Here's the latest update before I head off to bed. Cassie is in alot of pain. She can barely open her mouth, she bled a little bit more out of her nose when I carried her outside for her last potty before bedtime. The bleeding is going down considerablly. The vet told me that Cassie is suffering the after effects of facial trauma. She's very sore and she will be very sore tomorrow, just like when you over work muscles they always hurt the next day worse then the first day. When I offered her a little bit of water she just dipped her tongue in a couple times and appeared thirsty but her whole face seems to hurt and it hurt her to drink and swallow. The vet checked her upper palate and there did not appear to be any laserations, nor did she have any teeth missing, so the vet figured the dog that attacked Cassie must have rammed her head so hard into Cassie's face that Cassie suffered facial trauma, and since her face is smashed, and her breathing is already messed up, the extra blood and fluid in her nose and throat caused her to choke. She only has one little puncture on her face, probablly from a tooth hitting it real hard when she was head-butted with the attacker. The hardest part is that she's in such bad pain. I called the vet clinic and they said they could give her an enjection of pain killers but Cassie will probablly be less willing to stay in her cage and want to move around since the pain is gone, so I am feeling a bit like the bad guy. They told me that tomorrow if the bleeding is gone I can give her 1/2 of a baby asprin to sooth the pain. I will either give her 1/2 a baby asprin or I'll take her in to the clinic for an injection of pain killer before work tomorrow because I can't stand to see her in such pain. My poor little girl I was so terrified. It's the first time that I have ever had to rush a dog to the emergency, I sobbed the whole way there, just praying that Cassie would stop choking and continue breathing. I think she's in alot of pain but the bleeding is getting much better so I think she'll be ok. I hope and pray that she'll be ok.

Thank you so much for the kind words. I am still so afraid and it helps to get so many kind words, it helps my saddened heart.
