I know Raisin really has no special significance to the rest of the world
Pish-tosh. She's precious to you, and that matters. A whole bunch of us have posted, so she has touched us all today. I've heard it said that "God don't make no junk" and she's proof!
I just believe that she is one of the best, and cutest kittens in the whole wide world.
Absolutely! Miss Raisin, you gave me a happy memory today. When I lived in the dorm in college, the second-last house on the block between my dorm and the school of nursing was occupied by a tuxie cat named -- RAISIN! I love your pictures -- looks like you were curled up in the basket before you tilted your head to see what's up... and that second one... looks like you're demonstrating your kitty yoga for us! You remind me a little of Lut's beloved Snoopy, too. I like your taste in food - ice cream and chocolate But you need to have the balanced kitten diet your people feed you so you grow up healthy and beautiful. Happy, happy Cat of the Day to you, Raisin and a fun, wonderful life! Mmuwah!