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Thread: Nascar 2008

  1. #181
    Join Date
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    Middle Tennessee, USA
    So what do ya think Cuzin Carl meant when he said in his post race interview that that was the most fun he'd had in his clothes in a long time? Does someone have something that they would like to confess???
    Last edited by Moesha; 04-20-2008 at 09:38 PM.

  2. #182
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    Off to the races....
    Missed that comment...Hmmmmm

    He and David Regan did go hiking on Saturday, and they showed Carl with his shirt off in the pre-race. He claimed David had his off too until the cameras starting rolling. Makes you wonder what was really going on out there on the trail....

  3. #183
    Join Date
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    Middle Tennessee, USA

    Carl's interview is about at the 5:20 mark.

  4. #184
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    Marcus Ambrose?

    Sounds like a painter or poet..Stock Car Racer?


    Word is out that Patrick was allowed to win the Tokyo race. Her pit crew was tired of her whining and took up a collection for the 2nd place team.


    What is KB's carbon footprint after that smoke out?
    It really don't matter, Mexico City's air sucks anyway.

    What Boris Said and what happened are two different things.

    6 foot 5? Dang, I'd buy him lunch and wash his car if I caused him to crash outta the race!
    Last edited by RICHARD; 04-21-2008 at 07:23 AM.
    The secret of life is nothing at all
    -faith hill

    Hey you, don't tell me there's no hope at all -
    Together we stand
    Divided we fall.

    I laugh, therefore? I am.

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  5. #185
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    Not necessarily a NASCAR/racing thought....

    It's all about DP and her winning.

    And what about all the other women who's shoulders she stood on to get there? Not only in open wheel racing, but in karts, drag, Indy car racing?

    I can name a few right off the top of my head, Janet Guthrie, Ashley Force, Shirley Muldowney, Angie Semple. I forgot the gal who raced in the pink car for a while in stock cars.....

    In these days of big money contracts there are very few sports and very few arse-leaks (My brother's term for athletes who think they poo don't smell)
    who don't stop and think or thank everyone that came before them.

    Example? Baseball. Those sissies (I love the game, hate the prices and some of the players) who ask for jillions of dollars to play a game where the worst is getting hit in the head with a ball....

    Ask them about some of the history about the game and they can't tell you who Curt Flood is. Like, isn't that what happened after Katrina?

    Yep, it's great that a woman won a race, I would have rather seen another gal do it....Not some Sports Illustrated bikini model.


    If you hear her mention any woman who paved the way for her win, let me know. It will probably be someone named Danica, who did it all on her own.


    I'd love to see her in NASCAR and go after a driver like she did last year...

    BOOM BOOM, Out go the lights!

    Then she'd cry and talk about people picking on her because she is a woman.

    O.K., I don't have the bits to race at 200 mph, but she does.

  6. #186
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    Danica did race in karts at the age of 11 or 12. She blew the socks off
    of the other racers, boys or girls. I figure she deserves her moment.
    I've Been Boo'd

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    Today is the oldest you've ever been, and the youngest you'll ever be again.

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  7. #187
    Join Date
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    Ohio, USA
    Richard, we watched a couple of interviews she did and she seemed pretty humble. Maybe she wasn't thanking all the women before her, but she did win this race!
    And what's wrong with her being in a bikini? She looks good!
    I like Tony Stewart, but I sure wouldn't want to see him in a bikini

    Hey, another thought...Carl Edwards was on the cover of a magazine with his shirt off, how come your not giving him a hard time

    Huney, Bon & Simba-missed so very much
    Remembering all the Rainbow Bridge Pets

  8. #188
    Join Date
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    Off to the races....
    Quote Originally Posted by anna_66
    I like Tony Stewart, but I sure wouldn't want to see him in a bikini
    Amen to that!!! It was bad enough onthe Sirius Website, him in his blue silk boxers, during Operation "Wax Smoke". Eewww!!!

  9. #189
    Join Date
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    Moises and Robinson! Thanks!


    Patrick just doesn’t rub me the right way. She’s been a promoter of DP more than she has been of her craft. I don’t really look at Carl, Jeff, Jimmy or any driver as a media star or model. Dale Jr. selling Wrangler jeans is about as far as I pay attention. If the boys want to strip for a magazine, I really don’t care. If showing some man boob gets you a pole position, NASCAR need to revise qualifying!

    DP has done photo spreads for FHM and SI. She’s also done a bunch of interviews for print and electric media. I didn’t find her stretched across the wing of an Indy car especially interesting. And she always seemed like she never lost a race because of her driving-it was the crew, the car or some other excuse.

    Now, had she saved the skin for after a win, I probably would have said, “oh, good for her”. I don’t remember any other woman driver doing skin shots before winning or even making a second place finish in a race. For me, it’s more fun to see a gal make it to the top of her game as a driver first, woman and any other title she wants to be known by, second. I just got tired of all the drama associated with her.


    F1, CART and Indy car racing is like surgery. A driver has to make a turn or a pass in a very precise manner. NASCAR is more like, “Move outta my way sucker!” She’s got the chops for open wheel and she finally got a win. Would a team have put up with 49 also-rans if it was a man driving??

