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Thread: Phred back in Hospital - needs prayers.

  1. #16
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Georgia, USA
    Prayers going up for you Phred.
    Me, Tinky and Jupiter are hoping you can can come home soon!

    Alden is here!!
    7/6/2006 - 9 pounds 9 ounces 22 inches


  2. #17
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Copenhagen, Denmark - GMT+1
    I'm so sorry to hear this. I hope the tests will clear things up and he can get the right treatment for his condition, so he can come home and live a fairly normal life.

    It's a good thing that he doesn't have to worry about his furkids.

    I'm sending positive thougths for a speedy recovery - and many hugs.

    Get well soon, Phred!

    Staci, please update us when you get any news.

    "I don't know which weapons will be used in the third World war, but in the fourth, it will be sticks and stones" --- Albert Einstein.

  3. #18
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Staci I am so glad he is in the hospital and getting care. As I mentioned in my e-mail it sounded a little like CHF to me as my mom suffers from that. They will probably start him right away on diuretics to stop the swelling and there are medications nowadays to help. My brother's MIL lived a long time with CHF so it is treatable. Now we just have to get Phred to listen to the docs and obey. Prayers going up for this very special man. Please do keep us posted.

  4. #19
    Oh no , lots of good healing vibes on the way for Phred. I will keep those good thoughts coming.
    Rhi *Hooman* Clover *Rottie x ACD* (RIP to my BRD) Elvis and Tinny *The BCs* & Harri *JRT* Luna *BC x*

  5. #20
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    I'm so sorry to hear that Phred is back in the hospital again.
    Get well soon Phred so you can be back at home with your furkids.
    RIP sweet Samantha

    Milly & Izzy

  6. #21
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Windham, Vermont, USA
    He will certainly be in our prayers. I was wondering last night if he had developed asthma, as one of my freinds did after a heart attack. I am glad he is in the hospital, though I know he doesn't want to be there, and he can get the medical attention he needs.

    I hope Mr. Bear got to go with him!

  7. #22
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    Cincinnati, Ohio USA
    Prayers for Phred!

  8. #23
    Join Date
    Oct 2000
    Lots and lots of healing prayers being said for our dear friend, Phred. I'm so sad to hear he's back in the hsopital but grateful that he is getting the care he so urgently needs right now. Thank you for the update Staci and the contact info.

  9. #24
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    Middle TN, United States
    Lots of healing prayers from me, Phred.

    Anything you need, you know you can count on me, and you know you can count on me, I really do mean that, Staci.


    Thank You, kittycats_delight for my new siggy!!!

  10. #25
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Oh man. Phred, I'll be thinking of you! Keep your chin up, get well soon, and get home to those fur kids.
    ~Kimmy, Zam, Logan, Raptor, Nimrod, Mei, Jasper, Esme, & Lucy Inara
    RIP Kia, Chipper, Morla, & June

  11. #26
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Ohio, USA
    Staci thanks for letting us all know. Phred is a special man to all of us and we only wish the best for him.
    I really didn't know anything about CHF but I'm glad to hear that it's treatable and something you can live a normal life with.

    Phred, I'll be praying for you buddy

    Huney, Bon & Simba-missed so very much
    Remembering all the Rainbow Bridge Pets

  12. #27
    Oh, no, I'm so sorry to read this. Prayers and many healing thoughts for Phred. The hospital is the best place for him to be right now.

    "All men are created equal but none of them is equal to a dog." From the "Howard Huge" cartoon..

  13. #28
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Oh no, no again! Lots of prayers for Phred, this is such horrible news

  14. #29
    Join Date
    Oct 2000
    Los Angeles, CA USA
    I am so sorry to hear that our Phred is in the hospital at all. But on the other hand, if he has this condition, I would much rather have him IN the hospital where he can be monitored and helped.

    Staci, thank you so much for keeping us informed of what is going on. Please don't feel you are alone in this - all of us will do anything we can for our dear friend, Phred.

    And one of those things is to pray really hard that he is soon home with his critters and feeling better and this condition is under control.

  15. #30
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Buenos Aires, Argentina
    Oh no!! You're in my thoughts and prayers, Phred... I can't wait to see you back posting. I'm glad to know that you're in hospital getting care, though...
    Lola, the mutt, 2 years old

    Anita, the dachshund, 7 years old

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