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Thread: Dog Breeds

  1. #1

    Dog Breeds

    I have two Rottweilers,..and owners of these beautiful, loyal, intelligent dogs know they are much maligned by the general population. Raised correctly, they are the kindest, most even tempered, loveable dogs of most breeds. I can teach my male, Tuff, most anything with a few crackers and 10 minutes. And neither of my Rottys would hurt a fly. My male was even afraid of my Manx's kittens when they were first crawling outta the box. That was a funny sight. I will miss them dearly when they are I do my lil cat.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Windham, Vermont, USA
    Whenever I see Rottweilers in movies, they are portrayed as big bad dogs - usually belonging to the villian! I think people associate even just the Doberman/Rottweiler markings with "mean" dogs. My first dog was a mixed breed, probably shepherd/Dobe or Rottie, with the classic Rottie markings, and though she was a sweetheart, people were afraid of her at first sight. Did keep door-to-door salesmen away, though!

  3. #3
    Rottweilers are good dogs but it breaks my heart to see them overweight. I like to say that a Rottweiler is a Doberman Pincer on steroids (jokingly)

    [This message has been edited by windcaller (edited 06-26-2000).]

  4. #4
    I love Rottweilers, but in my opinion, dalmations rule!!!!!!!!!! My dalmation, Lucky is probably the sweetest dog on earth.
    Some people think dalmations are mean, but Lucky can barely hurt his own fleas, let alone hurt a person!!!!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Diamondhead, MS 39525
    I think mixed breeds are the way to go! I have two pound puppies that are the smartest, most loveable dogs! They're great lap dogs (kind of awkward at 40 lbs. each), good watchdogs (even my deaf one!), and wonderful companions!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Diamondhead, MS 39525
    I hit the submit button before I was finished..... I am in agreement that the Rotts and Dobies get bad raps! They are sweet dogs, but unfortunately are portrayed as mean!

  7. #7
    Well, I think English Springer Spaniels Rule!! I love my "Chase", she always is there for you to pet her head!! She is definately a people dog. She thinks she is human more than canine!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Lubbock, TX, USA
    i guess i will be the first to post about all the little dogs - i have a dachsund and a toy poodle (both of which have napoleon complexes) - true lapdogs are wonderful anytime

  9. #9
    I guess I'm the fool here.. I have Basset Hounds From Hell... AKA Spawns Of Satan. On the outside they look fine, but once you know them, or they want attention, watch out! Granted most times they sleep, eat and sleep some more, but they have their times! But for some reason they seem to be the only pure breeds I get...

    My oldest son who was a fantastic Mutt was 1/2 shep and 1/2 lab (both parents were champions) was put down due to cancer sadly. He was my best friend and guardian. I'll never find another like him. He was his Daddy's side kick, traveling partner, ard helper and bestest friend in the world. The day we had to put him down I'll never forget my husband's face and him refusing to let me go with him. We cashed in a CD we saved for a house to pay for is cancer treatments, nothing was too good for him. Man I miss him!!!

    Please Help Me To Be Half The Human My Kritters Think I Am!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Fort Wayne, IN USA

    My husband and I have 4 dogs, 2 full breeds and 2 mixed. Our 2 full breeds came from our local shelter. We have a 10 month old blue merle Great Dane whose name is Jasmine, a 2-4 year old Australian Sheperd named Shawna, a 2 year old 3/4 Australian 1/4 German Sheperd named Sox, and a 1.5 year old 1/2 Husky 1/2 Pitbull (another maligned breed). I really have no preference between full and mixed breeds. I have read however, that mixed breeds tend to be healthier. I am another person who feels that Rotties and Dobies have gotten a raw deal. They are only mean if they are trained that way...just like the pits. For the most part they are loving devoted part of the family.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Lake, MI USA
    Hi gang!

    As the owner over the years of both mixed breeds and purebreds, I can honestly say that the best mixture I've ever come across is a Springer/Lab. I think you get the best of both breeds, because you don't get the big size of the Lab, and you don't get the medical problems of the Springer. I have two of them now, and they are both smart little cookies...they are very sensitive to my hubby's medical conditions and will stick VERY close to him when he's having troubles. And this is something we didn't have to teach them - they picked it up on their own.

    Regarding the behavior of certain breeds, it's all in the person who trains them and how they are treated. My theory is that you treat the animal the way you wish to be treated. :-)

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Drama Queen Rehab
    My first dog was a cocker and I am forever addicted to the breed! She was such a lady!

    About a year after her death, we adopted a boxer. What a difference! While our cocker was dainty and elegant, our boxer is rough and tumble! She can always make us smile with her goofy antics.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Loudon, Tennessee USA
    We have a pure bred boxer and a mix breed chow and german shepard. The boxer is just two years old and he is such a big silly dog. He even cries when he gets in trouble. The chow and shepard mix is a great dog. I was a bit concered when i rescued her from the side of the road, you could tell she was definantly part chow (yet another breed with a bad reputation) But she is my five year old son's best friend. We didn't even have to train her not to jump on my son, she automaticly sits and lets him pet her. I couldn't ask for better dogs!


  14. #14
    My favourite breed is the Lab. Labs make great farm dogs. I have a golden lab now, named Jesse, and I did have a black lab named Buster but she died last July.

    If Barbie is so popular, why do we have to buy all her friends serparately?

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Wilmington, DE, USA
    I have a Rott - a wonderful, lovable baby! His name is Czer, but I call him "little boy"! Well, he was once! Now he weighs in at 143 (last trip to the vet in April) He is almost 7 years old but thinks he's a lap puppy! Likes to play ball and LOVES his tummy rubbed. He chases the squirrels up the trees and anything else that enters "his" yard. Everyone who meets him, loves him. He's such a sweetheart.

    I have always owned a dog...we had Cocker Spaniels, German Shepherds, Siberian Huskey, Miniature Pincer and now the Rotty. I loved them all. Sorry I couldn't choose a favorite breed.

    Respect your elders, you will be one some day.

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