"G" Please
"G" Please
The Deli Dog
I want to Honor All of Our Rainbow Bridge Furkids
W for me, please
(this is the 5th)
"I don't know which weapons will be used in the third World war, but in the fourth, it will be sticks and stones" --- Albert Einstein.
Yep it's almost done
One ti-e there where -i-e wolves, all -rothers, who tra-ele- together. Whate-er -eat the- got when the- were hunting the- woul- share with -o-ote. One e-ening -o-ote saw the wol-es loo-ing u- the s--.
"What are -ou loo-ing at u- there, -- -rothers? As-e- -o-ote.
"Oh, nothing" sai- the ol-est wol-.
Ne-t e-ening -o-ote saw the- were all loo-ing u- in the s-- at so-ething. He as-e- the ne-t ol-est wol- what the- were loo-ing at, -ut he woul-n't sa-.It went li-e this -ort three or -our nights. No one wante- to tell -o-ote what the- were loo-ing at -e-ause the- thought he woul- want to inter-ere. One night -o-ote as-e- the -oungest wol- -rother to tell hi-, an- the -oungest wol- -rother to tell hi-, an- the -oungest wol- sai- to the other wol-es, "Let's tell -o-ote what we see u- there. He won't -o an-thing."
So the- tol- hi-. "We see two ani-als u- there. Wa- u- there, where we -annot get to the-".
"Let's go u- an- see the- ," sai- -o-ote.
"Well, how -an we -o that?"
"Oh, I -an -o that eas-," sai- -o-ote. "I -an show -ou how to get u- there without an- trou-le at all."
-o-ote gathere- a great nu--er o- arrows an- then -egan shooting the- into the s--.The -irts arrow stu-- in the s-- an- the se-on- arrow stu-- in the -irst. Ea-h arrow stu-- in the en- o- the one -e-ore it li-e that until there was a la--er rea-hing -own to the earth.
"We -an -li-- u- now" sais- -o-ote the ol-est wol- too- his -og with hi- , an- then the other -our wol- -rothers -a-e, an- the- -o-ote. The- -li--e- all -a- an- into the night. All the ne-t -a- the- -li--e-. -or -an- -a-s an- nights the- -li--e-, untill -inall- the- rea-he- the s--. The- stoo- in the s-- an- loo-e- o-er at the two ani-als the wol-es ha- seen -ro- -own -elow. The- were two gri--l- -ears.
"-on't go near the-," sai- -o-ote. "The- will tear -ou a-art." -ut the two -oungest wol-es were alrea-- hea-e- o-er. An- the ne-t to -oungest wol-es -ollowe- the-. Onl- the the ol-est wol- hel- -a--. When the wol-es got near the gri--lies, nothing ha--ene-. The wol-es sat -own an- loo-e- at the -ears, an- the -ears sat there loo-ing at the wol-es. The ol-est wol-, when he saw it was sa-e, -a-e o-er with his -og an- sat -own with the-.
-o-ote woul-n't -o-e o-er. He -i-n't trust the the -ears. "That -a-es a ni-e -i-ture, though," thought -o-ote. "The- all loo- -rett- goo- sitting there li-e that. I thin- I'll li-e it that wa- -or e-er- one to see. Then when -eo-le loo- at the- in the s-- the- will sa-, "There's a stor- a-out this -i-ture, an- the- will tell a stor- a-out -e."
So -o-ote le-t it that wa-. He too- out the arrows as he -es-en-e- so there was no wa- -or an-one to get -a--. -ro- -own on the earth -o-ote a--ire- the arrange-ent he ha- le-t u- there. To-a- the- still loo- the sa-e. The- -all those stars -ig -i--er now. I- -ou loo- u- there -ou'll see that three wol-es -a-e u- the han-le an- the ol-est wol- the one in the -i--le, still has his -og with hi-. The two -oungest wol-es -a-e u- the -art o- the -owl un-er the han-le, n- the two gri--lies -a-e u- the other si-e, the one that -oints towar- the North Star.
When -o-ote saw how the- loo-e-, he wante- to -ut u- a lots o- stars.He arrange- stars all o-er the s-- in -i-tures an- the- -a-e the -ig Roa- a-ross the s-- with stars he ha- le-t o-er.
When -o-ote was -inishe- he -alle- -ea-owlar- o-er. "-- -rother," he sai-, "When I'- gone, tell e-er-one that when the- loo- u- into the s-- an- see the stars arrange- this wa-, I was the one who -i- that. That is -- wor-.-"
Now -ea-owlar- tells the stor- a-out -o-ote.
-o-ote -la-es the stars (Was-o)
A-eri-an In-ian --ths an- Legen-s
Sele-te- an- E-ite- -- Ri-har- Er-oes an- Al-onso Orti-
Letter to be guessed.: B C D F J K M P Q V X Y Z
MISS MEOW:2x400 E’s+227 H's = 1.027 points
NOMILYNN: 2x195 A’s = 390 points
CATLAND: 2x266 O’s = 532 points
FLOPPSY: 2x120 I’s = 240 points
FUZZY: 149 S’s = 149 points
DELIDOG: 2x58 U’s+54 G's = 170 points
FLICIA: 344 T’s = 344 points
CATFACTORY: 138 L’s+134 R's = 272 points
RANDI: 154 N's+115 W's = 269 points
Miss Miau, your are leading from far
No guesses yet
M, please
An Y for me, please!
"I don't know which weapons will be used in the third World war, but in the fourth, it will be sticks and stones" --- Albert Einstein.
Hola, Anna! I think I get this late, but here is my contribution:
C please
And I'll have a V, please
(5th guess)
Last edited by Randi; 10-03-2002 at 03:33 PM.
