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Thread: Cinder wants to keep the Stray she "found"...

  1. #301
    Join Date
    Jan 2001
    Montana USA
    Merlin here; so glad to here from you two. Mom gets mad at her computer too, dad seems to always do something to it, to frustrate mom.
    I miss the all you can eat days too, it's been so hot and smoky from the fires around here that I just don't want to go out (smoke makes me sneeze)Not you smokeman!
    If any of you are intrested in the fire news the local paper here has a web site WWW.daily
    Gotta go see if mom put any thing in the old food bowl I hope!
    I've been boo'dMerlin my angel

  2. #302
    Join Date
    Jul 2000
    Westminster, MA, USA
    Daisy here. Mom and I are sooo glad that Gigio is okay! Even if he is a cat


  3. #303
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Milan, Italy
    That's sweet of you Daisy. My babies will all keep their paws crossed for you when you will have your surgery (and that your mom won't get too upset about it).

  4. #304
    Join Date
    Sep 2000
    Hey, Daisy, me and Shiloh will be thinkin about ya when ya go get your eye fixed up. We hope ya feel better fast.

    Killian and Shiloh
    Save a life, ADOPT!!

    Rainbow Bridge Angels: Thor, Shiloh and Killian, Avalanche and Wolf
    (RB Gaylord and Bandit, fosters who have touched my heart)

  5. #305
    Join Date
    Jul 2000
    Westminster, MA, USA
    Daisy here. Thanks guys! I'm not too worried, but Mom sure is. You know how they get!!


  6. #306
    Hi, ebberbuddie! And Happy Labur Day !

    Duz ya'll knowe that we got two more Sickeez to add to the Prayer List?

    Sandra, (Tatsxxx11), sez our bud Miz *Star*Burster* gotz a urinary tract infectshun and hadda go see her White Coat fer sum meds. Then, while she wuz tryin to go pee, she stomped onna bee-buzzer what bited her onna paw! Aside frum havin to pee alot and havin a tender puffy paw, she's doin better now .

    And then Leslie, (AdoreMyDogs), hadda take poor Graham to see Sir Jury atta White Coat's Place ta get sum bumps an lumps taken off . The Sir Jury guy put 3 zippers in him afore he wuz dun!!

    Get better QUICK guyz!

    Gotz to run - Fire Call...
    /s/ Cinder, Smokey & Heidi

    R.I.P. ~ Boots, Bowser, Sherman, & Snoopy

  7. #307
    We're back (really inna Fire Station) while Dad makes out the fire report...

    Nuffin much - big hot air balloon came in over the biglake an landed rite side the road inna liddel bit a wadder . Pilot guy wuz OkeeDoKee, jest gotz his hard foots and the basket thingy a liddel muddie . Fire Guyz helped load up the stuff inna chase trakter truk anna Copperz made a report.

    Afore that exsitement hit, we had phunn atta biglake while Dad werked onna Ranger's Patrol Boat. Dad, cupla Rangers, an 2 Wadder Deputies were onna dock playin wiffa boat. Dad let us FurKidz run round tied tagether. Allua sudden they hears a big *sploosh*. I told Dad I wuz jest reachin ta get a drink . Wadder wuz kinda deep round the dock thingy. Nunbuddy hollered, so's we started playin inna wadder an I managed to drag SmokeMan in too. Wun Deputy said seems like the liddel guy deosn't like ta swim. Dad sez yeah, he needs lessins...

    Next minnit I'm offa rope and Dad's towin the Smokester out inna wadder longside the dock... He don't reelee know how ta swim and his butt starts sinkin. Dad's holdin his head an earbones out the wadder wiffa rope. All a sudden he starts runnin wifffa fronts an can keep his head up - then he figgers out ta start runnin wiffa rear end. He popped up lika bobber an starts motorin round in cirkelz at the end of the rope! Allua guys start *cheerin and hollerin* ! He kept motorin back toward shore so Dad letz him come out afore he got skairt, but I thinks he liked it! Dad sez we'll go back again on Mundee for summore lessins.

    Onna way to the Shop Dad sez he's gotta stop at the "groomer's place'. When he comed back he'd lost a lotta head fur an his earbones stuck out more . Smokey kept lookin at him like he wuz a "stranger" and started *sniffin* on Dad's earbones! I told Smoker not to sweat it, happenz every so manny munths or so... it'll grow back an he won't look so *dorky* inna few weeks! Well, it's true Dad, ya look like ya jest got off the turnip boat! Did ya fall asleep onna table or what?

    Well, that'sa end of Cinder's pawboardin for tanite! Guess it's upta me, SmokeMutt, ta say g-nite. I'll let ya'll knowe how this *swimmin* thing goes after I tries it a few more times. Gotta get the hang of keepin my mouff an earbones closed afore I'll reelee enjoy it!

