Thank you all for the well wished. They are much appreciated. I just posted on FB a little bit to Tracey (krazyaboutkatz) about the surgery and thought I should do the same to those who might like to know here.

The surgery I had is called bilio-pancreatic diversion. It's a bariatric surgery. It was to cure my diabetes, which I might add is now in the normal range always, without meds and no matter what I eat, but it is used more widely as an obesity surgery for desperate cases. It was invented to cure diabetes though originally and so my case was a test book case for the surgical team. The surgery went surgeon said basically it was by the book.

My surgeon said the first month post surgery is extremely hard and I can attest to that but also the second month will be quite difficult as well. It gets a little easier and a little better each day. My diet is mainly protein. In my first 6-12 months I will need to eat 50 grams of protein a day after the first year it increases to 100 grams a day. Only a portion of the calories (vitamins, minerals, fats, cholesterol etc) I consume are absorbed from my foods unless it is simple sugars like sweets, fruit etc...all those calories etc are absorbed so those things need to be limited. I have my 1 treat of simple sugars a day. Usually a scoop of ice cream and I'm quite happy with that. I have never been a big eater of sweets. It will be nice when I can eat pasta & veggies again but I won't be able to do that for many months, 6-8 to be exact. A lot of things I liked before I don't like any longer and same goes for things I didn't like before I like now. I need things with lots of flavor because, atleast for now, can't really taste any mild flavors. Not sure if that will change once the 'new car' gets a few miles on it and things equal out. LOL The term 'new car' refers to my new digestive system and the father (inventor of the procedure) called it this to me when he came to reassure about the operation. It was quite funny. Anyway, I could give you all the gory details of what was done but will spare you.

I did enjoy pizza for the first time last night since my surgery and I tell you the first taste was heavenly! I was surprised actually as I ate 2 piece, 1/3 of the pizza and I wasn't bloated. It has been normal for me to eat very small amounts but feel bloated all the same. I was very happy with the results. This morning I had my treat for the day for breakfast, ice cream. 1 scoop of strawberry/lime. It was so good. I simply can't get over the flavor of the lime. Anyway, before I go on and on and on I will stop here.

Thank you for all the kind words and the encouragement. much