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Thread: Limping

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    Tabbyville, PA


    Last night Nicki was excited when we came home after dinner and ran out to greet us. As we came back inside she slid on the tile floor but kept prancing in excitement that we were home.

    I noticed this afternoon that she has a pronounced limp, and it seemed to get worse as the day wore on. I have tried to rub her leg and she's ok when I do it, but she does get a little wiggly when I go near her "armpit". Under the pit is a fairly large fatty tumor -- I had no idea she had one there. She has fatty tumors all over, and the vet said they aren't bad but she might eventually get one where it would hinder walking. We have been watching the one on her leg for years now, and thats the one we all thought would create a walking problem.

    Anyhow, all this babbling is to get to this question: Do you thnk the bump was enough to trigger a problem with the fatty tumor under her arm?

    I'm tapped out with vet feed related to Pouncer, so I can't take her to the vet any time soon. She's due for a yearly next month anyhow.... but I was just wondering if there's a chnce the limp will get worse or she just has a sore muscle that will be better in a few days.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    I personally feel that it is much more likely to be a sore/sprained muscle than to think the slip caused the fatty tumor to cause problems. And I would expect her to limp for quite a few days (as a larger dog who has to put a lot of wieght on the leg and an older dog who would heal slower). So just keep a very close eye on her, but I see no reason to panic.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    Northern Canada
    I agree that she's probably pulled a muscle. My old girl is starting to do pull or strain muscles fairly frequently. Usually she hasn't done anything out of the ordinary, she just starts to limp. My vet gave me some Metacam for her. When she hurts I give her a dose and in a couple days she's fine again. I imagine that she will need daily medication at some point, but for now this works. I hope Nicki is feeling better soon!
    If you are lucky enough to find a way of life you love, you must find the courage to live it.
    --John Irving

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2004

    watch the situation

    I would keep an eye on that tumor. It could be growing and knocking her leg out of socket a bit. Her limp may be because of adjusting to the "new" adjustment. That would make her muscles sore until they compensate.
    I would compare it to the same feeling you may have when walking on crutches for the first time. Your arms are just held out a bit and the muscles are adjusting. The dog may feel better in a week.
    I would consider having that fatty tumor removed in the future. It is causing the problem but it may be something that can work out a bit until proper treatment. We all live with aches and pains that we wait until it's necessary to get them fixed. I waited several months for surgery for a broken ankle!
    So just watch the tumor and make sure it doesn't harden!
    Scooby, Shaggy the "Dogs", Ms. Thang the "Cat" and introducing Measley Weasle "The Ferret".

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    Tabbyville, PA
    Well she's limping worse today

    The vet said not to remove the tumors because she has so many and they will just reappear ina few months anyway. She's too old to undergo "unneccesary" surgery right now.

    I have some pain reliver from the vet for her and lets see what that does.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    My dogs have done that alot exspecially my Newf they are different being a big dog now when i got her she was 6 months old and the breeder told me that they are not supposed to go down stairs until she is atleast 10 months point to my story we had to get arial rugs for our home because it is all hardwood and is not good on there hips and they dont have as much traction as the would walking around on carpet,She started limping around one day so we took her to the vets and his words were she most likely gave herself a charlie horse (easiest way he could explain it) i wouldnt worry too to much but then again we always do when it comes to our babies

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