Greetings, Kyo! Happy belated Cat of the Day to you, handsome boy!

All I can say is yay for foster failures! Can't imagine how a kitty as handsome as you were the last of the litter to be chosen! Wait, yes I do know! You and your human were destined to be together! It was written in the stars! You might not be the snuggliest of boys, but you are still a kitten, after all, a boy too busy for such fawning, hehe. Plus, I hear snuggles are way over-rated!

Kyo isn't the most snuggly cat in the world with people, but he knows when I'm upset and every time I am he sits next to me as long as I need him. He is also the most hyper, silly cat I've ever had. He literally jumps up the walls and runs around like crazy but I wouldn't change anything about him. His silly personality makes me laugh and always cheers me up
Sound like you're already making up for those lost snuggles with your devotion, your unconditional love, the joy and laughter your antics provide! What more could a human hope for in a kitty furkid! You're perfect just the way your are! Just ask your mom! Hope you enjoyed a fun filled Cat of the Day, sweetheart...leaping and back flipping to your heart's content, playing with your feather toy and snuggling with your kitty BFF, being treated to all your heart desires and more! Tons of love to you, adorable Kyo, our very special and most deserving Cat of the Day, EVERY day!
