Quote Originally Posted by pomtzu View Post
My granddaughter is graduating from Monmouth Univ in NJ on 5/21, and I am at a total loss as to what would be a good/appropriate graduation gift. She is going from living in north Jersey, back to living at home, as she has been accepted into the Masters program at Wilmington (DE) Univ, for mental health counseling, and will be going straight from graduation to more school, so there won't be any post graduation vacation/trip that she could use money for. She's not really big into jewelry, and I already gave her a diamond pendant that I had custom made with the diamonds from my mothers engagement ring, for her high school graduation, and she never wears watches either. I'm stumped, and really need some good ideas. Any and all are welcome.
A custom-made gift certificate for a fancy dinner/tea with her favorite grandmother?

A "Spa day" certificate if she'd enjoy that?

A framed photo of the two of you together?

A "weekend getaway" certificate for some place she'd like to go?

A new scrapbook that starts with an early picture you have of her, then a current, then the rest of the pages to be filled as she progresses?