    Wagg em or wiggel em !

    [ September 01, 2001: Message edited by: Cinder & Smoke ]
    /s/ Cinder, Smokey & Heidi

    R.I.P. ~ Boots, Bowser, Sherman, & Snoopy

  8. #308
    Join Date
    Oct 2000
    Hey Cinners, Smokster. It's Star Burst, I'm starting to shine again, here! Thank yuz all kindly fer yer get well wishes. Happy to report to all my bestest dawggie pals that I'm really going with the "flow" now, if ya know what I mean. Only howl-ered to got out an make a short wee once last night. Gotta admit tho. Fer a while there, b'fore my mom FINALLY took notice a my ailing, I did think my "handle" Star ##*BURST**# was gonna turn out to be a real event, not just a name! Still workin on gettin that stingy needle outta my paw pad tho. I keep tellin my mom that I just know I heard Doc Paul say a bowl of lab-nilla ice cream and some HOMEMADE peanut butter treats would heal me quiker but she's ignorin me!!

    So Cinners, WOW First I'm thinkin the flyin baloney thingy landin inna wah-wah was 'citement enuf! Then, ta hear bouts the Smoke man's swimmin lessons just perked my earbonz right, straight up like! I once saw a loose boat wif out a driver makin big circles inna water, just like Smokey! Roun an roun it went. Just like the kid. So glad the kid dinna get big gulps a wah-wah down his froat or nuthin. Maybe now he's gotta nack of it and next lesson can werk on goin inna straight line! I love nuffin better an swimmin, and think the kid will have a good ole time once he gets those back legs goin good and smooth. And Smokey, keep yer head up!

    So yer dad gotta buzzzzzzzzzz cut rounda earbonz!! aIN'T it a little late fer a summer doo?? Must kinda look like the outside green carpet shaved too close inna summer. Sometimes my dad looks nerdy too after a day a groomin. Me and Cody get a good laf and roll inna grass howlin, legs and paws kickin, cuz he looks so silly and smells so "new". Thank the labbie lords that be mom don't come near me wiffa buzz blades. I gotta permenet crew cut. Tho I have noticed the Codster is still blowin offa white stuff which really confoooses me since perty soon she's gonna haf ta start growin it again fer the snow season

    Well, pals, kant believe summer's almost over. Gotta get my plumbin all cleaned out good so mom'll let me back inna swimmin crater soon. Maybe today, she said. Not too much time left 'fore the trampoline cover goes on top and I can only jump, splash and prance till spring!

    Well, sun's up an shiny****** and I've got lots a rapsberries to pick outta mom's patch and apples to munch on. Me and Cody girl have almost picked off an eatin all the apples onna lower sticks! Ain't life great!

    Love to all my bestest dawggies pals for bein so kind to me and my mom. We always say nite prayers for all the ailing critters on P.T. and hope each one a you kid's is feelin better an better, every day. Be safe everbuddy. Catch up wif ya all soon.
    Lots of love and labbie butt wiggles to all my pals! Love, Star

    Star,Tigg'r , Mollie and the10 Gallon Gang!

    And my Rainbow Bridge Furangels...Jingles, Cody, Fritz, Chessa, Satin, Buddy, Lizzie, Oliver, Squeaker, Moonbeam, Rosie, Ruby~

  9. #309
    Join Date
    Jul 2000
    Westminster, MA, USA
    Daisy here. Wow Smokester, I am so proud of ya for swimmin' inna water! I don't even go in there. I hate bein' wet. Sounds like quite the excitin' day!

    Star, me and my mom are reaaal happy you are feelin' better. We was all worrried. Aren't ya sad summer is almost over? I am so sad! My mom hasta go back to skool so she can't stay home all day to play with me! I guess I'll just hafta wait till next summer!

    Well I gotta go, there's a CAT outside!


  10. #310
    Join Date
    Jan 2001
    Montana USA
    WOW you guys are so lucky swimming! The lakes we go swimming in are all up where the fire is here in the park. So much smoke a couple of days mom made me and my human brother Ben stay in except to go do my business ,some reason he thought I had to go a lot. The Moose fire is the one causing all the problem here just said its 50,000 acres 10,000 in Glacier park.Moms worried about our freind Holly,and her fur girls Tasha and Wobber they live up there and have no phone or eletricity. Keep checking at her house in town to see if shes moved all the mini ponies and all here. well DINNER is ready bye all
    I've been boo'dMerlin my angel

  11. #311
    Abbreviated Labur Day Report ~

    We're all pi$$xx *tweaked* (soundz better, Dad) ~ durn forum erased our storrie cuz we used too many smilliez again! And when you back up it erases ebberthing!! Bout time THAT got fixed back to like it wuz - afore you could erase sum smillies an not loose the storrie...

