Ashlee and Nina have their own beds Lots of them! Ashlee has 4 and Nina has 4, if you count the crate. During the work day they sleep in their room, which is attached to the laundry room, hall way and kitchen. So lots of running around space. The crate was Nina's when we were potty training and now is left open, as a hiding place Right next to it is the BIG feather bed. They love it. And for the most part sleep together all day.

Then in the living room, right in front of the fireplace they each have new beds from Santa.

Now to the computer room, Ashlee has a little bed she loves and Nina just plops on the floor.

They also have their beds in our bedroom. A little space all for themselves

And then they have the bed we take camping. Made rugged for the outdoors

Do you think they are spoiled