ok, this is not about my dogs (who I love very much!), but I just had an experience with a co-worker today. Ok, one of the girls cut her hair, almost all of it! I think it looks great, and so do alot of people, but a couple of people don't, which is fine, I don't have a problem with that. But there is one girl (well, woman, she's 41) who can't let it go, she just keeps on & on about it. Today she actually told me she HATED the other girls hair, now she looks like a dyke! I couldn't believe my ears! How dare she say something like that, how would she like it if someone told her that, but of course, it wouldn't bother her, she'd never cut her hair like that. I think it is so racist, we have a few gay people working with us and I've heard her say other things. It just really bothers me.
"If you can't say something nice, don't say nothing at all" didn't we learn that from Thumpers Mom in the movie Bambi (hey, I made it a little about animals). I don't know, maby I'm taking this too serious, but I have worked with her for almost 7 years and get so tired of the way she talks about people. I told her I would never say something like that (she said alot more than what I told you), I have more consideration for people than that. Then she gets upset and says "This is a free country, people have the right to say whatever they want", but at the price of hurting someones feelings? Sorry this is so long, but tell me if I'm over-reacting.