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Thread: Politics and religion.

  1. #3811
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Windham, Vermont, USA
    Quote Originally Posted by Lady's Human View Post

    And this, gentlepeople, is why I hate idiocy like the Ferguson, MO. case.

    This is a legit case of police brutality. Combined with the idiotic laws against selling loose cigs (why is it illegal? Because NYC doesn't get their cut) it is a microcosm of much that's wrong with society, but because of the race baiting idiocy in MO, this is getting far less play when it's a much more legitimate case.
    The only positive I have about the coverage of the Eric Garner case is I had no idea of the race of either the police officer or the victim. Tragic, and senseless, and police brutality at its worst. I think the police department should immediately set up a fund to help the victim's children, not with just a few toys and cards at Christmas, but an ongoing gesture of support and understanding and admission of culpability.
    I've Been Frosted

  2. #3812
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    Sep 2002
    I stated to reply to the "sad/are you going to shoot me" thread and decided that my replies were best suited for the DH.....

    There was the question of a child being taught to be afraid of someone who isn't 'like them'?

    Sometimes it's not what a child is 'taught', they pick up sooooo much from their enviroment?


    Poor kid is probably listening to all the crap being slung about in her household and it sticks?


    The other day I was in the store and saw a child sitting on the edge of the cooler units in the meat department. In his hands was a large package of meat.

    As I approached the cooler - I was about to tell the kid to be careful, with an extra helping of STINK EYE, when the mom walked up to him.

    I was expecting her to tell him to put the package down and get the F off of the cooler.

    What do you think she said to him?

    "Oh, that's gross" and she walked away.

    There are no more penalties being handed out by parents to kids acting like little AHs?


    Our store has motorized carts for the disabled folks who want to shop and more than once I have seen kids in the store - once with a parent- riding the carts up and down the aisles, just for laughs.

    Should they block the aisle or run into you, you are 'greeted' with a dirty look and a challenge to say something - There are times you cannot say anything for fear of being called a bully, racist or whatever words these kids have in their vocabulary?


    There are way too many people that belly up to the table when a game of "race cards" starts.

    No one wins and it's usually the dealer who starts to scream, biatch and moan when they start to lose their stakes in the game.

    Calling 'racism' is merely a smokescreen to absolve an person who commits a crime and then gets called on it.

    I have seen and known people that have have been 'tuned up' by the cops - because of THEIR attitude towards the cops.

    There are only so many hands where you can play a 'race card' in, after that? You really aren't gonna be taken seriously?


    Here's a good example of the 'way things work'? You get a white cop that pulls over a mexican and the mexican starts in with the cops - you pulled me over because I am a mexican, you are racist! If it's a mexican cop that pulls over a mexican, the mexican looks to be let go. But when the mexican cop does his job and arrests the dude, the mex cop gets lip about being a sellout, coconut (brown on the outside and white on the inside) and verbally assaulted in espanol?

    The POs are never going to win THAT battle.


    The only way that people are going to live together is when we stop playing victim and begin to accept the reason WHY PEOPLE, ESPECIALLY YOUNG MEN, are being killed by the police. It's a pretty simple solution to the problem.

    It's honesty.

    Before anyone starts to raise a question about 'racism', think about the reason why anyone would suddenly pop up on a PO's radar screen and go from there.

    It really ticks me off when I hear about some stupid person that meets an unfortunate end while acting like a fool, then people jump up to protect the idiot by forgetting how he ended up tussling with a cop.

    Again, the only times you should interact with a cop is when you are a victim of a crime or a criminal.


    One last thing about 'being profiled for Driving While (insert your race here)"?

    Here's a little observation about some of cars that I have seen pulled over?

    There is some kind of mechanical defect/look to a car.

    They might have missing body parts, multicolored parts on the car.
    Have just violated some traffic law.
    Broken windows, plastic bag taped over a broken window
    Screwed up lights/turn signals
    tinted windows
    Music being played for the whole neighborhood
    or some other dumb reason.

    You are not being pulled over for being ---------, the reason is that you are driving a POS car, don't follow the rules or are acting stupid....


    The next time you hear about someone, in an unfortunate encounter with a PO, pay attention as to WHY they ended up on the street, getting to know the local constables.

    Usually it has to do with breaking the law and having the cops close at hand - and nothing to do with your skin color - after all, Idiots come in ALL shapes, sizes and COLORS?

  3. #3813
    The problem in NYC is the police. They are extremely aggressive, especially in certain areas. This is where statistics get skewed. I saw a report on the news last night that that last year the NYCPD made over 700,000 "stop and frisk" searches last year, up from under 100K in the first year of Mayor (bloomberg)Cocteau's regime. They have stopped and frisked almost 10% of their population. They are aggressive, pushed by a police state mentality to be so, and then wonder why people have an attitude about them.
    The one eyed man in the kingdom of the blind wasn't king, he was stoned for seeing light.

