Ok fine - any problems getting to our Yahoo group let me know.

Quite a lot of cats seize when they are asleep, mine always has her seizures in the early hours of the morning when in very deep sleep - I assume the brain is more relaxed and let's the seizure happen.

If ever you are not sure your cat has had a seizure - maybe when you were out - you can usually tell as they have drool/saliva down their fur, sometimes there is urine as they have wet theirself, also increased hunger as the seizure takes a lot out of them they crave food. Also eyes dilated for a few hours and increased affection.


Quote Originally Posted by Irina.B View Post
Thank you very much for posting.

I'm going to definitely check that group out, it would be great to talk to people who are in the same situation.

Our little man had another seizure today We don't know exactly when it happened, but he did not run around today or anything, he must have been laying in his comfy place when it happened. Poor little thing. He is okay now though, very tired.

Again, thank you for replying, going to go and visit the group now.