Dear Alizé,
I want you to know that I am not abandoning you when we take you to be boarded tomorrow. I hope you understand that I will be back. I've talked to you about it, and I know you are a puppy, but hopefully just some how you will know. You will be there for 10 whole days, and to me that
seems like forever without you. You haven't been away from me since you were born, and get upset when I walk away from you for a second and you can't reach me.
I know you were so scared when we left you to have your surgery, and I cried almost all day without you by my side. But I knew I was doing what was best for you, and please know that this is for the best too.. If we could take you with us, you would be going. But I can't.. Please know that staying with those nice people at the vets office, it will be better than staying here at my moms house..
Please know that your momma will be thinking of you every day, and I will be calling there to talk to them to see if you are alright.
I love you my baby girl.. Please don't be sad. I promise you, lord willing, we will be back for you.
Love, Mom
We love you baby Zay.