  4. #3814
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Kansas, USA
    Once upon a time when I still drove, a cop pulled me over. I thought it was because of the break light that was out on my car that I did not know about. He was very nice. Now years later, from all I hear on the news, I realize he must have been a member of the war on women!!! Who knew?
    No matter what anyone does, someone some where will be offended some how!!!!
    Grandma (RB), Chester, Angel, Chip

    Leonardo (RB), Luke (RB), Winnie, Chuck,



  5. #3815
    Quote Originally Posted by momoffuzzyfaces View Post
    Once upon a time when I still drove, a cop pulled me over. I thought it was because of the break light that was out on my car that I did not know about. He was very nice. Now years later, from all I hear on the news, I realize he must have been a member of the war on women!!! Who knew?
    Now that stop would have likely included a field sobriety check, as lights out are one of the "minor issues" they tend to use to pull people over as an excuse to look for other "issues". There's no money in pulling someone over for a light that's out.
    The one eyed man in the kingdom of the blind wasn't king, he was stoned for seeing light.

  6. #3816
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    Sep 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by Lady's Human View Post
    The problem in NYC is the police. They are extremely aggressive, especially in certain areas. This is where statistics get skewed. I saw a report on the news last night that that last year the NYCPD made over 700,000 "stop and frisk" searches last year, up from under 100K in the first year of Mayor (bloomberg)Cocteau's regime. They have stopped and frisked almost 10% of their population. They are aggressive, pushed by a police state mentality to be so, and then wonder why people have an attitude about them.

    I just wrote out a reply and it disappeared.

    Bloomberg and bratton are the toxic brew that are the cause and effect in the NY case.

    Look up the 'broken window theory' of's bratton's mantra.


    Bratton was the LAPD head for a while and he came to a department that was suffering. He was a hard arse that the POs didn't like or want him there.

    I have a BIL that was a traffic cop for years and he'd give us some insight as to the feeling of the rank and file....and those feelings weren't that stellar?

    BB is a pompous dude, watch his pressers and you get the idea?


    I just wanted to say that I grew up on the periphery of two gang neighborhoods and growing up I got 'involved' with a real tough, Original Gansta.....

    ......My Mom.

    A cop would roust you, maybe call you a punk or make you assume the position on a busy street - embarrass you - then leave.

    I had to LIVE with HER!!!!!!!
    The secret of life is nothing at all
    -faith hill

    Hey you, don't tell me there's no hope at all -
    Together we stand
    Divided we fall.

    I laugh, therefore? I am.

    No humans were hurt during the posting of this message.

  7. #3817
    The main issue I have with the "stop and frisk" policiing is that most people are breaking a law at some point during their day.

    For instance, I carry a work knife which in NYC would be illegal. If I get "Stop and frisked" and I have that tool with me, I'm one of the 300K+ arrests they make to justify their policy.

    You can arrest almost anyone in society for SOMETHING that they have done to break the law. It's a ridiculous way to run a city.
    The one eyed man in the kingdom of the blind wasn't king, he was stoned for seeing light.

  8. #3818
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    Sep 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by Lady's Human View Post
    The main issue I have with the "stop and frisk" policiing is that most people are breaking a law at some point during their day.

    For instance, I carry a work knife which in NYC would be illegal. If I get "Stop and frisked" and I have that tool with me, I'm one of the 300K+ arrests they make to justify their policy.

    You can arrest almost anyone in society for SOMETHING that they have done to break the law. It's a ridiculous way to run a city.
    It's "probable cause" on steroids?


    Years ago, My brother and I were going to our BIL's house.

    I wasn't a huge beer drinker back then, but it was a nice day, I felt like a beer and who was going to care?

    We got into his car and started up the street.

    I popped the can open and took a drink - I was in the passenger seat.

    As we drove up the street, my bro went thru a yellow light and we were pulled over.

    Crap, I had an open can of beer, NO SENSE IN HIDING IT OR ACTING STUPID, so I left it in between my legs with the label visible.

    My mistake, my penance?


    There were two cops, an guy that looked like he had seen some time and a hispanic/mexican young kid/rookie.

    The older cop went to the my brother's side of the car, asked for his license and when he saw the can, he looked at me and gave me a "you guys aren't being AHs, I didn't see anything..." look.

