Will absolutely say a prayer that Groucho is not adding to the issues.

Asking for a prayer of my own... my migraines have been in full force since March. I've missed more work than I've actually worked. It's as bad as it was (worse, in fact) when I took my 4 month leave of absence back in Sept 2009. Can you all say a prayer that this darn migraine phase just goes away... I'm so tired of it and all the side effects (the horrible nausea, numb face, blurry vision, stumbling around, the aura, losing words, just every stupid side effect you can think of that has ever accompanied a migraine hits me with mine). They are debilitating and even though I applied for disability, I was denied because I do not meet the ssdi disability requirements. I'm not disabled by their standards, even though these literally knock me on my butt for days and sometimes WEEKS. Chronic migraines SUCK. I would not wish them on anyone.

Anyway, please say a prayer that this migraine cycle ends, because I am at my wits end.