Boy do you and I think alike! I'd like to tell that idiot "man of God" to get the hell out of the U.S. and take his preidential candidate with him. I never thought I'd be saying this but, Go Hillary!

I left my church for some similar reasons and if I'm not mistaken, on Easter, also. It was something I overheard from a young adult. I think he's a deacon now, not sure. Thank goodness I heard it and not a stranger. Some of the best hypocrites can be found in church. I'll join you for a cold beer.

ETA: I just read your page 4 rant and you are so right! You are awesome. Where are all the mummies and daddies now? Everything is supposed to be "for the children". Why aren't they taking better care of the earth? It's an all about me world. Screw the planet.