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Thread: New Puppy!

  1. #1

    New Puppy!

    okay, so everyone remembers me right? the one whose fiance's parents were taking over my dogs! well we have FINALLY moved out, and thank you all for reassuring me, because my dogs were instantly back to their old selves! It is like they completely forgot that we lived with his parents. But anyway, onto the new addition to the family.

    Yesterday my friend gave me another yorkie, he is probably about 4 months old. Very cute (but all puppies are cute)...anyways,she gave him to me because they have 6 dogs in the house and just couldn't handle it anymore. he and my dogs are getting along oldest Fred (2) acts like he is 50 years old, and doesn't ever really like to play, and Frankie (1) likes to play but i believe he thinks this puppy is taking over his mommy! i continue to give him the same amout of affection as i did before and i share myself equally, he was better this morning. But the actual reason for this post is because this puppy had NEVER been outside before and every time i take him out he like freaks out...not running off or anything, but he just hunkers down and it takes him like ten minutes to get off of the porch, at the house he was at they had him "paper potty trained" and i put some paper down, but i would much rather him go outside. how can i get him used to going outside? i mean i have to pick him up and put him on the ground from the porch, and he peed outside lastnight, he hasn't pood yet, and he peed a little this morning but that is just because i scared him. ...i need a little help because i can't crate train dogs it kills me to hear them yelp when i leave. how can i potty train him outside? and do you think my dogs will start going in the house if they see him doing it?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Middle Tennessee, USA
    I don't have any advice with regard to the new addition. But I wanted to congratulate you on getting your own place and say that I'm happy your doggies are back to normal. I think it is funny that now the situation is reversed and they, or at least Frankie, is jealous of the attention you're giving the new pup when just a few weeks ago you were jealous of the attention they were giving your fiance's parents. Do we get to see pictures of everyone?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Windham, Vermont, USA
    This is a relatively simple solution ... he's paper trained. Bring the newspaper outside and put it on the ground, and he can do his business there. You can keep this up for a few days, and, when he's used to being outside and makes the association that outside is the place to "go," you can gradually stop using the paper. He's a Yorkie, they can be stubborn, but be persistent and consistent, and you will win this one!
    I've Been Frosted

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Karen View Post
    This is a relatively simple solution ... he's paper trained. Bring the newspaper outside and put it on the ground, and he can do his business there. You can keep this up for a few days, and, when he's used to being outside and makes the association that outside is the place to "go," you can gradually stop using the paper. He's a Yorkie, they can be stubborn, but be persistent and consistent, and you will win this one!

    Thank you that is a great idea! i am so glad i have everyone on here to help me out in situations like this! and yes i will put some pictures of them on here, i am having computer/camera difficulties at the moment, but i will most absolutely post some pictures of them! thank you!!!!!!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2000
    Salisbury Plain, UK
    Karen is right, move the paper gradually toward the door - then onto the porch and when pup is confident on the porch move it onto the garden but very close to porch.

    Ignore him totally when he is acting afraid and only interact with the dogs that are behaving normally. This will give him confidence although you may see an increase in the frightened behaviour at first as he tries to gain your attention.

    You will get there!

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