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Thread: Message Boards

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2000

    Message Boards

    I was just wondering if anyone has ever been involved in posting on message boards before coming to this site. This is the first time I have ever become involved in a message board site such as this and I think I may have stumbled on the best group of people on the internet. Everyone here loves their pets so much and is so kind and helpful and I get so many laughs too!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2000
    Wichita Falls, TX U.S.A.
    This was the first message board I think I posted on. It has become better then I could have imagined

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Milan, Italy
    I have looked at a couple of other boards but this is certainly the best one there is both in term of people and message volumes. What's more I think that a superb job has been done in setting this one up, it has a very appealing look and it's very user friendly.

    The only other board I occasionally visit is the one for owners of disabled pets, having one myself I'm quite interested in some of the topics discussed there.

    The only snag with Pet Talk is the time difference but unfortunately there isn't anything that can be done about that...

    [ August 01, 2001: Message edited by: Gio ]

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2001
    Greenville, SC, USA
    This was my first too, Pam! And it is still the best all around site!

    Someone here, maybe Alicia (Albea) mentioned the Golden Retriever site on MSN and off I went. I love it too, but even it isn't as much fun as this one. At least they don't count my posts!! LOL!!!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2001
    Please forgive me if I could've posted this in a more appropriate place. Like the folks before me, I have never posted at a sight before and I may be missing the mark on the exact right place for this message in your forum.

    I wanted to comment that the wording of the message I saw advertising this sight is innapropriate in my opinion. It says something to the effect of "whether you paid lots of money for your pet or JUST adopted/rescued him/her from a shelter..." --
    I object to the latter half of that statement. Adopting or rescuing an animal is a wonderful thing to do. I know many people want pure bred animals because they admire the traits of a given breed. However, not everyone who purchases an expensive animal is looking for the ideal companion. Some are looking to make a living as a breeder, some are obtaining a status symbol. This is not to say that I am not in favor of the continuation of pure bred animals, however, just as spending a lot of money on a pure bred pet is not necessarily a gesture of love, going to a shelter for a pet is not necessarily an attempt at frugality. Folks who adopt animals from shelters often have noble motives -- the desire to save an animal's life and the lives of animals who are waiting for space to open up in the adoption area of a shelter before the time comes for them to be euthanized. Animals die
    in shelters every day -- thousands upon thousands of them, and anyone who tells you their shelter is a "no-kill" shelter is not telling you the full story. Unlike most government funded shelters who must continue to accept animals and continue to euthanize those there is no space for, a no kill shelter is a place where no animals are euthanized, but where animals are turned away when the shelter is full. That is to say that if the shelter is full animals will be turned away until some
    shelter animals are adopted. What do you think happens to the animals who are turned away? They may be taken to another shelter, they may be taken somewhere else until space opens up at the no kill shelter, or they may simply be abandoned. Most people who take animals to shelters have either run out of options as to what to do with the animal and need to get rid of it immediately, or they are too unconcerned to try other options. This does not bode well for animals turned away from a no kill shelter.
    I present these facts to emphasize my point that adopting/rescuing an animal from a shelter does not pale in comparison to paying the big bucks for a pure bred pet. Why not
    adopt an animal and donate the balance of the money you would've spent on a pedigreed pet
    to a local shelter so it can provide better services for it's inmates?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2001
    This was my first messaging board too and I love it precisely because the people here love and care for their pets so much, they make me feel like I would want to be their pet just to get all that pampering!
    I think I own my dog, but it owns my heart and home

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2001
    I've been on many message boards before this one. However, I check this one MUCH more frequently than any of the others I've been a regular on. This site definately has some of the nicest people. There are constant arguments on most of my other boards/lists/newsgroups/etc.
    Shiloh, Reece, Lolly, Skylar
    and fosters Snickers, Missy, Magic, Merlin, Maya

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2001
    Indianapolis, IN
    I'm a newbie to this message board thing too, but I must have stumbled upon the best one ever! Kudos to our moderators!! I have heard some scary things about other message boards, so I was just lucky enough to stumble on to the right one on my first try!! My aunt had a horrible experience with a parenting message board which is really scary. You think that would be safe, but it wasn't.
    Out of curiosity, I have looked at a couple of others, but I definitely agree the layout and ease of use of POTD definitely ranks number 1!! I also agree with Spencer, I have seen lots of flames and arguments on other message boards, but it's different here. It's nice to share opinions about things and get other people's points of view here at POTD. I know that everyone here is just like me, in that they love their pets as much as I do!!! You guys are all great, even if I don't get the chance to post as often as I would like

    It's really cool to be in the company of friends...all over the world! *HUGS*!!!
    Karen, Marius, Scooter & Crookshanks=^..^=

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2001
    San Diego, California USA
    Cartwheel, I think if you looked at the posts on this board, you will see that probably a majority of the people on here have adopted their animals, verses those of us who have purchased our pets from a breeder. These people did not think of frugality when they adopted them, they did it out of love and compassion. I admit I purchased my dogs from a breeder because I love Schnauzers and there weren't many around to buy, let alone adopt one from a shelter. Many of the people on this board are giving their time to shelters and they understand the plight of the shelter dog.
    Personally I am a little old to try working at a shelter, but I donate two or three times a year to "Best Friends Animal Sanctuary" who do such good work. I wish you had taken a little time to read some of the posts, some are funny, some are sad, some are silly, but everyone on this board loves all animals and would do anything to help them.

