Why am I cursed to know really dingy pet owners? Sigh, first the problem with Squirt (the cat I was going to get before Remus, if anyone remembers. Oh as an update to that, the lady sold her house and moved so I don't know what happened to the poor girl!) and now this:

As you know I was *supposedly* adopting my MILs kitty, Isabo. Well....My MIL is being real wishy washy right now she's like one minute yeah I need to give my cat to you guys cause I cant aford her care blah blah blah and then the next minute shes all Im not giving my cat up to anyone especially you (she is P***ed at my hubby right now and she is trying to use the poor kitty as a manipulation tool. Grrr I hate when animals get in the middle of this garbage)

I really do think that if she can't aford to care for two cats she really should do the right thing and give one cat up. I wouldn't ask her to give up her male cat, as he is majorly attached to her. But since Isabo isn't all that attached to my MIL (she is kind of aloof to her, she gets along with John REALLY well though) for one and for two really doesn't get along well with the dogs (the big GSD scares her to death sometimes), I think it would be better for her to go to another home. I'm just afraid that if she is mad at John, she will just take Isabo back to the shelter

Since she is POed at John, she is POed at me by proxy. *sigh* So talking to her wouldn't work (Ive tried, she's blown me off)
What do I do here??? this really makes me upset...