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Thread: What am I doing here??? Another update & pic

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    Northern Canada

    What am I doing here??? Another update & pic

    Wooo PT

    I think I'm in some trouble! I got to go for a truck ride with Mom this morning, but she didn't take me anywhere fun! She left me at the vet clinic! What am I doing here? I don't want to spend all day in a stoopid cage. Sheesh, I didn't even spend all night in my crate. All that gagging and pawing and whining took care of that. I got let out lots! I didn't get much sleep and neither did Mom. I was looking forward to napping in my pen and playing with Chum when I woke up.

    But oh, no! I'm stuck at the vet and they are threatening to do horrible things to me! They say I might have eaten a foxtail. Now what kind of dumb fox would let a dog eat their tail? I thought vets were supposed to be smart humans! Why would they think something so dumb? I just bark at the foxes, I don't eat their tails! I did eat a whole bunch of grass last night, but there were no foxes hiding in that grass.

    The vet people keep poking and prodding me. I can't have any food or water. There's no one to play with in this dumb cage. They might put me to sleep! Oh, Mom says it would just be for a nap...well, that's not so bad. But last time I had a nap here, I woke up with stitches in my tummy. I don't want that to happen again! I wasn't allowed to play for days after that!

    Oh, this sucks! I wanna go home!

    Sad wooos
    Tehya the prisoner puppy!
    Last edited by Glacier; 08-15-2007 at 06:06 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Killearn, Scotland
    Oh Tehya, I am almost moved to tears by your sad story! Imagine keeping you in a cage sweetheart! It's outrageous.

    Have you read Auntie Chris's story about Bob today? He eats all kinds of inappropriate things too. What a pair you are. Can't you just stick to food?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    Aquidneck Island
    Aw, poor Tehya! Here come the words every kid dreads....Mom's doing this for your own good. Try to be a good girl and you'll be out of there in no time. Use the time to plan your next good adventure, we'll look forward to hearing about it! Kisses, sweetie!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    Northern Canada
    Quote Originally Posted by Killearn Kitties
    Oh Tehya, I am almost moved to tears by your sad story! Imagine keeping you in a cage sweetheart! It's outrageous.

    Have you read Auntie Chris's story about Bob today? He eats all kinds of inappropriate things too. What a pair you are. Can't you just stick to food?

    I know! It's crazy and just plain mean! They could let me out and I could help take care of the other dogs who are actually sick! Yup, I would be good at that. At least I get treats when I go in my crate. No treats at the vet. Mean vet!

    I have puked up a couple interesting that bungy cord that came up last time I was here getting fixed--when I wasn't broken to start with! I'm a growing puppy. I've gained 10 pounds since last time I was at this stoopid place. I mostly eat food! I get those yummy kibbles at night and meat some nights and I get chewies in my crate and I steal cat food every chance I get!

    Thank you both for your support. I better get a good adventure when this over!

    Tehya, still in prison!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Calgary, Alberta, Canada
    Tehya, Sasha extends her sincere sympathy to you. Last week she was at the vets all day in a cage for chest xrays. Yesterday she had blood drawn and will do it again Saturday. I'm sure the two of you border collie crosses could woo up a storm. You let the vet look after you so you get to go home sooner than later. And a bit of advice, when munching grass ensure it's just grass!! Take care sweetie pie!!
    Gayle - self proclaimed Queen of Poop
    Mommy to: Cali (14 year old kitten)
    (RB furbabies: Rascal RB 10/11/03 (ferret), Sami RB 24/02/04 (dog), Trouble RB 10/08/05 (ferret), Miko RB 20/01/06 (ferret) and Sebastian RB 12/12/06(ferret), Sasha RB 17/10/09 (border collie cross), Diego RB 04/12/21

  6. #6

    Another Tehya MIS-adventure!

    Quote Originally Posted by Glacier

    I think I'm in some trouble! (Serious UNDER-statement!)

    She left me at the vet clinic!
    They say I might have eaten a foxtail.

