Originally posted by moosmom
So there I was, minding my own business...
Nothing like a little cold cat poo
to wake you up.
Ahh yess ~
Another attention-getting "NOTE" left by one of the *darling* Fur-Children...

I've noted before da Kat's quickly-penned notes...
*sploosh* as socked foot hits warm puddle of Kat Pee convenienty *left* in front of his Sandy Box (and right where my left footsie lands when *I* address MY sandy box!)
That's Kat Short-Paw for
"Dad; I'd preciate it if you'd Attend to da Box... It STINKS!"

Never to be confused with his "other" notes...
*squissssh* as bare footsie lands on recently *hurled* wad of HAIR BALL deposited mid-way tween BigBed and baffroom - ALWAYS found at 3 AM!
That's Short-Paw for
"Dad; I hadda a lil Hare Ball - but I took care of it. "

The "joys" of being *owned* by Pets...

/s/ Phred