I sure hope it isn't ringworm. If I lived closer I'd be glad to help you try to bathe him. Whatever it is I hope he'll clear up quickly.

One thing I'll mention, when I first got Storm I was feeding him a lot of cat food that had fish in it. He started losing the fur on his ears and he also started scratching a lot. My vet also thought it might be ringworm but luckily is wasn't. He gave him a cortizone injection to help with his itching. This really helped and his fur began to grow back.

When the cortizone wore off it started all over again. I went back to my vets office and I saw a different vet. This vet asked me if I was feeding him a lot of fish and I said yes. He said that some cats are allergic to fish. I stopped feeding him anything with fish in it and he never had a problem again.

Maybe Cassy has an allergic reaction to something in his food. Just a thought. I'll continue to keep him in my thoughts and prayers. I also hope that your computer will be fixed soon. Take care. (((HUGS)))