    I just bark at the foxes, I don't eat their tails!
    I did eat a whole bunch of grass last night,
    but there were no foxes hiding in that grass.

    But the last time I had a nap here, I woke up with stitches in my tummy.
    I don't want that to happen again!

    GOOD GRIEF, FurChild!

    Your Momma FEEDS you good stuff --- Dawgs do NOT need to eat salads
    when out in the great, green, outdoors!

    "Foxtails" are DANGEROUS!! Stay AWAY from 'em!

    From: >>>


    Hordeum jubatum

    (grass family)

    TOXICITY RATING: Moderate. Irritation from the awns is likely, but serious illness and death are rare.

    ANIMALS AFFECTED: All animals can be affected. Grazing animals and outdoor dogs are especially at risk.

    DANGEROUS PARTS OF PLANT: Seedheads (awns).

    CLASS OF SIGNS: Skin, mouth, ear, nose, and eye irritation; stomach irritation, abscesses.

    PLANT DESCRIPTION: This perennial weedy grass (fig. 1) of fields, waste places, and roadsides gets its name from the long bushy flower spikes. Each long, slender, wiry bristle bears small teeth or barbs that point backwards like tiny fishhooks.

    SIGNS: The seed heads (especially the awns) of this and several other types of grasses can cause mechanical irritation to the skin, eyes, ears, nose, mouth, and stomach of animals. The grasses can cause problems in pasture as well as in prepared feeds like hay. Embedded seed heads can cause local irritation and infections, or become more deeply embedded in tissues and migrate in the body. Irritation and infection often develop, necessitating removal of the plant matter. Signs depend on location of the seed awn, and can include head shaking; sneezing; nasal or ocular discharge; rubbing at the ears, eyes, or mouth; difficulty in chewing or swallowing; or signs of digestive disturbance. Yellow or green foxtail, rye and millet can cause similar problems.

    FIRST AID: For minor irritation, supportive care is all that is required. Minor irritations will resolve in about a day. If any of the following are noted, a veterinarian needs to be contacted: if signs are severe, if signs of irritation do not resolve, if the eyes or ears are involved, or if the animal cannot eat. Infections and abscesses require veterinary care, and some awns may need surgical removal.

    SAFETY IN PREPARED FEEDS: Small amounts incorporated in hay and other feeds may not cause much harm, most animals will avoid eating these plants if better quality feed is available (good hay and feeds do not contain many seed heads of these grasses). Hay and other feeds containing large quantities of these seed heads are not safe for consumption, especially if animals are forced to eat these feeds.
    PREVENTION: These plants are common weeds in pastures and along roadsides. If problems occur with these plants, consider mowing to reduce seedhead formation or otherwise removing them. The foxtail that commonly grows in the western U.S. (Setaria) is especially problematic and animals should have little or no contact with this grass.

    Another Article with photos and information about Foxtails

    "A serious hazard for field dogs, or any dogs in the field, are the hard seed-bearing structures of some kinds of grasses, often called "foxtails". These structures have sharp points at one end, and microscopic barbs, so that they easily move in the direction of the point, but not the other way. They "work in", but they don't "work out". They can become imbedded in the hair, especially the paws and ears, and in nostrils and even eyes. As they work their way in, they cause infection, and if not treated can sometimes be fatal. Southern California has a number of different grasses with this nasty feature, most of them originally from Mediterranean Europe, and most of them common."

    Tehya ~~
    Take a lil HINT ---

    Clear your next "Adventure" with Mom - Before you start the activity!

    {{{Hugs}}} to your Frustrated Mom ...
    Best Wishes to Tehya for a NO-Zipper fix at the White Coats!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    Northern Canada
    Wooo PT....

    I'm going for a nap now! The vet lady can't get a good look at my throat and I'm drooling a bit! So she called my Mom and got permission to send me for a little sleep! They are gonna look all down my throat and see if there is something stuck there or if it's all swollen. They think I might have hucked that foxtail up, but my throat is still bugging me. They're gonna check it out, pull the bad things out if there are any and give me some medicine. They probably won't have to cut my tummy open! Phew! I get to go home around six o'clock.

