Okay, when we first got Misty she was quite rough, she still is but not quite so much. Sometimes we'll be petting her and she'll be totally content then all of a sudden she'll bite our hands and not let go, or start trying to smack our faces! She had stopped doing this but its started up again. Sometimes too when we pick her up she'll growl.
We don't think she was handled too much in her previous home, as she gets very nervous when we hold her. She likes lying on laps though. She's such a sweet girl... but its like she's got a split personality at times. One minute she'll be purring and licking your face and the next she'll have your hand gripped in her mouth! She still quite young, she's only 16 months old so maybe as she matures she'll outgrow it? I don't know...

Any ideas on what to do about this???