Quote Originally Posted by Grace View Post
She went 48 hours without eating dry food - were you giving her the canned food twice a day at that time? If you give canned morning and evening and she eats it all, she will be getting enough. The dry food is there - if she wants it.

Try giving her kitten canned food. That is more filling and might tide her over better.
No, I withheld the canned kitten food (ProPlan - two cans in the AM and 2 cans in PM) for the 48 hrs. with the dry food available at all times. She chose to go hungry rather than to eat the dry.

Right now I am giving her 1 can of the kitten food in the morning and 1 can in the evening. She lets me know she's hungry, but still not eating any of the dry food that I have out all the time.