humans are away. She is standing here right beside me now and barking at Katie's breathing. LOL! Now she is sniffing the monitor. LOL!

    I am looking forward to more pictures and movies and some with your beautiful gal Tori in them.

    Congrats to your son and his gal on their new home. Will he allow you to post pictures of their new digs?

  7. #22
    great pics mate

  8. #23
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    New Jersey
    Oh good girl, Katie! It looks like Katie likes puppies. She was very good with the baby. She is such a pretty pretty girl.

  9. #24
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Kingman, Arizona
    Aww!! Great pictures!! Looks like lots of fun over at your house!! Lucky!
    Maggie [lab x germanshepherd], Autumn [Cattle dog x chow], C.P. [Domestic short hair] Henry [domestic short hair] Mittens [siamese/ x ], Buck [paint horse], Indy [Paint horse]

  10. #25
    Join Date
    Apr 2001
    indianapolis,indiana usa
    I loved the pictures. Katie is such a good gril with the puppy.
    Sammi looks so tiny next to Katie. Hope you hold up with the baby
    sitting with a rambunctious pup.
    I've Been Boo'd

    I've been Frosted

    Today is the oldest you've ever been, and the youngest you'll ever be again.

    Eleanor Roosevelt

  11. #26
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    How adorable!!

    Katie is such a good girl and plays so nicely with little Sammi.

    The videos are great! I can't believe how quiet they are! I thought my speakers were off and I cranked them up and your voice startled me.
    ~Kimmy, Zam, Logan, Raptor, Nimrod, Mei, Jasper, Esme, & Lucy Inara
    RIP Kia, Chipper, Morla, & June

  12. #27
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Charlotte, Michigan
    I really got a big kick out of seeing Katie and Sammi playing together, then, Watching them in a video!!!!

    You're Katie girl is such a Sweetheart~ Teaching Sammi how to socialize and to be as Good as Gold while in their Pack!!!!

    Katie and Sammi play together like Hexy(my daughter's German Shepard) Jackie!!! The sniffing, snorting and romping of the feet!!!!!( But, like you said , they sure can wear you out!!!!)

    I liked hearing your voice too, especially when you said~ "Careful Katie, She's just a baby"~ That video is soooo Sweet~I'm so glad you got a chance to tape that and then share it was us!!!!!

    Congratulations are in order as well to your Son and his Girlfriend on finding a Home!!!!!
    Rest in Peace Corinna~ Well Never Forget You~


  13. #28
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Geneva, IL
    These pictures are just adorable. Thank you for posting them. Looks like Katie wants to be Sammi's mommie. Does she get upset when Sammi goes home?

    I'm going back to do the videos now.
    *Until one has loved an animal, a part of ones soul remains unawakened.* Anatole France

  14. #29
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Ohio, USA
    19,879's so nice to see your Katie girl playing so nicely with Sammi! Isn't it just amazing how they act around puppies?! Makes you feel good doesn't it?

    I'm very happy to hear that they all get along so well and thanks for sharing the pictures and the videos

    Huney, Bon & Simba-missed so very much
    Remembering all the Rainbow Bridge Pets

  15. #30
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    Chicagoland, IL
    What a good girl she is Robin! These pictures were a real treat for me, and the video even more. There's nothing quite like seeing them in action. Katie looked like she was trying to be careful, she's so HUGE compared to little Sammi Can't help but bring a smile to watch them play. I think Katie and Sammi will be great buddies
    Mom to Raven and Rudy the greyhound

    Missing always: Tasha & Tommy, at the Rainbow Bridge

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