    The cop on my side was a laugh riot, he was into being a cop. He played with his radio, his belt, all his bells and whistles....he stood guard while the other cop ran my brother's info...I didn't say anything to him, but he knew that he was entertaining me (don't think THAT sat well with him)..when the older cop came back he tells my bro that he is going to write a ticket for a cracked windshield.....good enough?

    I watched the young cop go apoplectic with his head......he kept motioning to the old cop about the can of beer...

    Finally the old cop motioned back to him, "I AIN'T WRITING him a ticket, it's no big deal......."

    So, he had to make sure that the ticket was written.

    After I signed the ticket, he took the offending beverage from me and began a to pour it out with a grand flourish..........As the last drops spilled onto the floor, I looked at him and said, "you should have finished it, I only took a sip out of it...."


    The times that I was pulled over, unless it was something that I was really guilty of? By just doing the "yes, sir - no sir" arse kissing and being straight up with the guy? I was sent away with a warning and Good Day to You, Sir.....

    Just like any other job where you deal with the public, the interaction you have with a person is just a few minutes of their time. I am sure a cop appreciates a person who doesn't come off as a chuckleheaded moron - as a break from the real idiots he has to deal with?
    The secret of life is nothing at all
    -faith hill

    Hey you, don't tell me there's no hope at all -
    Together we stand
    Divided we fall.

    I laugh, therefore? I am.

    No humans were hurt during the posting of this message.

  9. #3819
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    Sep 2002
    Years ago, I was in a LOWE'S home improvement store.

    A customer came up to me and asked me for my help.

    Being a little familiar with the store, I asked him what he was looking for and attempted to help them find what they needed.


    I managed to give him a little help and when we were done, we had a good laugh about it.

    Pretty good for not being an employee of the chain?


    I read the store about the prez being mistaken for a 'valet' and his wife being asked to get something off a shelf for a woman at a TARGET store?

    Apparently, being mistaken for a 'working joe' is beneath either one?


    Obama claims that he and his wife have been 'treated like help' in the past by being mistaken for employees.

    I always thought that by going into public service, your main job was helping the public.

    Sad to think that people are stuck in the mindset where EVERY encounter with the regular people has racial overtones?
    The secret of life is nothing at all
    -faith hill

    Hey you, don't tell me there's no hope at all -
    Together we stand
    Divided we fall.

    I laugh, therefore? I am.

    No humans were hurt during the posting of this message.

  10. #3820
    Instead of the dueling memes on the internet and competing firebrands invoking base human emotions and creating needless division, why don't we, as a nation, leave the screaming toddlers in the playground to yell at each other until they're tired and yelled out?

    While that's going on, we could have a discussion based on the premise that lives matter.

    Oops, leaving the toddlers to yell at each other means that no one from DC or the self-appointed leadership on either side is involved in the second conversation.
    The one eyed man in the kingdom of the blind wasn't king, he was stoned for seeing light.

  11. #3821
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Illinois, USA
    Quote Originally Posted by Lady's Human View Post
    The problem in NYC is the police. They are extremely aggressive, especially in certain areas. This is where statistics get skewed. I saw a report on the news last night that that last year the NYCPD made over 700,000 "stop and frisk" searches last year, up from under 100K in the first year of Mayor (bloomberg)Cocteau's regime. They have stopped and frisked almost 10% of their population. They are aggressive, pushed by a police state mentality to be so, and then wonder why people have an attitude about them.
    I don't know if this is true or not in Chicago. I do know that at least part of the problem is that gang members have guns that are as powerful or more so than the ones the police have. An Illinois state trooper stopped a car on the Kennedy Expressway on suspicion of DUI and the driver assaulted the trooper, which required him to go to the hospital. A police officer in northwest Indiana died a couple of months ago when he went to check on a person who was squatting in a supposedly vacant townhouse; the man had been evicted from the townhouse but was angry about being evicted, wearing body armor and shot the police officer. The police might be aggressive but who knows what they'll find when they make a traffic stop or respond to a call. Scary.
    Praying for peace in the Middle East, Ukraine, and around the world.

    I've been Boo'd ... right off the stage!

    Aaahh, I have been defrosted! Thank you, Bonny and Asiel!
    Brrrr, I've been Frosted! Thank you, Asiel and Pomtzu!

    "That's the power of kittens (and puppies too, of course): They can reduce us to quivering masses of Jell-O in about two seconds flat and make us like it. Good thing they don't have opposable thumbs or they'd surely have taken over the world by now." -- Paul Lukas

    "We consume our tomorrows fretting about our yesterdays." -- Persius, first century Roman poet

    Cassie's Catster page:

  12. #3822
    In the Garner case there were several police officer surrounding the person, and they were arresting him for selling single cigarettes.

