He's been wandering into our yard...well, we *think (and HOPE)* it is a he...on a semi-regular basis for about 8 weeks now. So much has been going on in our life and he seems quite feral, so I have not even begun to think about organizing a way to attempt TNR for him. I cannot bring another cat into the house but would be more than willing to either provide food & shelter outside OR tame him down and attempt to home him. But he won't let me get within 25 feet of him. Even though he seems to be getting the idea that I am bringing food out for him, he runs and won't come to the food until I go back inside the house. Best I can do is sit on my back steps while he eats 25-30 feet down the hill of my back yard.
So for now, it's just feeding him...When I see him, I take wet food out...Other times, I leave a bowl of water in the yard and another bowl of water and some dry food in an old shed down the back hill. He knows the food is in there but I have a feeling sometimes other critters are getting that dry food.
Here are some pictures of the *guy*(???) we are calling Hunter, he looks black in some pics but he's gray:
(he looks closer than he is, I have decent zoom on my camera and when I take pics through the window, he comes closer)
Here Hunter is playing with some catnip branches I placed down the hill to try to attract him and give me a chance to talk to him while he played with it:
After those catnip pics were taken, I thought maybe I was making progress with him getting used to staying at a distance while I spoke to him...But alas, he didn't come around as far as I know for a few days, the next time he did, he seemed even more afraid of me and has not been warming up to me at all except to seem to know I am putting food down.