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Thread: I'm almost at the end of my rope!!!! **Update**

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  1. #1
    Boy, I can feel the frustration and nerves as I read your post. I've been there, several of us on PT have, so I know how you feel about the peeing and not wanting to rehome Cami. As a vet asst., you probably know about Clomicalm but, in the off chance that you may not, I'll mention it. It's given to dogs for behavior problems but my vet, who has since retired, started some of my cats on it because he'd read and heard good reports of it being safe for cats. Some vets say that it takes 6-12 weeks before it starts to work but I was fortunate; it started working immediately. Before Clomicalm, I was ready to rehome Specs. That cat peed whenever and wherever he felt like it. He was an outdoor cat that I rescued and I got so mad at him one time that I tossed him out the door and yelled "You lived outside before, by God, you can do it again!" Of course, he hung around the door and cried but I didn't relent for 3 days. I tried ametryptilene, which worked for a while, but then he started peeing again. I tried buspar w/no effect whatsoever. Clomicalm started working immediately; there have been no side effects whatsoever. I give 4 of my cats 5 mg. each before bed and there have been no incidents since then. You truly are nearly at the end of your rope and I would say that, before you decide to rehome Cami, give Clomicalm a whirl. Ask your vet and see what s/he says. It's been a godsend to me and this household and I don't worry about people walking in my house and wrinkling up their noses due to the acrid urine smell. I sure hope things work out for you. I know it's maddening. I know. I do know.

    "Time and unforeseen occurrence befall us all." Ecclesiastes 9:11

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Alberta, Canada
    The Clomicalm might work on the bullying behaviours of the other cats.

    HUGS and huge prayers to you...
    "Do or do not. There is no try." -- Yoda

  3. #3
    [QUOTE=Catty1;2031230]The Clomicalm might work on the bullying behaviours of the other cats. QUOTE]

    Exactly. And it's good for inappropriate spraying as well.

    "Time and unforeseen occurrence befall us all." Ecclesiastes 9:11

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    I hear you and I feel for you. NOT a happy situation to be in. (have been there and will be there again!)

    Suggestion 1.....Is there a room in your home that you can keep Cami by herself? Not having the stress of the other cats might be just what she needs. Also, "retraining" to the litter box always starts with confining to a small space.

    #2.....have you tried Cat Attract litter?

    #3.....Medicate Cami. There are several medicines to try for problem "pee-ers". It is the only thing that keeps me sane around here. I can't guarentee 100% success, but maybe pretty close. And maybe you'll have greater success.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Santa Paula, CA
    I'm so sorry to hear this. I had some minor incidents last summer with Storm and Starr. I tried Clomicalm on Storm but it made him into a different cat and then he became immune to it so I had to wean him off of it. Using the feliway diffusers, cat attract litter, and adding more litter boxes has really helped me a lot.

    Now Storm is on an herbal calming pill because he gets grumpy and snappy in his old age and Sunny is on a different herbal calming pill because he was attacking Storm, trying to become the alpha cat and cat calling at night. Things have greatly improved. I did take them to my holistic vet because I didn't want to guess at which pills would help them. I also used an herbal spray on Starr for a while but now he doesn't need it since things have calmed down.

    I hope that something will work for Cami and the others that are attacking her. I had to rehome my cat Cirrus because he and Storm didn't get along and it was getting worse and worse and causing Storm to have health problems so I know how hard it is. Please try to relax and destress and take care of yourself. Good luck. ((((HUGS))))

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Methuen, MA; USA
    The frustration is quite evident in your post.

    My Vita is spraying, she is stressed with all the comings and goings of animals here last year, and the arrival of Tommy & Tuppence in January did her in. I am using the Feliway on a strip of fabric I slip over her collar (so the scent is always with her) and that is working. I did that for a month and stopped, she was fine for 2 months and just started spraying again this week. So the fabric is back on her collar and getting sprayed daily.

    I know someone asked if Cami could stay in one room be herself for a while to let her calm down. It does sound like stress on her part; having the other cats stalk her, and mommy hollering at her, is not good for any of you.

    I wish I had a magic wand to make it all well for you. {{HUGS}}

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Middle Tennessee, USA
    I've been under a ridiculous amount of stress in the last year, particularly since Dec. Let's see...
    This has been going on for a while now, pretty much since just before we lost Dusty (which will be a year ago tomorrow incidentally
    These were the two things that struck me. Do you think her actions could be a reaction to the stress that you are under?

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