Dearest Matt,

I don't know what I'd do without you. It was a bit rocky in the beginning because of what happened with my previous exboyfriend, but once you found out why I acted the way I did and why I was so scared of guys, you were SO patient with me. You helped me get through the issues and to this day, you still know he has affected me but you still hold my hand through life's biggest issues.

Seriously, you are my angel. You call me your angel all of the time, but I mean it from the bottom of my heart. Ever since my grandfather died in 2004, I had been bottling up emotions. My grandmother then was murdered. Instead of dealing with that pain and those emotions, I bottled them up. My exboyfriend forced me to deal with HIS **** instead of my own problems and issues... so nothing ever got resolved. You were an angel sent from heaven because there are times where I have never felt more at peace with things, and they area all with you. I am worry free and problem free when I am with you, and it's because I know you'll stand between me and my problems, and won't allow them to knock me down. I've been through a lot, and so have you... more than any person should ever have to... but we help each other. We complete eachother. I am strong where you are weak, and you are strong where I am weak.

I don't know what to do without you and I hope we stay together for a very long time. You will always be a very special person in my heart, one who has had a great impact on my life. You are my wonderful.

Despite our petty and small arguments, we get along great. We get aggravated sometimes, but mostly because of misinterpretation. The rest of the time, we're 100% on the same page about everything.... it's amazing how perfect everything is.

Your angel,