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Thread: Is this normal?

  1. #1

    Is this normal?

    We adopted Lulu last November. She’s anxious, part Tortie and Calico and she can be moody. She’s my little love and is very attached to me and one of my sons. Last Friday We adopted Finn. He’s 3 lbs and so friendly and confident. My hope is he will be a good friend for her and help her anxiety. Right now I’m afraid he’s doing the opposite.

    We have followed all the rules. We have made progress in that she doesn’t hiss and growl constantly. He still has a separate room. They seem to play through the door. When he came out at first he swatted back at her, jumped out at her,etc. Now he’s afraid of her and she hunts him down like prey. Gets on top of him, swats him, she hissed yesterday. He squealed. We have had to separate them and bring him back to his room. It’s scary.

    Is this normal? I’m so afraid she’s going to hurt him. He wants out of his room. What should we do? Help!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
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    Totally normal! Cats are rotten beasts to the core on occasion. Had at least 60 cats and kittens in my life..... feel for you but have no clue what you should do. I usually figured it out eventually. Sometimes...nope. I know someone on Pet Talk will have some sane advice 💕❤️👍🏿🤜🏻🤛 Good luck!! 🙄😄😁👍🏿

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Copenhagen, Denmark - GMT+1
    I hope Lulu and Finn will eventually be friends and enjoy each other's company. It takes patience.

    Jackson Galaxy has some advice here, although the situation is slightly different. Watch it anyway! Good luck!

    "I don't know which weapons will be used in the third World war, but in the fourth, it will be sticks and stones" --- Albert Einstein.

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Randi View Post
    I hope Lulu and Finn will eventually be friends and enjoy each other's company. It takes patience.

    Jackson Galaxy has some advice here, although the situation is slightly different. Watch it anyway! Good luck!

    Thanks so much. I have followed all of that stuff almost to a T. Lulu doesn’t know how to play properly. She was a stray and only 2 lbs when I got her. Despite all my warnings my husband played with her with his hands so she will bite and scratch him when they play. I think she just doesn’t get that she doesn’t have to be rude.

    She wants to see him. She trills at the door and he makes noises and they play with the door about three inches open. But once they get together she chases and pounces. Nothing will distract her. Not a toy, food...nothing. The way she lays on him looks like she’s killing him. His head is under her body.


  5. #5
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    The last 3 times my 2 cats were in the same room they literally almost killed each other. I've never had this issue before, it's heartbreaking really. It is also tricky and a Royal pain in the arse keeping them apart 24/7 Last time there was fur flying, poop, pee and vomit. Oh, a bit of blood too. I wouldn't believe it had I not seen it myself and had a witness. Nightmare. The clean up was fun, took an hour to calm the one down. She almost hyperventilated it appeared 😬🙄

  6. #6
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    P.s. I really feel terrible for you, I know what it's like. It's freakin terrible!!! Wish I could help.....alas, I'm afraid I haven't got a clue how to fix the situation. Please let us know if you ever figure it out!! 😻😻

  7. #7
    I took a video of them. Can I post it here? I don’t see how to.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Windham, Vermont, USA
    Quote Originally Posted by Lulu&Finn View Post
    I took a video of them. Can I post it here? I don’t see how to.
    Try uploading it to YouTube or Vimeo - then you can link it here, okay?
    I've Been Frosted

  9. #9

  10. #10
    Stress is natural for cats. We had problems with our cat Simon when we moved, he was always afraid and afraid to walk in the new house.
    I read a lot of material on this, here is one of the articles that was useful to me on this topic -

  11. #11
    An adult cat is extremely reluctant to accept other cats in the house. Our friends left their cat for 2 weeks while they were away. All these weeks my cat hissed at the cat and even tried to throw herself. The cat sat in one room and was afraid to walk around the house. It takes more time to adapt. Although some do not accept it. They can live in the same house, pretend to ignore the second cat, but periodically they will show that they are more important here.


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