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Thread: Good-Bye Cody, My Love

  1. #31
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    As you said about "you'll know" the right time to let Cody go; when the time comes to get another puppy "you'll know". The heart has infinite amount of love to give and there will be a time when your heart has healed enough (never completely) to share that love with another puppy.

    Take care of your self and hold those memories close to your heart!

  2. #32
    Join Date
    Jun 2001
    Glenside, pa
    oh, Alicia! My reply crossed your memorial!
    It is so beautiful, absolutely wonderful beyond words that
    i am hysterical again..but good tears...... How can I ever thank you?
    And Karen, your poem was exact, just like Logan said...
    Thank you so very very much

  3. #33
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    State College, PA
    Oh Karen, I don't know what to say. I am just crying and crying. I haven't been around for a couple of days, but what news to come back to.
    I know you made the absolute best decision for your sweet Cody, and he loves you so much for it. You are his mommy, and he will never stop loving you, just as you him.
    He is healthy again, and running around, eating, and playing at the Rainbow Bridge with your father.
    My prayers go out to you and your family, and I agree with the others, cry and let it all out.
    Many hugs to you, Karen, and may sweet Cody rest in peace.
    Emily, Kito, Abbey, Riley, and Jada

  4. #34
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    hi karen,

    I'm so sorry for your loss. I haven't had to cross that bridge yet, so
    I have no words of wisdom to offer. As Murph and Maddie have
    entered their senior years, I have a nagging sense of dread of
    what's to come though. I can only hope to handle it with as much
    strength as you. Know that Cody passed to the other side with
    your love to soothe him.


    .................................................. .................................................. ..... Nothin' Butt Dogs............ Free Dog eCards

  5. #35
    Join Date
    Mar 2001
    Karen -

    I can't stop crying for you. I wish I could say something to take away your pain, but I know there are no words strong enough. As time passes, the hurt will fade a little, and the wonderful memories will become stronger. I still feel hurt and empty from when I lost my Labbie girl, Dessi. She was my best friend from third grade until college when she died from old age. I miss her with every ounce of my body. I don't know what helped me through it. A huge part was my kitty Shiloh. She brought smiles through the tears and I knew that I had to be there and be strong for her.

    You're going to apply to the zoo? THATS AWESOME! And how sweet of Cody to prepare you in the poop department I think you will have a great time.

    This is just a thought for you to keep somewhere in the back of your mind for when you're ready.... there are 2 dogs in Afghanistan that need a home or they'll be put to sleep. Here's the thread about them :

    I'm not trying to rush you or anything. You go at your own pace and follow your heart. I was just letting you know in case you didn't see that thread. Oh yeah - and no pressure at all!! They won't be put to sleep because I can take them in at the shelter I work at if it comes down to that!!

    Stay strong and know that we all love and support you. Cody is now free of pain and with your dad. I am sure he is smiling down on you
    Shiloh, Reece, Lolly, Skylar
    and fosters Snickers, Missy, Magic, Merlin, Maya

  6. #36
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    North Wales, UK.
    Oh, Karen, I am so sorry this had to be. Cody was such a special boy and you were his special wonderful Mom.
    I have had to get through this hurt too. How do you get through? For me it was to take one day at a time. I don`t think the missing has ever disappeared, but the smiles have replaced a lot of the tears, as the happy memories replaced the sad.
    I have, along with everyone here, cried many tears for you and your Cody, we love you and understand and feel your pain, we just want to reach out and hug and hold you.
    Much love to you Karen. Rest in peace sweet Cody

  7. #37
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Off to the races....
    I can't even begin to imagine the terrible loss that you are feeling. Know that we are all here for you, crying with you and sending hugs and prayers from every corner of PetTalkville.

    I'm glad you were able to have some special times with your boy over the past several days, as you prepared to say goodbye.

    RIP Sweet Cody. You will be missed.