    That's hardly an offense worth tackling someone. The only "offense" involved was NYC doesn't get the tax revenue from the loose cigs.

    There are plenty of incidents on both sides.

    A few years ago there was a very publicized no-knock drug raid in MA. The raid turned out to be done on the wrong address, and a retired preacher died of a heart attack from the shock.

    There was an excellent news piece on Yahoo from the current chief of the LA PD, explaining what had gone wrong in LA, how it damaged relations with the community in LA, and what he's done to repair the damage. The NYCPD would do well to read and listen.

    The one eyed man in the kingdom of the blind wasn't king, he was stoned for seeing light.

  13. #3823
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    Illinois, USA
    I started to ask this question last night but my laptop locked up. So I am back to ask today. I missed a big portion of the State of the Union address because of rehearsal, but I heard a clip of the President suggesting that community college should be free. Does he want it to be free across the board, or only for certain students? The City Colleges of Chicago are piloting a program for tuition waivers for graduates of the Chicago public schools with a grade point average of 3 or higher. I hope it will especially benefit students who wouldn't otherwise be able to afford college.

    If there is widespread free community college, though- how would that work? Would there be overcrowding of certain courses as everyone tries to get the ones they need? What would you do for students who can't or won't go to college- maybe they would like to attend trade school instead? What about those who choose to go straight to a 4-year college or university? How would you make sure there are enough qualified instructors and enough facilities to accommodate students? What if some fields of study are extremely popular and some are hurting for students- would you try to balance them out? What if I am going back to college as a career changer or pursuing higher education long after graduating from high school- would I get free tuition? What about fees, books and other costs?

    I think it's an idea worth pursuing further, but it seems like there are a lot of "what ifs" that would need to be addressed. It could help people achieve goals or do something they have always wanted.
    Praying for peace in the Middle East, Ukraine, and around the world.

    I've been Boo'd ... right off the stage!

    Aaahh, I have been defrosted! Thank you, Bonny and Asiel!
    Brrrr, I've been Frosted! Thank you, Asiel and Pomtzu!

    "That's the power of kittens (and puppies too, of course): They can reduce us to quivering masses of Jell-O in about two seconds flat and make us like it. Good thing they don't have opposable thumbs or they'd surely have taken over the world by now." -- Paul Lukas

    "We consume our tomorrows fretting about our yesterdays." -- Persius, first century Roman poet

    Cassie's Catster page:

  14. #3824
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by cassiesmom View Post
    I started to ask this question last night but my laptop locked up. So I am back to ask today. I missed a big portion of the State of the Union address because of rehearsal, but I heard a clip of the President suggesting that community college should be free. Does he want it to be free across the board, or only for certain students? The City Colleges of Chicago are piloting a program for tuition waivers for graduates of the Chicago public schools with a grade point average of 3 or higher. I hope it will especially benefit students who wouldn't otherwise be able to afford college.

    If there is widespread free community college, though- how would that work? Would there be overcrowding of certain courses as everyone tries to get the ones they need? What would you do for students who can't or won't go to college- maybe they would like to attend trade school instead? What about those who choose to go straight to a 4-year college or university? How would you make sure there are enough qualified instructors and enough facilities to accommodate students? What if some fields of study are extremely popular and some are hurting for students- would you try to balance them out? What if I am going back to college as a career changer or pursuing higher education long after graduating from high school- would I get free tuition? What about fees, books and other costs?

    I think it's an idea worth pursuing further, but it seems like there are a lot of "what ifs" that would need to be addressed. It could help people achieve goals or do something they have always wanted.
    I laughed when I heard this 'plan'.

    Not a well thought out idea?

    Here is the way I would do it.

    You pay for your semester and if you pass, you will be reimbursed for those classes....

    If you want a student loan, go for it......


    If you invest in something, you probably are more apt to finish what ever you start.

    I went to the HR dept to ask about what programs they had in place for continuing education.....The clerk told me that I was SOL because I wasn't a nurse or doctor.

    I was ticked off for a second and then took every -ology and health/infect disease class I could, and paid for it myself.

    My only regret is not getting a degree.

    But, I take comfort in knowing that I can find my rear end with one hand, whereas I have seem people with a degree who were unable to find their rear with two hands, a mirror, printed instructions and a GPS.

  15. #3825
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    indianapolis,indiana usa
    Funniest headline I've seen all week.

    DES MOINES — Former Alaska governor Sarah Palin told The Washington Post in an interview Friday that she is “seriously interested” in running for the White House in 2016.
    I've Been Boo'd

    I've been Frosted

    Today is the oldest you've ever been, and the youngest you'll ever be again.

    Eleanor Roosevelt

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