    On another note, this is the first board that I have taken part in discussion and everyone is so nice and friendly. I have tried other boards, but there is a lot of angry people out there who vent in a very bad way. I love tha fact that everyone on this board loves all animals and love to talk about them. It is a safe haven for the animal lover.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Jackie I couldn't have said it better. Cartwheel stick around a while and you will see that exactly what Jackie said is true. Also the Dog or Cat of the Day is often a rescued pet from a shelter or a stray who has found his/her forever home. Stay with us for a bit and I doubt you will leave.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Windham, Vermont, USA
    Originally posted by cartwheel:
    Please forgive me if I could've posted this in a more appropriate place. ....I wanted to comment that the wording of the message I saw advertising this sight is innapropriate in my opinion. It says something to the effect of "whether you paid lots of money for your pet or JUST adopted/rescued him/her from a shelter..." --
    I object to the latter half of that statement. Adopting or rescuing an animal is a wonderful thing to do.
    We do not "advertise" this site anywhere, the text you objecxt to must have been typed by someone else reccomending our site. We are glad you found us, in any case. I daresay you will not find anyone here who thinks rescued or adopted pets are any less valuable than expensive purebreds. It's just not that kind of place!

    The text we usually use is what starts our "About Us" page:

    "Whether you do not have any pets or your home, barn, and pastures are full, Pet of the Day aims to bring a few minutes of joy into your life each day. Every day we present a new pet photo and story to try to illustrate how animals enrich the lives of people around the world."
    I've Been Frosted

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jul 2001
    Dallas, Georgia USA
    This is my second board to post on and by far the friendliest! The other was a support group and everyone argued and said nasty things to everyone (to me not much support). Anyway I found this site much more fun. I have an 8 month old Shih tzu named Chloe who is the best dog in the whole world. I have to finally brag, (I didn't want to jinx it) but Chloe is finally house trained. She now goes to the door and scratches to go out!! Some of you can probably relate. If someone can help me figure out how to insert pictures that would be great. Thanks for all of the entertaining posts.

    Kitty & Chloe

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jun 2001
    California, USA
    I post on two other boards, and the other two are friendly and fun like PetTalk. I consider myself very lucky.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jun 2001
    I've never been a message board person before, but PetTalk is extremely well-organized and well-moderated, and minus the garbage that appears in others. For me, it's incredibly helpful -- I've learned so much. Everyone is not only friendly and fun, but willing to share, and those are the things that keep me coming back! Well, those and the great photos!
    Cindy (aka Manxcat)
    household staff of Stump and Emmett

  15. #15
    I am a regular on four boards - this one that I visit nearly every day (sometimes multiple times), one that discusses politics and current events that I visit when a new issue I'm interested in comes up, one for middle aged and older type 1 diabetics that I visit when I think about it, and one for self-help for home computer problems that I visit when I have - a problem.

    The computer board is very technical in nature so it lacks any "feel" to it. I seldom see any flaming, in fact only once that I remember and that was many months ago. But, since its topics are of a technical nature, there's no reason to "hang out" on the boards, so there's no pull to visit it solely for the fun of it. There are some really witty regulars there, though.

    I like the diabetes one because the vast majority of middle aged diabetics are type 2, and we get kind of lost in the shuffle, even with our healthcare providers. It's a good, educational site, but a little dry and dull sometimes. Everybody is polite and articlulate and there is absolutely no flaming, mainly because of the nature of the topics.

    I like the political board to get another perspective besides mine. However, I still prefer discussing things of this nature in person, and an awful lot of the people that post are, well, idiots. Some are downright illiterate - it makes you wonder how they could manage to secure a position that pays well enough for them to even afford a computer. Because of this and the nature of the topics, flames abound. Hot flames!

    This board is so different. The people that come here are all ages, genders, nationalities, education levels. So diverse, but our love of animals brings us altogether. There is no one who posts on this board who I've thought, "Man, I wish they'd go away!" From Mary who could almost be my granddaughter to the folks who are "grannies", the women and the men, the Americans and the Europeans (and the occasional Aussie or Asian), the ones with the sometimes misspelled words to the ones with perfect English, I enjoy hearing from everyone.

    And, I know I've gone on too long already, but I must address Cartwheel, too:

    I wish the time you had taken to post your lengthy message had instead been spent reading some of our posts. You would have known, then, that you are preaching to the choir. We occasionally get someone who posts and runs: They state their controversial opinion in one post and then are never heard from again. I hope that is not what you intend to do, because if your post is from the heart, you will fit right in here. You will see that most of us have adopted either from shelters or from right off the street. Some of us foster or have fostered in the past. Alot of us donate time, money, and/or materials to the local shelters and national rescue groups. You would find out that descriptions of the different types of shelters have been explained in these posts before. (But we understand that they all have a place - whether no-kill or not.) I am glad for your concern and hope that you stick around, and I also hope that you continue to try to convince people that shelter and rescued animals should be considered by people wanting to adopt, even if they are looking for a particular breed. It's what we've been saying all along!

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