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Thread: Hubby makes me mad( good update first op )

  1. #136
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Well, pick a stance and stick with it. You can't play the victim for 8 pages and then tell us it isn't that bad. Which is it? Are you spineless miserable housewife with a husband who walks all over her every chance he gets, or are things really not "that bad"?

  2. #137
    Join Date
    Jan 2001
    Montana USA
    I may get creamed for this but oh well. We have olny heard her side I have seen some people in Camis that really should not be . Perhaps Ashleycats has some fashion issuse that need working on. Perhaps some of the other issuses are not just his. I know I had some self realsation when i had been married a while, things that dateing were ignored but getting older and being a mom were not acceptable any more.
    I am glad you are in therapy, I do hope hubby follows through and does too. A good couples counciler is a great idea is there one reccommended buy your church (if you have one) Hugs to you keep at it but you both must remember the Number one goal is a happy healthy relationship for your child.
    I've been boo'dMerlin my angel

  3. #138
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    Chicagoland, IL
    Ashley, I think it's really good that you are really trying to work through things, and that you recognize some of the reactions you've had in the past weren't healthy, i.e. the anger and acting out. It IS a very important step to recognize there are problems, because you can become so immersed in the way things are that it's hard to even see that things aren't going well. I know this from experience. It's hard to put into words, but I know how hard it is to start clawing your way out of a rut like that, especially when dealing with depression, which tries to sap your will and motivation every moment of every day. But I think you are really trying, and I hope you keep doing so. Don't ever give up. You can't make sweeping changes over night, and to expect that of yourself can drag you back down again, so try to savor and be proud of every triumph.

    I think most important is to work on your own self-confidence and self-esteem. If you can improve these things, the rest will become easier. You aren't ugly or useless, and you have great potential! You have definitely shown creativity and talent in your jewelry and crafts. I think it'd be wonderful if you could look into taking some classes again or something to focus and motivate you. Have you ever thought about selling your crafts on e-bay? Setting yourself some goals and things to look forward to are very very important. Do you have any good friends or a support system? That could really help you as well. You don't need to answer any of my questions, I'm just trying to throw out thoughts and ideas . Keep meeting with various counselors until you can find one you really click with. I know how hard that can be too. I have had bad counselors and they make things worse. Don't let them intimidate you, if you don't feel like they are helping you, find someone else. If you can begin feeling more confident and better about yourself, your husband will probably be less inclined to exert so much control. As I'm sure you have experienced, when you have trouble with confidence and assertiveness, people seem to pick up on that and push you down more.

    Do try to let go of past, mistakes, how things were, etc etc, and focus on the now most of all. If you make a mistake, just try to move on and not dwell on it, do better next time. None of us are perfect. You just have to keep trying and trying again. I still have to try hard sometimes to keep from slipping back into old habits, but it does get easier.

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