    We started off wiffa raid on Pet Supplies Plus ta get a bag of skratch sand fer the Kat's brownie box. Cleaned up the floor spills in the treats section and conned Dad into fillin up a baggie wiff fresh wuns, too. Then we hit the dawg food aisle and helped clean up the mess from a split bag. Store klerk wiffa broom said he 'preciated the help! **buurrrrrpp** Good flavor, Dad.

    Next, we noticed Dad wuz pointin the trakter kar thru the woods inna City Park. Whoa up, Dad; there's wadder ober there. Dad parks where they rent paddel boats an we getz out. "Kan the dawgs swim?" Dad, big sign sez No Swimmin! "Sure." **Ker-sploosh**

    Kum-monn, Smokey, I can't swim wiff you're butt playin anchor onna shore! Dad unhooks our y-thingy an I start paddlin round. Dad takes SmokeMutt out onna dock where they tie the boats up. Go on, jump in. Smoke digs in wiff all fours an tries to wrap his tailbone round a post. Dad prys him loose an gives him a *shove-in*. Terrabul big *ka-splash* followed by a lotta frantik pawin an splashin. Dad holds his headbone above wadder wiffa leash till he members to turn on the rear propellerz. After he got all four spinnin, Dad points him toward shore an he putted rite in an climbed out.

    Then we all went out onna dock. I wuz a liddel timid the furst time, so Dad *helped* me offa dock, too. Then he tells Smokey to "Go get her", and gives him annuder *shove-off*. He went down lika rock, but bobbed up wiff all four propellerz spinnin, turned towards land an followed me in.

    After that, ya couldn't keep us offa dock. Wuz a race to see who could jump in furst after Dad said OK. Smoke started walkin phunnie - sorta like he wuz tryin to cross his legbones. He runned up onna shore (rite to where two gurls were sittin on lawn chairs), hiked his leg, an started to pee. He musta pee'd fer two minnits strait! Ebberbuddie that wus watchin us wuz laffin and howlin! I wus 'barrussed ta tears.
    SmokeMutt looked purdy "relieved" an trotted back onna dock.

    Cinners, whadda you do wiff allua wadder; dontcha have to pee?
    Yer supposed to swim wiff yer mouff shut, ya liddel dummie!
    Ooooohh, that musta been why Dad wuz hollerin to "Shut yer mouff". I dint think I wuz barkin!

    After bout an hour anna half, we wuz startin to slow down. Dad sez we better quit afore sumbuddie needs rescued half way to dry land. Onlee bad thing wuz Dad brought along the toe chopperz. Since we had em all softened up, Dad stops atta piknik table an starts choppin nailz! Uggh! Short nailz allus ruins our lap times when we run laps round the living room onna rug! We need ta *loose* them chopperz!

    Now we're havin a pardee atta Shop. Dad gotz a call frum Cali Dog's folks askin if we could feed her cuz her GranMom hadda go to the Big White Coat's Lab. We gave her sum grub then brought her to our Shop cuz Dad's gotta fix a skool bus radideo afore tumorrow.

    She's not havin too much phunn playin wiff us cuz we're so pooped frum swimmin that SmokeMan an me are takin turns nappin onna rug unner the puter! I hafta *hump* her every so often ta mind her who's "boss dawg " in these parts, though. Chill Dad; I'll *QUIT that!* in a minnit...

    Hurry up fixin that radio, Dad; the Smokester an me are ready for the BigBed!

    Hope ya'll had as Great a Labur Day as we did! Yap at you guyz tumorrow!

    [ September 03, 2001: Message edited by: Cinder & Smoke ]
    /s/ Cinder, Smokey & Heidi

    R.I.P. ~ Boots, Bowser, Sherman, & Snoopy

  12. #312
    She dun it AGAIN: Skunk Kiddie #2

    I jest don't believe how DUMM she can be...
    Last nite we got our bed time outie. I'm doin my stuff out front, she's rompin round the ranch house lookin fer mischef ta get into. I hears this *Pfsssssst* sound near the sidda house. Ole Cinners comes runnin likitty-splitz tryin ta rub her facebones tween her legs onna wet grass.
    I axes Whuz rong?
    Black an White Kat pee'd on me, again.
    That ain't a KAT, dummie; issa SkUnk!