    Mr. Phred, I was eating regular grass when Mom let me out of my pen. I was trying to eat anything I could just to make my throat feel better. I tried to eat some dirt and my crate blanket and a cat bed and slipper(of course, Mom took all those things away from me). I musta eaten the foxtail earlier in the day. Mom tries to pull all the foxtails whenever she sees them, but there are so many of them this year. She's gonna borrow a mower thingy on the weekend and mow 'em down and rake 'em up! That won't get rid of them forever, but it will get rid of the bad parts for now.

    Mom says if I am a good girl when I get home, she will let me sleep on the big bed with her tonight! I think I would like that....ohhhhh, I'm getting very sleepy now!

    Nite, PT
    I will woo again when I wake up!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Killearn, Scotland
    Oh Teyha! Good luck sweetheart. We will see you later!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    North East Ohio
    Oh Teyha.... you silly puppy!!

    I hope you feel better after your nap at the vet!
    ~Angie, Sierra & Buddy
    **Don't breed or buy while shelter dogs die!**

    I suffer from multiple Shepherd syndrome

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Oh gees!!!! Tehya this is Reilly, I know just how you feel, those stinking vet people did that to me while my mommy and daddy were on vacation, but mine was cause I keep getting this stupid thingy on my eyes. I sure hope you get to feeling better soon and you get to sleep on the big bed tonight, I love when mom lets me sleep on it too I eat everything in sight too, so don't feel lonely in that. My daycare calls me "hoover"...once I even ate a hair scrunchy thingy, I thought it was great, boy I wont do that again, mommy and daddy had to force stuff down me and made me puke!!!!!!!!!!!!! yuko Take it easy and when you come back i will Woo with you.
    slurpy licks for ya.

  11. #11

    WOOF, Tehya!

    So Sorry you gotta take a VetNap this afternoon, Tehya.
    Here's Hopin it's just a SHORT Nappy and she finds that durn FoxTail wiffout
    a lotta phussin an diggin!

    We'll send God a CC: of this note, so He can keep a God'sEye onna FoxTail Hunt.

    HOLLER iffin da Whit Coat Gurl needs any Help!!
    Check in when ya getz back onna Husky Pharm, Tehya.

    Prayers onna Way!!

    /s/ the Prayer Pups
    CC: to God

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Illinois, USA
    wooooo, precious Tehya ... I like to read happy stories about you and this one is not happy I hope you will feel much better soon!
    Praying for peace in the Middle East, Ukraine, and around the world.

    I've been Boo'd ... right off the stage!

    Aaahh, I have been defrosted! Thank you, Bonny and Asiel!
    Brrrr, I've been Frosted! Thank you, Asiel and Pomtzu!

    "That's the power of kittens (and puppies too, of course): They can reduce us to quivering masses of Jell-O in about two seconds flat and make us like it. Good thing they don't have opposable thumbs or they'd surely have taken over the world by now." -- Paul Lukas

    "We consume our tomorrows fretting about our yesterdays." -- Persius, first century Roman poet

    Cassie's Catster page:

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jan 2001
    columbus, ohio, usa
    tehya, i will keep woooooing for you...wags alex the wonder dog wooooooo, wooooooo
    joyce who has princess peanut, spokesdog for the catpack, mojo, magic, kira and squirty, members of the catpack, angel duke, a good dog who is missed and angel alex the wonder dog, handsome prince.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Florida, USA
    Well, Tehya, we don't even know what a foxtail is. However, thanks to Mr. Phred, we do now.

    Your life is just one adventure after another isn't it, sweetheart? We hope you are going to be as good as new real soon and you get to come back home Feel Better Tehya!!

    I've been Boo'd...
    Thanks Barry!

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Feb 2001
    Happy Valley, Utah
    Woo Tehya, this is Keva...I had a foxtail incident too. I got one stuck up my nose. I sneezed so much I made it bleed and mom had to take me to the emergency vet late at night. It wasn't fun at all, sorry you've had a bad time with foxtails too! --Keva

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