  8. #38
    Join Date
    Feb 2001
    Altoona, Pennsylvania
    I don't think I can say anything that hasn't already been said. Thank you for sharing Cody with us. Through you we all fell in love with that sweet boy and are feeling your pain right now. My heart goes out to you. The only thing that will ease the pain is time. Remember, if God leads you to it he'll lead you through it. I will pray that He will provide the strength you need to make it through this terrible time.
    Click here to visit my photo album

    "Anywhere I'll ever go and everywhere I've been, nothing takes my breath away like my front porch looking in." - Lonestar

  9. #39
    Join Date
    Oct 2000
    Salisbury Plain, UK
    Karen, you have been so blessed to know Cody and he was equally blessed to know you. The bond you developed will not be broken and the lessons you learned from each other will never be lost. You have such a huge impact on each others lives when the bond is so close and when the loss of a pet is felt so deeply it is a sign that there is also much to be thankful for and much to celebrate. The grief will enclose you for a time and it will hurt for longer. The exceptional bond will be the thing that sees you through. That love and understanding have changed you and will affect the decisions you make in the future. Cody has changed your world for ever and he will continue to do so. He will still be there when you need him and it is the physical element of Cody that is all you need to grieve for, not Cody as a personality for that will never leave you. Bonds of love that are strong and true can not be broken because his body is gone.
    My thoughts and love are with you every minute. It is not the end of anything, it is only the start of things being different.
    Much love, dear friend, to you and to Cody.
    Bless your heart Cody, you touched so many lives and made them better for it.

  10. #40
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    N. Florida
    So sorry to hear that you had to let your baby go. It was the best thing you could do and Cody is now playing with all the other pets that have gone on before him. He is playing without any of the pain and just remember that you will meet up with Cody again and what a happy day that will be! Just remeber that you took good care of him and had plenty of good times.
    Chihuahua Lover
    Don't Litter Spay&Neuter

    How do I love thee? The ways are numberless as the hairs on the rug!

  11. #41
    Join Date
    Jan 2001
    San Diego, California USA
    Karen, dear friend, it took me a while before I could post, I know what you are feeling, I felt like you when we had to take Kona in who had been with us for 15 years. You and Cody had such a strong bond that he will live in your heart forever, he will still be watching out for you, the bond between you both is strong and enduring and some day you will be together again.

    I understand the love you have for him, I have that with Daisy, she is my love, my salvation and my best friend just as Cody was to you. Karen, he loved you so much and I know how much you loved him to let him go so that he would not suffer any more.
    As some have said the only thing you can do is mourn for him, cry and remember him, believe it or not it does get better with time, hard to believe that right now, he will always be with you, but time will help.

    If you need anything please don't hesitate to ask, we are all here for you and wish you the best and you know how much we all love you. Please take care of your self.
    Jackie, Perry and Miss Daisy

  12. #42
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    New England
    Dear Karen, there isn't much that I can add that hasn't already been said. I am crying with you, and yet can't even imagine the pain that you are feeling right now. Dearest Cody is free from pain now, and running like a blemishes and no hurts.

    Warm thoughts sent your way,


  13. #43
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    happiness is a house full of cats
    I'm so sorry for you loss! you did do the right thing, and I know how you are hurting. the only way to get thru it is one day at a time. when I lost my Cookie last year, it was hard, so I know how you feel.
    I am not usually in the dog section, what was wrong with Cody?

  14. #44
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    Wimberley, Texas
    Dear Karen, there's little I can add that hasn't already been said so eloquently by others. I just want to extend my condolences and wish you strength through the days ahead. It will eventually get easier and you will look back on all the good times with Cody. Remember he waits for you at the Rainbow Bridge.

  15. #45
    Join Date
    Oct 2000
    Karen, I am so sorry, I don't know what
    I could say to ease your pain.
    I wish I could hold you and give you hugs
    for comfort. Cody will be in your heart and soul
    for ever.

    Cody, watch over Jackie and always let her know you
    are near.


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