Hi PTer's .. I need a little advice .. or something to know I'm not completely insane .. and you guys are the only people I know who would probably feel the same way as I do ..

I started a pt job at Petcetera the other day and today is only my second day and I want out. I was hired to clean small animal cages and deal with customers. I just can't seem to work there and just think of it as just a job and not be bothered by everything around me ... I have much too big of a heart for animals to not get upset over certain things. The people working there don't give a rats ass about the animals .. its all about the product. And the poor animals get zero attention. Only the bit from me in the morning when I cleaned their cages. And the room where you clean their cages is just filthy .. I don't know if all pet stores are like that but it was gross back there ... Then to make matters worse I found 1 dead betta this morning, and while cleaning the birds cubicles I found a dead budgie laying in the water and feces at the bottom that looks like it had been dead for weeks ... not to mention the birds were very distraught as compared to most birds in petstores .. they were frightened to death when I opened their door.

I honestly thought I would accept that occasional death would be a part of the job and that this job would be perfect for me .. and maybe I could if I were working at a different store .. I just don't like the way this store operates. It feels wrong .. anyway I don't want to go back tomorrow .. I don't think I can handle it ..

Has anyone else been in this situation..? Or have any comments or advice?

Thanks for listening ..