    I love NASCAR and anything else that goes faster than I can walk. But, have they done enough to fire up the imagination of women –getting a gal into the left hand seat? It’s got women into the stands, in front of the tube and cheering along for the drivers-not just the brands of soap, motor oil or male enhancement pills . And DP, in all the media that I have seen, really has never talked about getting women behind the wheel. I am sure there is a smoking hot gal out there that can drive the wheels off a kart, open wheeler or Cup car, but isn’t it a media stunt to publish pics of half -naked drivers? I think Carl Edwards has won one race, so he can race naked for all I care. (Wouldn’t that make a great in-car camera shot?)

    I just find that the Media Machine known as Danica Patrick doesn’t really inspire me to want to watch her race.

    It's like a eating a good steak. I am not really interested in every step it took to my plate, I know how it got there, I just want it to be tasty. And I don't want to hear the server keep telling me that my steak will be ready, 50 times over!

    I do like the women NHRA racers, they are no-bones drivers. I don’t need to see skin to find them attractive or sexy.

    As a matter of fact, I love the way a woman smells in racing leathers.

    It reminds me of a new car!

  10. #190
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    Jun 2003
    Well, I guess I'm going to be the odd woman out and kind of agree with Richard here. I never liked the way Danica Patrick used her looks to get to where she is. I can remember when I first saw one of her magazine shoots showing off her body and thinking that she hasn't even accomplished anything except to pose for magazines. In my opinion it was the only reason you heard anything about her. It seemed like every time she did a new photo shoot she did a new tv interview and I never thought much of her in those interviews. She seemed stand offish and the interview of course was always about her photoshoots and not about her racing skills. I have not seen her in interviews lately because I just don't pay much attention to her anymore. I'm just not a big DP fan.

    Having said that I do however think it is wonderful that a woman has won a big race. Well done! I also don't think she needs to thank any woman that came before her. In my opinion she needs to only thank her team, her sponsors, probably her parents and maybe even the Almighty God Above I would love to see it done in the Cup world one day!

    I am a huge Carl Edwards fan so before anyone throws it into my face about him posing on magazine covers I just want to say that Carl was already an established driver and a winner and everyone knows that he is a huge fitness nut.

  11. #191
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    Off to the races....
    I guess I haven't really taken a position on Danica one way or the other. I don't follow IRL, therefore other thent he big fuss she got into last year trying to fight with another driver, I can't tell you much about her or her attitude.

    Of course, it is nice to see a female get a big win. I'll be more excited when it happens in Nascar, just becuase that is the sport I follow. Go Chrissy Wallace!!! (anybody interested in going to watch her run the NASCAR truck race in Mansfield, Ohio, Saturday of Memorial Day weekend?)

    As for Carl Edwards...not a big fan, but he has to be up there on the list of Nascar drivers who are qualified to be seen 1/2 naked. His face is just a little too John Elway for me, but you have to admire the rest
    Last edited by Cincy'sMom; 04-23-2008 at 12:13 PM.

  12. #192
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    Middle Tennessee, USA
    I've gone to a few IRL races when they've been in Nashville. They always have a autograph session with all of the drivers. Danica was so rude during the one I went to when she was there. She didn't even look at the fan or what she was signing. She just kept talking to to this chick sitting next to her. Tony Kaanan on the other hand...hehe Dario, Helio, Sam...actually most of them were very personable.

  13. #193
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    Sep 2002
    Sad to say it's gonna be a while before we see a woman win a Cup race.

    It has to do with the drivers, sponsorship, marketing and starting grids.

    The starting grids of the OW races that I have seen are half of a NASCAR field. You still have to race, but double the entrants to 43 and it's that much harder.

    Marketing? Would NASCAR market a woman in the same way that DP was marketed? How many women Cup fans would like to see a woman driver draped over the 44 (D) car...Little joke there!

    Sponsorship? Tide and Enzyte, Staples and Viagra. NASCAR is open to all kinds of sponsorship. But let's play 'what if'. Are we ready for the Victoria's Secret Bra Cup? (A joke....) Tampax, Cover Girl?

    LOL, a driver hawking undies.....I wear VC undies under my firesuit! And I feel like a winner!

    How would the men take it? Three types of males here. Ones that don't care, the group that cares and the drivers that will go out of their way to try and make a woman cry....


    I hope no one takes that as a "Bah Humbug" approach, but having been a fan for a while I see some of those problems coming up for any woman driver making a run at a fulltime SCS's too bad.

  14. #194
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    Off to the races....
    Unfortunately, Richard you are probably right. But even to see a woman succed in The truck series or nationwide would be a start.

    On the sponsorship thing, have you heard Larry the Cable Guy's bit? He mentions a lot of the more feminine driven sponsors you did. It is quite funny! I'll have to see if I can find it, when I'm not at work

  15. #195
    Join Date
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    indianapolis,indiana usa
    Ok, one more thing about Danica & then I'll hush up.

    Don't be jealous of her looks or her talent. She's worked very hard (in mostly
    a male domain) to become the driver she is today. If you've ever worked in
    a job surrounded by men, you might have an inkling of how difficult that can
    be sometimes. Anyhoo, I wanted you to see this film clip of an interview she
    did with a local sports guy right after the winning race. It's the usual type
    of interview stuff but catch the film near the end where she had just won
    and her mom rushed up to hug her.She burst out in tears as she is hugged
    by her mom.

    Aside from her racing skills, She's not much different from you or I.
    I've Been Boo'd

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    Today is the oldest you've ever been, and the youngest you'll ever be again.

    Eleanor Roosevelt

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