"I don't know which weapons will be used in the third World war, but in the fourth, it will be sticks and stones" --- Albert Einstein.
Randi thank you to rembember me when there's five guesse
Welcome Sirocco and Cincy
I hope this is the last update girls
One time there where five wolwes, all -rothers, who travele- together. Whatever meat they got when they were hunting they woul- share with Coyote. One evening Coyote saw the wolves loo-ing u- the s-y.
"What are you loo-ing at u- there, my -rothers? As-e- Coyote.
"Oh, nothing" sai- the ol-est wolf.
Ne-t evening Coyote saw they were all loo-ing u- in the s-y at something. He as-e- the ne-t ol-est wolf what they were loo-ing at, -ut he woul-n't say.It went li-e this fort three or four nights. No one wante- to tell Coyote what they were loo-ing at -ecause they thought he woul- want to interfere. One night Coyote as-e- the youngest wolf -rother to tell him, an- the youngest wolf -rother to tell him, an- the youngest wolf sai- to the other wolves, "Let's tell Coyote what we see u- there. He won't -o anything."
So they tol- him. "We see two animals u- there. Way u- there, where we cannot get to them".
"Let's go u- an- see them ," sai- Coyote.
"Well, how can we -o that?"
"Oh, I can -o that easy," sai- Coyote. "I can show you how to get u- there without any trou-le at all."
Coyote gathere- a great num-er of arrows an- then -egan shooting them into the s-y.The firts arrow stuc- in the s-y an- the secon- arrow stuc- in the first. Each arrow stuc- in the en- of the one -efore it li-e that until there was a la--er reaching -own to the earth.
"We can clim- u- now" sais- Coyote the ol-est wolf too- his -og with him , an- then the other four wolf -rothers came, an- them Coyote. They clim-e- all -ay an- into the night. All the ne-t -ay they clim-e-. For many -ays an- nights they clim-e-, untill finally they reache- the s-y. They stoo- in the s-y an- loo-e- over at the two animals the wolves ha- seen from -own -elow. They were two gri--ly -ears.
"-on't go near them," sai- Coyote. "They will tear you a-art." -ut the two youngest wolves were alrea-y hea-e- over. An- the ne-t to youngest wolves followe- them. Only the the ol-est wolf hel- -ac-. When the wolves got near the gri--lies, nothing ha--ene-. The wolves sat -own an- loo-e- at the -ears, an- the -ears sat there loo-ing at the wolves. The ol-est wolf, when he saw it was safe, came over with his -og an- sat -own with them.
Coyote woul-n't come over. He -i-n't trust the the -ears. "That ma-es a nice -icture, though," thought Coyote. "They all loo- -retty goo- sitting there li-e that. I thin- I'll live it that way for every one to see. Then when -eo-le loo- at them in the s-y they will say, "There's a story a-out this -icture, an- they will tell a story a-out me."
So Coyote left it that way. He too- out the arrows as he -escen-e- so there was no way for anyone to get -ac-. From -own on the earth Coyote a-mire- the arrangement he ha- left u- there. To-ay they still loo- the same. They call those stars -ig -i--er now. If you loo- u- there you'll see that three wolves ma-e u- the han-le an- the ol-est wolf the one in the mi--le, still has his -og with him. The two youngest wolves ma-e u- the -art of the -owl un-er the han-le, n- the two gri--lies ma-e u- the other si-e, the one that -oints towar- the North Star.
When Coyote saw how they loo-e-, he wante- to -ut u- a lots of stars.He arrange- stars all over the s-y in -ictures an- them ma-e the -ig Roa- across the s-y with stars he ha- left over.
When Coyote was finishe- he calle- Mea-owlar- over. "My -rother," he sai-, "When I'm gone, tell everyone that when they loo- u- into the s-y an- see the stars arrange- this way, I was the one who -i- that. That is my wor-.-"
Now Mea-owlar- tells the story a-out Coyote.
Coyote -laces the stars (Wasco)
American In-ian Myths an- Legen-s
Selecte- an- E-ite- -y Richar- Er-oes an- Alfonso Orti-
Letters to be guessed: B D J K P Q X Z
koxka I sent you an email with my guess in it, so I won't guess another letter
MISS MEOW:2x400 E’s+227 H's = 1.027 points
NOMILYNN: 2x195 A’s = 390 points
CATLAND: 2x266 O’s = 532 points
FLOPPSY: 2x120 I’s = 240 points
FUZZY: 149 S’s = 149 points
DELIDOG: 2x58 U’s+54 G's = 170 points
FLICIA: 344 T’s = 344 points
CATFACTORY: 138 L’s+134 R's+48 M's = 320 points
RANDI: 154 N's+115 W's+95 Y's+25 V's=389
SIROCCO: 36 F's =
CINCY: 56 C's = Let me see...
Rule #1.1 Read the rules before joining the play!!!
CatFactory you brake a rule shouldn't post your guess on the board but PM or emailed me ( rule Nr.6).I PM you about that when you were still on line.
New guesses are welcome! And don't forget the title and the writer(s)!
Last edited by koxka; 10-03-2002 at 05:44 PM.
I would like a Z, please: still two words away from being able to submit a guess.
I'm sometimes asked "Why do you spend so much of your time and money talking about kindness to animals when there is so much cruelty to men?" I answer: "I am working at the roots." -George T. Angell, reformer (1823-1909)
Thank you, Popcornbird for creating this tribute to Summer starring Livvy and Cassy
Livvy: 11 April 99 - 5 July 09
Cassy: 11 July 99 - 8 April 11
If you would like to visit my BeautiConsultant page --
"D" please.
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