    Dad opens the door an sees me onna porch wiff my dinnerplate eyeballs on; I jumps thru the door bout the time he gets the "scent". He hollerz so's I turned on the Shake & Vibrate an hide inna kitchen. She runs round the living room (spreading ode-de-skunque) an heads for the basement door. Dad finally corners me and I pass the *sniff* test. Now she's unner the BigBed gettin nerbus. Dad opens the cellar door an she flies down stairs wiff him in hot pursuit. Musta flunked the *sniffer* test cuz Dad starts grabbin stuff for the "skunque mix" an starts pourin it inna empty plastic pop jug. I hears em go inna garage an wadder starts runnin...

    I hear the time out chain rattlin; then Dad comes up (a liddel soggy) wiffout the CinderMutt. I getz *sniffed* AGAIN, but I getz a biskit an we jump inna bed. I tried ta mention that mebbee he otta close the winder, cus the air's gettin a liddel *thick* inna bunkroom, but he sez shuddup & go sleep.

    Bout dark:thirty I'm UNNER the bed cuza the *stink* inna bunkroom. Dad jumps up an yanks open the cellar door an *sniffs*. Comes back *sniffin* alla way. Uh-oh! Members he opened the winder afore the skunque eppisode started. Yep, *ode-de-skunque* flowin in thru the open winder. Tried ta tell ya, Dad . My Dad's not alluz the brightest litebulb in the pack .

    Morning comes an I go out fer a breath of fresh air - wheeew! Picked up Cinners onna way to the trakter kar. Oh m'gosh - didja stik a paw inna lectrik sokket? FurSkinz stickin strait up! She's droppin furrz left an rite, so's we boff gotz a brush job afore we got inna trakter.

    She's still havin a bad hair day - all fluffie and wavin inna breeze !
    Dad telled her she wuz gonna be onna rope for outies till the Skunk Fambly moves outa towne fer the winter. Sum Dawgs nebber learn nuffin!
    /s/ Cinder, Smokey & Heidi

    R.I.P. ~ Boots, Bowser, Sherman, & Snoopy

  13. #313
    Whassa matter with this durn PUTER?
    I pawed out a Skunque storrie twict now; anna Pet Talk server sends back an error message sayin server trouble?? Anna storrie goes away x2

  14. #314
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Windham, Vermont, USA
    Hey, Cinder and Smokey - the server didn't eat nuthin' - you posted twice, that's all! :P Silly doggies, a good habit to get into is, if'n you're gonna post a big long tail - uh - tale, before you hit "Post" copy all you typed, and "paste" it into a notepad or word document or sumthin - that way if for some reason it gets wiped out (too many smilies, you say?) you can just copy it from that other document, and paste it back in, savin' lots o typing time and keepin' yerselves from having sore paws!

    I know this isn't exactly it, but Cinder's encounters with the skunky remind of a little poem I learned when I was a little kid that went something like

    "I was out walking in the woods last night
    and I saw a little cat that was pretty
    I reached down to pat her and Hey! Eeew!
    It wasn't that kind of a kitty!"
    I've Been Frosted

  15. #315
    Dad here...

    First, we edit/deleted the 2nd version of the story; but it wasn't a double post - it (the second one) was hand-pawed out and got "lost" with a bunch of "server error" messages just like the first version did. After each "loss" we opened a new window and looked for the story - nuffin there; last thing showing on page 8 was our story from a few days ago.

    Typed out the THIRD version (each one getting a little shorter) and tried sending = more "server errors". Wrote Miz Karen an e-mail whimpering and whining about the trouble.
    Came back to try another short test (same errors) then opened another window and found all this....

    Hate to say it, but hold onto your hats - version 3 might yet appear ! If it does, we'll scrub it ASAP.

    And as Karen suggested, we finally got semi-smart and DID save the 3rd version on NotePad.

    Here goes with another attenpt at a "clean" post. Wish us luck .
    Wow! It werked OkeeDoKee that time. Now we'll get frisky an try to edit...

    Don't knowe wha'happened - musta been sumpin squerrly wiff our puter box?? Still don't know where version 3 of that storrie went to. That wun musta REELEE got losted in cyberspace! Lessee if the edit werks...
    Second EDIT: Cus till we Shut Down/Powered Off/Re-Booted, we never saw the first edit.
    Color us confused an I think we'll quit afore we blow sumpin up. Oh, gosh - gotta quit stickin *smilliez* in - that's half our problem - use too many!! We'll erase the test message that appears as the next post if this edit works OK.

    PS: The real Skunky 2 storrie is a cupla posts back - sorrie we kluttered up the board wiff all our puter problems!

    [ September 06, 2001: Message edited by: Cinder & Smoke ]
    /s/ Cinder, Smokey & Heidi

    R.I.P. ~ Boots, Bowser, Sherman, & Snoopy

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