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Thread: *Labor Day Weekend *BASH* @ Findlay, OHIO Bark Park ~ *SUNDAY* September 5, 2004 ~

  1. #166
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Riding my bike somewhere...
    Thanks for all of the funny comments Gini, although I told you in PM, they had me "LMAO!"

    Amy, feel free to save any of them you'd like!
    We have such good mutts, don't we?

    Yep... Val is right...
    Taking pictures is fun!

    And really, I didn't take as many as I expected!

    ~Kay, Athena, Ace, Kiara, Mufasa, & Alice!
    "So baby take a axe to your makeup kit
    Set ablaze the billboards and their advertisements
    Love with all your hearts and never forget
    How good it feels to be alive
    And strive for your desire"

    -rx bandits

  2. #167

    Smokey's Tails ~~

    SmokeMutt here ~ (Dawggie Korrespondent) ~ wiffa Findlay Tailz...

    WHUDDA **BLAST** we all had!!

    Weather Guy didda nice job - PURRfekt - warm an SUNNie!

    Cinners an me got to show off our "Kleen Look" -
    kuz Dad sed we were goin "swimmin" on Saturday -
    but he had da Dawggie Soap Jug stuffed inna rinsin buckit...
    We gotz all tuckered out frum swimmin inna BigLake an then <EEK> -
    out kumz da SOAP! Oh well, lookin kleen & fluffie nebber hurtz.

    We pulled in an Dad set up "Kamp" unner "Our Pavilun #7",
    an we started gettin 'quainted wiffa Gang...

    LOTTA New Facez - da "Sirrah" Klan turned out in force;
    Kay an Daddy Ken brung dat **KUTE** lil pup "Kiara" aulla way
    up frum Florida;
    Mistur Carl came "HOME" fur a visit;
    Miz Jennifer ~ (WHEN ya gonna *join* PT!??) ~ brung da 3 Huskiez anna
    Friend wiffa NICE all-white pooch;
    Gabbie, da BIG Dane, sed "WOOF" way out onna road
    an pulled in wiff Mom Carrie an Mom'z New Best Buddie in tow...

    Sadly, we wuz missin summa da "regularz" ~

    We *pawz* here fur a moment of Silent Purrayer fur our
    Dear Buddie ~ Angus ~ who began his New Kareer az wunna God's Angles
    up atta Rainbow Bridge... We *MISS* Ya, Big Guy!!
    {{{HUGZ}}} to his Mom Anna & Dad Mark, an Roxey an Huney... <sniff> ...

    Tori an her Mom Robin wuz holdin pawz wiff Angus' Fambily -
    we *missed* dem too, but unnerstand they wuz helpin give Confort
    where it wuz really needed.
    Hope to see allua you guyz atta Fall Gathurin!

    LOTTA *rompin*, *chazin*, an *PLAYIN* inna Bark Yard got dun;
    anna Hooninz bout *ATE* demselvez sillie -
    Dad hadda kut down onna 4/5DM Tater Salad - so'z he kuld *sample*
    EBERYthin onna tabul! (But ya shudda seen da BAG of 4/5DM Tater Salad
    he drug home - gotz enuff TS ta eat fur a WEEK!)

    Miz Debbie musta snuk inna baffroom when we wuzzint *lookin* -
    kuz she wuz serving "KAKE??" outta whut looked ta US just like
    Bootsy's Sandy Box!! Dad sed it wuz REEL *YUMMIE*!
    Dunno WHY HE can eat outta Da Box but WE kant??

    Here's a few *snappiez* Dad "remembured" ta take...

    Miz Staci considerz Pup-Nappin Sunni azzaa playmate fur Keegan

    Jack ready ta jump in wiff Smokey an Leo *rasslin*

    Furst Tymer Miz Clara - "Mom" to Leo >

    Foster Mom & Diana discuss if Sunni will *fit* in Carl's carry-on;
    Carl tries to *ignore* it all...

    Few more comin rite up... >>

    /s/ Cinder, Smokey & Heidi

    R.I.P. ~ Boots, Bowser, Sherman, & Snoopy

  3. #168
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Central North Carolina

    Re: Bark Park

    Originally posted by sirrahbed

    This was my contribution to the food table - being the ONLY cat person there - I thought it was appropriate They were all good sports and ate it too
    A gal made that for us while in tech school, that thing was awesome!

    Great pics everyone I just did a directions search and I'm like 10 hrs from Ohio! Wow, I didn't think it was that far... Dang, wish you guys were closer to NC.

  4. #169

    Smoke Tailz ~ page 2 ~~

    MeenWhile, back atta Dawg Park...

    Staci & Debbie share a *laff*

    Dennis ~ jest *Chillin*
    Or wuz he thinkin... "Would da Katz "like" a Dawg inna howze???"

    Kiara sez: "C-mone Grampz - wanna show ya sumpin..."

    Jennifer (3-HuskyMom) ~ WHEN is she gonna *join* Pet Talk!!??

    Snoopy (I'z feelin *FINE*, Thak You!) and his Mom.
    (We'z Sooo GLAD Snoop's feelin better!!)

    Dat'z my Tailz!

    More *snappiez* onna ImageStation Album ~ rite here >>

    Labor Day '04 at Findlay Dawg Park ALBUM

    A lil *Note of Appologie* ...
    Seems there's a few (OK - a LOT) of *snappies* not inna Album...
    Furstlee ~ Dad hadda few *Brane Ph@rtz* - an managed to take a LOTTA
    great Klose-Upz of da camera's lil Neck-Belt!
    (An TRUST us - it took a lotta *lookin* ta figger out WHUT dat
    durn Black Stripe wuz inna pix!)

    An den der wuz allua UDDER ruined pix... OMG!

    Seemz SUMMbuddie (wiffa BIG TONGUE which iz not-yet-identified)...
    musta been doin sum Tabul-Surfin onna piknik tabul an gib'd
    da poor lil Kamra's LENZE a big, giant *SCHL-URRRRP*
    dat made seein da piz AWFUL diffiekult!
    Da Deed wuz Dun inna Bark Yard, anna *drool* dint dry up till
    aftur da Lunch Shotz wuz taken (an *SMEARED* beyond any
    hope of bein used or viewed!)
    Dad jest figgered DAT wun out whilst processin da snappies...
    He's purdy *piSSed* at WUNNA us Dawggiez!
    He sed a lotta *NawTee Wurdz* whislt cleanin da Lenze yesturday!
    (Look reel kloze atta last dozen or so snappz - lil *residue* showz onna few!)

    Sorrie Bout Dat, Dad!!

    /s/ SmokeMutt, da Findlay Dawggie Korrispondent

    /s/ Cinder, Smokey & Heidi

    R.I.P. ~ Boots, Bowser, Sherman, & Snoopy

  5. #170
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Great pictures everyone.
    ~Kimmy, Zam, Logan, Raptor, Nimrod, Mei, Jasper, Esme, & Lucy Inara
    RIP Kia, Chipper, Morla, & June

  6. #171
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    I have been looking at all the pics for sometime now. It took me awhile to catch up. All the pics are just wonderful!! The furkids look so happy and beautiful.

    Hope to see you all at the next one!


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